163 research outputs found

    Taxol-DNA interactions: fluorescence and CD studies of DNA groove binding properties of taxol

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    Taxol is perhaps the most successful drug used for the treatment of various cancers. Comprehensive literature accumulated on therapeutics of the drug has indicated numerous side effects. In this paper, by use of fluorescence spectroscopy, it is shown that taxol binds to DNA with an affinity constant (Ka) of 1.08×107 M-1. This binding is accompanied by a large 'red edge excitation shift' (REES) of fluorescence emission maximum in taxol-DNA complex. The results point to an interaction of taxol with its core eight-membered ring in the DNA groove and the three phenyl rings projecting away from the DNA. The drug encompasses about two base pairs of DNA upon binding to it. Systematic studies with taxol analogues confirms such a mode of binding. These interesting findings on hitherto unknown taxol-DNA interactions may have clinical implications in view of its large number of side effects and pharmacokinetics

    Soil Physico Chemical Properties and Macronutrients Evaluation during Sowing and after Harvesting of Crop at High Altitude Leh Ladakh India

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    The present study was aimed to investigate the effect of physico-chemical parameters and soil macro-nutrients to know the nutrient uptake status during sowing time (ST) and after the harvesting (AH) of crops of Leh-Ladakh. In this context, total 55 no. of soil samples were collected from the eleven villages. Thereafter, soil texture, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), organic carbon (OC), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) were analyzed as per the standard methods. The results exhibited variation in different studied parameters at ST and AH, are OC (ST- 1.70 ± 0.11; AH-2.31±0.08), N (ST- 171.54±11.40; AH- 212.03±13.18), P (ST- 75.62±8.16; AH- 96.32±11.56), pH (ST- 8.12±0.05; AH- 8.16±0.06), EC (ST- 0.48±0.04; AH- 0.58±17), TDS (ST-309±22.41; AH-189±16.42) and soil texture gradient (Sand: ST-75.16±1.27 & AH-71.75±1.26, Silt: ST- 18.55±1.09 & AH- 20.66±1.02 and clay: ST- 6.33±0.53 & AH- 7.76±0.63). The comparison of physico-chemical parameters, macronutrients, soil texture, and organic carbon at sowing time (ST) and after harvesting (AH) revealed significant difference in some macronutrients, EC, and organic carbon, whereas no changes were observed in soil texture, pH and phosphorus. Hence, this study highlights the need of physico-chemical parameters management during crops sowing for enhancing macronutrients availability to crops in trans-Himalayan high altitude region

    Development of Region Specific Hybrid Goat and their Performance Evaluation under High Altitude Condition

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    Goat meat (chevon) comprises an important source of protein to provide essential amino acids in addition to other meat and plant sources of proteins. Therefore, demands for chevon are huge from civil and defence sector in this region. However, there is limited availability of fresh tender chevon in Ladakh region round the year. Hence, there was a need of augmenting local availability of fresh goat meat by developing animal technology for fast growing region-specific crossbred goat for meat purpose that can efficiently perform under adverse climatic conditions prevailing in this region. The present crossbred goat was developed by using mixing genes of adaptive and meat traits through cross breeding between local goats (Changthangi and Gaddi breeds of goats) and Sirohi/Black Bengal goats. To develop this technology, we introduced Black Bengal and Sirohi from plain areas and native breed of goats viz. Gaddi and Changthangi goats for further adaptation and growth performance studies at Leh-Ladakh. After initial studies goats were divided into high altitude resistant/adapted and susceptible groups. High altitude resistant/adapted goats were taken for further cross breeding and pure breeding. All the kids produced out of this breeding were studied for physiological responses, growth performance, and blood biochemical parameters to know their adaptive and growth performance at high altitude. Crossbred kids of Sirohi ♂/Black Bengal ♂ X Changthangi ♀ had significantly (P<0.05) higher weight gain, adaptive physiological responses and blood biochemicals level as compared to exotic pure bred and other cross bred kids. These crossbred kids attained market weight faster than local as well as breeds from plain areas (Sirohi and Black Bengal goats). Average meat yield is 7-10 kg per adult crossbred goat if slaughtered at 9-12 month age. These cross bred (broiler goat) may be reared at Leh-Ladakh for meat purpose. Hence, this animal technology may help in increasing of fresh goat meat (chevon) supply to meet army’s and civil requirements in Leh-Ladakh

    Pathogenic and Molecular Variability of Aspergillus niger Isolates Causing Collar Rot Disease in Groundnut

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    Pathogenic variability studies of 26 isolates of collar rot pathogen (Aspergillus niger) of groundnut collected from different districts of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh states were conducted under greenhouse conditions by using two groundnut cultivars TMV-2 and JL-24. The mean seedling mortality ranged from 29.7 per cent (MBNRAn-1 (Palkapally)) to 94.4 per cent (ATPAn-1 (Jogannapet)). All the isolates of A. niger showed differential reaction with regard to seedling mortality on JL-24 and TMV-2 cultivars. Similarly genetic relatedness among eight virulent isolates (two isolates from each district) of A. niger from groundnut was assessed by using RAPD analysis. The similarity index values among the A. niger isolates varied from 0.571 (between WGL An-2 and CHT An-3) to 0.229 (between MBNR An-3 and WGL An-2)


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    This review gives concise information about the application of dendrimers in the field of drug delivery. Due to their unique architecture these have improved physical and chemical properties. Due to their terminal groups these show high solubility, miscibility and reactivity. Dendrimers have well defined size, shape, molecular weight and monodispersity. These properties make the dendrimers a suitable carrier in drug delivery application. Dendrimers are unimolecular miceller in nature and due to this enhances the solubility of poorly soluble drugs. Their compatibility with DNA, heparin and polyanions make them more versatile. Dendrimers, also referred as modern day polymers, they offer much more good properties than the conventional polymers. Due to their multivalent and mono disperse character dendrimers have stimulated wide interest in the field of chemistry biology, especially in applications like drug delivery, gene therapy and chemotherapy. Self assembly produces a faster means of generating nanoscopic functional and structural systems. But their actual utility in drug delivery can be assessed only after deep understanding of factors affecting their properties and their behavior in vivo. Key words: Dendrimers, Drug targeting, nanoscale carriers

    Resistance Screening of Groundnut Advanced Breeding Lines against Collar Rot and Stem Rot Pathogens

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    Forty groundnut advanced breeding lines along with susceptible checks JL-24, J-11 and TMV-2 were used for collar rot (Aspergillus niger) and stem rot (Sclerotium rolfsii) disease screening. Based on the per cent number of plants affected by the collar rot pathogen, the advanced breeding lines were categorized into four groups. The lines present in group I (Resistant) having < 15% incidence, group II (Moderately resistant) having 15.1 to 30%, group III (Susceptible) having 30.1 to 45 % and group IV (Highly susceptible) having > 45% incidence. Similarly among 40 breeding lines only three lines (ICGV86699, ICGV91114 and ICGV 89280) have shown stem rot disease reaction below 3 (up to 25 % plants were symptomatic) and considered to be moderately resistant to stem rot pathogen. The advanced breeding line ICGV99058 has recorded a disease reaction of 5 scale (> 50 % of the plants symptomatic) equal to the susceptible checks which is considered to be highly susceptible to stem rot pathogen

    Investigations on prevalence of aflatoxin contamination in major groundnut growing states of India, influence of soil characteristics and farmers’ level of awareness

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    Food safety issues are of major concern in groundnut due to aflatoxin contamination by Aspergillus flavus. Monitoring aflatoxin prevalence and understanding the factors responsible can provide useful information for devising effective management strategies. The present study focused on mapping the pre-harvest aflatoxin contamination in India along with its determining factors. A comprehensive survey was undertaken during 2012-2014 in four major groundnut growing States such as Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu. Pod (n=2434) and rhizospheric soil samples (n=1322) were collected to ascertain A. flavus populations and pre-harvest aflatoxin contamination. Further, kernel aflatoxin levels were correlated with soil organic carbon, available calcium and pH levels in the fields from where the samples were collected. Farmers’ awareness on aflatoxin problem was also determined using a semi-structured questionnaire. Our results indicate wide variations in the occurrence of pre-harvest aflatoxin contamination levels of kernels among different States (0 - 5486 ppb) and samples within States. Detectable levels of aflatoxins (>1ppb) were highest in Karnataka (70.5%), whereas it was lowest in Andhra Pradesh (32.9%). Correlation studies revealed that aflatoxin contents were positively associated with soil pH (r = 0.54-0.99) and A. flavus populations (r = 0.63 in Gujarat; r = 0.75 in Karnataka) whereas soil organic carbon and available calcium were negatively correlated with toxin levels in kernels (r = -0.99). Farmers’ awareness was considerably poor in all the States under survey. Overall, our results suggest the prevalence of aflatoxin contamination in major groundnut growing areas in India, and influence of certain edaphic factors

    Resistance to late leaf spot and rust diseases in ICRISAT’s mini core collection of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

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    Late leaf spot (LLS) (Phaeoisariopsis personata) and rust (Puccinia arachidis) are major foliar diseases of peanut causing significant losses worldwide. Identification and infusion of resistance into peanut cultivars is important in the management of these diseases. The present study therefore aimed at screening the peanut mini core collection to identify potential sources of resistance to these diseases. Two separate field experiments were conducted for screening LLS and rust under artificial epiphytotic conditions during rainy seasons of 2012 and 2013 at ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. The trials were laid in a randomized complete block design on beds with three replications. Data on LLS and rust disease severities were collected using 1 to 9 scales at 75, 90 and 105 days after sowing (DAS), and pod yields were recorded at harvest. Results indicate significant variations among accessions for LLS and rust resistance. Mean of 2 years study revealed that 53 accessions were moderately resistant (MR), 86 accessions were susceptible (S) and 45 accessions were highly susceptible (HS) to LLS. For rust disease, 10 accessions were resistant (R), 115 accessions were with ‘MR’ reaction and 59 accessions with susceptible (S) reaction. Six superior accessions in terms of combined disease resistance and yield (ICGs 4389, 6993, 11426, 4746, 6022, 11088) were selected and the disease progress curves, for each, were generated. Highest yields were recorded with ICG 11426 in LLS and rust plots. Overall, our results indicate that these six accessions can be potential sources of LLS and rust resistance

    Commercial Potential of Microbial Inoculants for Sheath Blight Management and Yield Enhancement of Rice

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    Sheath blight of rice is an economically significant disease worldwide. Use of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), one type of microbial inoculants, for sheath blight management and yield enhancement of rice is gaining popularity in modern agriculture due to increasing concerns with the use of chemical fungicides. Among different microbial inoculants, PGPR are used for their growth-promoting activities and managing sheath blight in rice. However, the efficacy of experimental PGPR strains is typically not consistent under field conditions due to limited knowledge of their formulations, shelf life, delivery systems, compatibility with chemicals and agronomic practices, and the mode of action. In this chapter, a general review on scope and commercial potential of various PGPR for rice sheath blight management and yield enhancement is provided. Efficacy results obtained from tests with Integral®, a current commercial product, which contains the strain Bacillus subtilis MBI600, are presented as an example of the potential for PGPR in management strategies for sheath blight
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