4 research outputs found
Anterior Teeth and Smile Designing: A Prospective View
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Visible Portion of Anterior Teeth at Rest
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Modifying Gummy Smile: A Minimally Invasive Approach
- Author
- Fowler P.
- Geron S Atalia W.
- Harris IA Harris AM, Naylor JM, Adie S, Mittal R, Dao AT.
- Hong RK Lim SM, Heo JM, Baek SH.
- Hulsey C.
- Hwang WS Hur MS, Hu KS, Song WC, Koh KS, Baik HS, Kim ST, Kim HJ, Lee KJ.
- Ishida LH Ishida LC, Ishida J, Grynglas J, Alonso N, Ferreira MC.
- Kokich VG.
- Lee EA.
- Livada R Shiloah J.
- Peck S Peck L, Kataja M.
- Peck S Peck L.
- Polo M.
- Rubenstein A Kostianovsky A.
- Simon Z Rosenblatt A, Dorfman W.
- Suber JS Dinh TP, Prince MD, Smith PD.
- Tjan AH Miller GD, The JG.
- Vig RG Brundo GC.
- Publication venue
- 'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Varying Perception of Smile Esthetics-A Deviation from the Norm: A Pictorial Questionnaire-based Survey
- Author
- Ackermann J Ackermann M, Brensinger C.
- Brisman AS Hirsch SM, Paige HH, Hamburg M, Gelb M.
- Cracel-Nogueira F Pinho T.
- Eli I Bar-Tal Y, Kostovetzki.
- Espeland LV Stenvik A.
- Feng XP Newton JT, Robinson PG.
- Frush JO Fisher RD.
- Gerlach RW Barker ML, Sagel PA.
- Gerlach RW Gibb RD, Sagel PA.
- Goldstein RE.
- Golubs-Evans J.
- Jon LYTC Morante DRH, Bernabé E.
- Jornung JO.
- Kerosuo H Hausen H, Laine T, Shaw WC.
- Kokich VO Jr Kiyak HA, Shapiro PA.
- Kokich VO Kokich VG, Kiyak HA.
- kumar S Gandhi S.
- Lucker GW Graber LW.
- Moore T
- Morley J Eubank J.
- Neumann LM Christensen C, Cavanaugh C.
- Newton J Prabhu N, Robinson P.
- Sarver DM.
- Shaw WC Lewis HG, Robertson NRE.
- Shaw WC.
- Shaw WC.
- Shulman J Maupome G, Clark D, Levy S.
- Vallittu PK Vallittu ASJ, Lassila VP.
- Vig RG Brundo GC.
- Publication venue
- 'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study