32 research outputs found


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    This article analyses the innovation system of Lithuania. It discusses the essence of innovation, the process of innovation development and components of innovation system, innovation system of Lithuania and forms of support for innovations. Situation of Lithuania is analyzed towards summary innovation index and global innovation index. Made research and comparative analysis reveals the situation of innovation development in Lithuanian companies. The paper provides the conclusions about innovation system of Lithuania and suggestions how this scope could be improved. KEY WORDS: innovation, support for innovations, innovation index

    The Collapse of Communism as the End of the Modernity Project? Post-Soviet Transformation Narratives of the Lithuanian Population

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     The article analyses how Lithuanian inhabitants remember and assess the post-communist transformation and searches for the narratives that can be interpreted through the lens of modernization theories. The paper draws on a dataset of 43 biographical interviews collected in 2021 in Panevėžys city and Panevėžys district. Employing the method of thematic narrative analysis, four dominant narratives of post-soviet transformation were identified: “demodernization”, “real modernization”, “continuation of neo-traditionalism” and “continuation of modernity”. In the narrative of “demodernization”, the Soviet regime is seen as the true modernity, and the post-Soviet transformation is perceived as a process of demodernization, when progress is replaced by stagnation or regression, manifested in the decline of industry and the disappearance of other attributes of modernity. In the narrative of “true modernity”, on the contrary, the Soviet era is seen as a false or failed modernity characterized by inefficiency and backwardness, and the features of modernity are attributed to the new order emerging after the restoration of independence. The narratives of “continuity of neo-traditionalism” and “continuity of modernity” observe similar features in both the Soviet era and the period of transformation, but the former emphasizes the neo-traditionalist or “anti-modern” features of both periods, such as inefficiency, corruption, and privilege, while the latter sees both periods as progressive in their own ways

    Rinkodara: nuo klasikinės teorijos iki šiuolaikinio pritaikymo

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    Leidinys skirtas studijuojantiesiems rinkodarą - bakalaurams, magistrantams, doktorantams bei visiems kitiems, visada norintiems sužinoti savo srities šauniausius dalykus. Jis papildo aukštųjų mokyklų studentams skirtą mokymo priemonę „Inovacijų vadyba. Naujas produktas - nuo idėjos iki vartotojo“, išleistą 2001 m. Leidinio medžiaga sudomins smalsius žmones, neturinčius laiko skaityti storų knygų, tačiau norinčius suprasti rinkodaros esmę, nuodugniau pažinti praktines rinkodaros komplekso priemonių taikymo galimybes kuriant naują prekę, suprasti, kokiems rinkodaros specialistams priklauso ateitis: ar tiems, kurie fiziškai nepajėgdami susiieškoti vartotojų dideliais kiekiais siunčia nepageidaujamus rinkodaros pranešimus, tikėdamiesi, kad šie atsiųs jiems pinigų, ar tiems, kurie sukuria pagrindą ir veikia ten, kur susidomėję žmonės gali tarpusavyje vykdyti rinkodarą, suburia vartotojų tinklus, pasitraukia iš kelio ir leidžia vartotojams kalbėti

    Demokratija be epitetų: Carlas Schmittas ir pandemijos laikų Lietuva

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    Vos prieš pusantrų metų pandeminės kasdienybės atributai būtų neįsivaizduojami, o nebestebinančios karantino priemonės galbūt net atrodytų neteisėtos. Kita vertus, politiškai tarsi gyvename įprastai – (bene) viską valdžia (tiek dabartinė, tiek ir praėjusios kadencijos) pandemijos akivaizdoje daro nesavavališkai, tautos vardu, dėl jos gerovės. Tačiau pandemijos suvaldymo priemonės tarsi nedera prie to, ką laikome politiniu įprastumu, – prie liberalios politinės sistemos, kur asmens teisių suvaržymas ir jo gyvenimo administravimas mikro lygmeniu iš esmės nepriimtinas, o diskusija laikoma absoliučia vertybe ir visų gerų sprendimų pamatu. Tad kaip paaiškinti šį pandeminės politinės realybės dvilypumą? Kas ištiko Lietuvos politinį gyvenimą? Galiausiai – ar šiuo metu vis dar gyvename liberaliojoje demokratijoje

    The financial and economic crisis of 2008-2012 in lithuania in the eyes of 'winners' and 'losers' of post-soviet transformations.

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    By employing an anthropological point of view, this bachelor thesis ("The Financial and Economic Crisis of 2008-2012 in Lithuania in the Eyes of 'Winners' and 'Losers' of Post-Soviet Transformations") explores what the financial and economic crisis of 2008-2012 means to ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ of post-Soviet transformations in Lithuania. Drawing from the premise of dual relativity of a crisis (it is experienced in different ways by different people; its experience depends on other events in time around it) a question is raised – how does the new great crisis that started in 2008 appear in the narratives of Lithuanian society, divided up by another crisis in the past – the post-Soviet transformations? To answer this question the research conceptualizes the split and categories of the post-Soviet ‘winners’ and ‘losers’, theorizes about the dimensions of crisis experience. Then, 19 people of different backgrounds are interviewed (semi-structured qualitative interview method), their answers are coded interpretatively and analyzed. Finally, the results and their implications are discussed. The research has found that there is no single narrative about the crisis in the country. Meanwhile, categories of ‘winners’ and ‘losers’, also fragmented inside, have revealed opposite poles of ideal principles when it comes to assessing the role of the crisis in their personal life trajectories and that of their country, the nature of the crisis, responsibility during the crisis, and evaluation of the government response to the crisis. Also, the 2008-2012 crisis is understood in both categories as of the similar kind as the post-Soviet transformations and the COVID-19 pandemic. In other words, the economic crisis is framed between those other two crises. This research, probably the first to look into the event of the economic crisis this way, brings new knowledge into the academic field dominated by literature of other methodological approaches and raises some important questions for the future

    Tarptautinis marketingas

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    Knygoje išsamiai aptariama tarptautinio marketingo aplinka, jo komplekso elementų taikymo galimybės ir svarbiausios problemos. Šiuo leidiniu skaitytojai supažindinami su pagrindiniais tarptautinio makretingo teiginiais ir su verslo įmonių įėjimo j užsienio rinkas formomis ir metodais. Leidinys skiriamas studentams, specialistams, aktyviems mokslininkams, verslininkams, palaikantiems tarptautinius ryšius su užsienio partneriais, ir kitiems, norintiems išsiaiškinti tarptautinio marketingo esmę bei praktinio jo taikymo aspektus