176 research outputs found

    Prilog proučavanju odraza svetačkog imena Ivan u hrvatskoj antroponimiji

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    U ovome se radu nastoji dati pregled mnogobrojnih i raznolikih odraza svetačkog imena Ivan u hrvatskome antroponimijskom fondu s osobitim naglaskom na područje južne Dalmacije (uključujući Boku kotorsku) i Donje Hercegovine. U uvodnome se dijelu rada donose odrazi hebrejskoga muškog osobnog imena Jehochánán u raznim indoeuropskim i neindoeuropskim jezicima, potom se tumači postanje hrvatskoga svetačkog imena Ivan i njegovi odrazi u hrvatskome antroponimijskom fondu s posebnim naglaskom na sličnosti i razlike s antroponimijskim fondovima bliskih južnoslavenskih jezika.This paper tries to give an overview of the many various reflections of he saint’s name John in the Croatian anthroponimic system. The authorfocuses on the area of south Dalmatia (including Boka kotorska) and Donja Hercegovina. In the introductory part of the paper the reflections of the Hebrew personal name Jehochánán in different Indo-European andnon-Indo-European languages are given. The origin of the Croatian saint’sname Ivan and its various reflections in the Croatian anthroponimic systemare explained. Special emphasis is placed on the similarities with anddifferences from the anthroponimic systems of other closely related SouthSlavic languages

    Prilog proučavanju odraza svetačkog imena Juraj u hrvatskoj antroponimiji

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    U ovome se radu pokušava dati pregled mnogobrojnih i raznolikih odraza svetačkog imena Juraj u hrvatskome antroponimijskom sustavu s osobitim naglaskom na područje Zažablja (prostora između rječice Misline, istočno od Metkovića, i zapadnih granica nekadašnje Dubrovačke Republike, a danas općine Dubrovačko primorje, te prostora od Hrasna na sjeveru do Neuma na jugu) i Popova (jugozapadne Hercegovine). Na temelju odabrane literature i autorova terenskog istraživanja nastoje se iznijeti i neke izvanjezične (poglavito povijesne i sociolingvističke) činjenice koje su uzrok takvu stanju.The author tries to give an overview of different reflections of the saint’s name Juraj in Croatian anthroponimy on the basis of sources and data collected during fieldwork (sometimes even in the name formula of a single person, e.g. Zȍran Etẽrović Kalajūrȅ Zȗra). Special emphasis is given to the Zažablje-Popovo Area. The popularity of St. Juraj, the position of Croatia on the borderline between the Christian West and East (the relationship of personal names Juraj and/or Đur[a]đ with the names Georgije and Đorđe), different substrate and adstrate elements and migrations (Zorzi, Đerđa, Jorga, Kalađurđ, Jurađ) as well as the interfusion of early Croatian beliefs and Christianity (the relationship of St. Juraj – Perun) caused very early (from the 11th century), numerous and heterogeneous reflections of this Saint’s name in the Croatian anthroponimic system

    Obiteljski nadimci u Puciscima na otoku Bracu

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    U ovome su radu obradena 232 obiteljska nadimka u Puciscima na otoku Bracu. Obiteljski su nadimci, kao dodatan vid identifikacije koji se razvio još u pretprezimenskome razdoblju, a kasnije je sve zastupljeniji zbog brojnosti nositelja pojedinih prezimena, svojevrsni specifikum hrvatskih otoka koji dosad nije dostatno proucen. U Puciscima se obiteljski nadimci bilježe od konca 16. st. te se na temelju njihove motivacije može djelomicno rekonstruirati fond osobnih imena (odnos hrvatskih narodnih imena te hrvatskih i novijih romanskih prilagodenica kršcanskih imena), vanjština (posebice tjelesne mane), karakterne crte (uglavnom nekonvencionalne) te podrijetlo i svakodnevni život Puciscana. Fond je obiteljskih nadimaka znatno otvoreniji inojezicnim sustavima (poglavito romanskim) te je odraz svojevrsne tisucljetne hrvatsko-romanske simbioze na istocnoj obali Jadranskoga mora.This paper discusses family nicknames in Pucisca on the island of Brac. Family nicknames, as an additional aspect of identification that developed due to the fact that numerous individuals carried the same family name, are a characteristic of Croatian islands and have not been sufficiently studied so far. The earliest recorded nicknames in Pucisca are from the end of the 16th century, and based on their motivation a fund of personal names can be partially reconstructed (the relationship of Croatian national names with Croatian and Romance forms of Christian names), as can the physical appearance of their first carriers (especially physical defects) and their characteristics (mostly unconventional, origin and occupation of the inhabitants of Pucisca). The fund of family nicknames is much more open to foreign language systems (especially Romance) than are family names and is a reflection of a Croatian-Romance symbiosis on the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea

    Croatian and Ukrainian Anthroponymy: The Examples of the Most Common Croatian and Ukrainian Names and Surnames

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    In this paper, the Croatian and Ukrainian anthroponymic corpus are compared based on the twenty most common male and female names and surnames. The linguistic and cultural similarities between the Croatian and Ukrainian first name corpus are evidenced in the two most common Croatian and Ukrainian female names are Marija and Ana (Ukrainian Gana). Besides many homonymic or similar sounding modern Croatian and Ukrainian first names, the Croatian and Ukrainian first name corpora also include cognate local and historical forms for the Christian names Josip (Ukr. Osip) and Nikola (Cro. dial. Mikula and Ukr. Mikola). Smaller differences arise from the fact that Croatians are, for the most part, Catholic, while Ukrainians are, for the most part, Orthodox Christian, resulting in a portion of the Christian names used by Ukrainians having been directly borrowed from Greek (e.g., Grigorij), while they entered Croatian through Latin as an intermediary (e.g., Grgur). The most significant differences between the Croatians and Ukrainians lie in the surname corpus in which Croatian surnames originating from first names dominate, while in Ukraine surnames derived from terms for occupations dominate

    Toponomy of the village Dubljani in Popovo

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    U ovome se radu na temelju terenskog istraživanja obrađuje toponimija danas gotovo posve napuštenoga sela Dubljani u Popovu u istočnoj Hercegovini. U mjesnoj su toponimiji najzastupljeniji toponimi antroponimnoga postanja s pomoću kojih se upoznajemo s negdašnjim i današnjim imovinsko-pravnim ustrojem srednjovjekovnog Huma, toponim Satùlija (‘Sanctus Elias’) spomen je na davne romansko-hrvatske dodire, a na primjeru toponima Sačìvišće upoznajemo se s veoma složenom dijalektnom slikom istočne Hercegovine.The village Dubljani is situated in the northeastern part of Popovo, which is a very suitable location: it is protected from the northern winds, and due to the dawn-to-dusk exposure to the Sun and gravelly soil it is ideal for wine-growing. It has many pastures, which are necessary for the development of cattle breeding. For these very reasons the members of the middle-age landed nobility Nikolic inhabited Dubljani. After the Turkish conquest of Hercegovina in the 15th century, Popovo found itself in an unfavorable situation since from the granary of Dubrovnik it became an area of frequent battles and robberies. Numerous toponyms of anthroponymic origin remain as traces of the tumultuous and relatively unknown past of this today almost deserted village

    First Names in a Social Context

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    In this paper, the influence of social change on the Croatian fond of first names is addressed. Once, first names served to indicate the belonging of an individual to a certain linguistic, religious or ethnic community; socio-political circum stances or affiliation with a place of origin were reflected in them, or they were a declaration of a certain social conscious ness or political choice. From the second half of the 20th century onward, they have more often come to reflect individu alization, and changes in the frequency of certain first names have become more evident. Male first names are more traditional and susceptible to the rules of inheritance, even though social circumstances are more strongly reflected in them, while female names are more open to more frequent change and to foreign linguistic systems

    Obradba etnika, ktetika i egzonima u novijim tiskanim i mrežnim vrelima Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje

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    In this paper, the treatment of demonyms, ktetics, and exonyms in the more recent print and online sources of the Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics is described. In the introductory part of the paper, the question of which of the forms of the demonyms and ktetics are appropriate for use in standard Croatian is discussed, and steps toward a new definition for exonyms are taken. In the body of the paper, the method for the treatment of demonyms, ktetics and exonyms in the Školski rječnik hrvatskog jezika (Scholastic Dictionary of Croatian Language) and the Baza etnika i ktetika (Database of demonyms and ktetics) is shown.U radu se prikazuje obradba etnika, ktetika i egzonima u novijim tiskanim i mrežnim vrelima Instituta za hrvatski i jezikoslovlje. U uvodnome se dijelu rada raspravlja o tome koji su likovi etnika i ktetika prikladni za standardnojezičnu uporabu te se upućuje na novije definicije egzonima. U središnjemu se dijelu rada prikazuje način obradbe etnika, ktetika i egzonima u Školskome rječniku hrvatskoga jezika i Bazi etnika i ktetika

    Challenges of Croatian Linguistic T Terminology – A Case Study of Onomastics

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    The first part of the paper gives an overview of the Croatian Linguistic Terminology – Jena project stating its goals and achievements. The project is now (March 2023) in its last year. In the second part of the paper, plans and challenges of the project are discussed. Special attention is paid to the relation of linguistic terminology to anthropological anthropolinguistic) terminology and the Jena project to the ANTRONA project, the first humanities and social sciences terminology project in the Struna program. The central part of the paper focuses on some of the most important issues and challenges (supported by examples) connected with the translation of Croatian onomastic terminology into English and vice versa