42 research outputs found

    La coherencia de la doctrina trinitaria desde la noción de función de Gottlob Frege

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    En este artículo se pretende mostrar la coherencia de los enunciados sobre el Dios uno y trino en la teología analítica, a partir de su formulación en el llamado credo atanasiano. Se ofrece un panorama crítico sobre la discusión acerca de la inteligibilidad del misterio de la Trinidad en la teología filosófica analítica reciente, así como las diversas soluciones en algunos de sus más destacados representantes: la del trinitarianismo social (William Hasker), la del trinitarianismo latino (Brian Leftow) y la identidad relativa aplicada a la teoría trinitaria (Peter van Inwagen). Para superar las dificultades que tienen estas posiciones, derivadas, sobre todo, de su problemática noción de persona, se presenta una contribución a esta discusión con un novedoso análisis de la Trinidad, basado en la noción de función de Gottlob Frege. Con este análisis se explica por qué no hay contradicción entre los enunciados trinitarios, y así se justifica la consistencia y, en consecuencia, la coherencia de la doctrina trinitaria. Abstract: This article aims to show the coherence of the statements about the one and triune God in analytic theology, starting from their formulation in the so-called Athanasian Creed. It offers a critical overview of the discussion about the intelligibility of the mystery of the Trinity in recent analytic philosophical theology, as well as the various solutions in some of its most prominent representatives: the social trinitarianism (William Hasker), the Latin trinitarianism (Brian Leftow) and the relative identity applied to trinitarian theory (Peter van Inwagen). In order to overcome the difficulties with these positions, derived, above all, from their problematic notion of personhood, a contribution to this discussion is presented with a novel analysis of the Trinity, based on Gottlob Frege's notion of function. This analysis explains why there is no contradiction between trinitarian statements, and thus justifies the consistency and, consequently, the coherence of trinitarian doctrine. &nbsp

    Euharistijsko slavlje kao izvor duhovnoga kapitala. Slučaj španjolske katoličke škole

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    Despite decades of secularization, the influence of the Christian tradition is still felt in Europe. This article focuses on the case of Spain, a country that went from being one of the most Catholic to one of the least religious in just a few decades. This article presents the study of spiritual capital using a sample of Spanish youth. There are many spiritual resources, however an example of a clear religious and spiritual resource is the Eucharist, which is still considered »spiritual food« for most Catholics. Therefore, we measure the extent to which the Mass is still a spiritual resource in the secular Spanish landscape. We capture the younger generation’s own expressions. Our results suggest that young people perceive the celebration of the Eucharist as a source of spiritual capital (experience of joy, compassion, gratitude, emotional well-being, resilience, etc.), as more than 65% of the responses refer to some of the indicators of spiritual capital. However, only 8% of students report attending the Mass regularly. The rest of the students either do not participate in the celebration of the Eucharist at all or only sporadically.Unatoč desetljećima sekularizacije, utjecaj se kršćanske tradicije još uvijek osjeća u Europi. Ovaj se članak usredotočuje na slučaj Španjolske, zemlje koja je u samo nekoliko desetljeća od jedne od najviše katoličkih postala jedna od najmanje religioznih. Ovaj članak predstavlja studiju duhovnog kapitala koristeći uzorak španjolske mladeži. Duhovnih je izvora mnogo, no primjer jasnog vjerskog i duhovnog izvora je euharistija, koju većina katolika još uvijek smatra »duhovnom hranom«. Stoga, u prilogu mjerimo u kojoj je mjeri misa još uvijek duhovni resurs u sekularnom španjolskom krajoliku. Nastojimo dohvatiti vlastite izraze mlađe generacije. Naši rezultati upućuju na to da mladi doživljavaju euharistijsko slavlje kao izvor duhovnog kapitala (iskustvo radosti, sućuti, zahvalnosti, emocionalne dobrobiti, otpornosti itd.) budući da se više od 65% odgovora odnosi na neke od pokazatelja duhovnog kapitala. Međutim, samo 8% učenika izjavljuje da redovito pohađa misu. Ostali učenici ili uopće ne sudjeluju u euharistijskom slavlju ili sudjeluju tek sporadično

    Análisis filosófico y teológico de la mentira desde la teoría de los actos de habla

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    In the current philosophical scene we have different semantic theories oftruth. Moreover, the majority of perpetrators of moral theology closely followthe thought of San Agustin and Santo Tomas de Aquino, by defining the lie as alanguage that is contrary to their own thinking with the intention to deceive. Itmust be integrated in the philosophical and theological analysis of the lie theory ofspeech acts (Austin, Searle and Habermas, among others), since lying is not justits phrase dimension. It presents, in addition, a phrase force and communicativeintent, since it can reinterpret the classical principles of the amphibole or mentalconstraint, answers with double meaning, the lesser of two evils or the whitelies.Thus, the philosophical and theological notion of lie must take into account theanalysis from the human sciences and, especially, the linguistic sciences. Inaddition, remember that it is not always possible nor desirable for humans toexpress a perfect match between what the individual says that it is true, whatthey believed to be true, and what the reality is. That is why, in addition to thephrase dimension, it is necessary to incorporate into the analysis of the speechact of lying the dimensions of coherence, authenticity, loyalty, honesty andtransparency, assuming at the same time the opacity, the paradoxes of life, andthe irony of human existence.En el panorama filosófico actual nos encontramos con diferentes teorías semánticasde la verdad. Por su parte, la mayoría de los autores de teología moral siguende cerca el pensamiento de San Agustín y de Santo Tomás de Aquino, definiendola mentira como un lenguaje contrario al propio pensamiento con la voluntad deengañar. Es preciso integrar en el análisis filosófico y teológico de la mentira lateoría de los actos de habla (Austin, Searle y Habermas, entre otros), ya que elmentir no se reduce a su dimensión locucionaria. Presenta, además, una fuerzailocucionaria y una intención comunicativa, desde la que pueden reinterpretarselos principios clásicos de la anfibolia o restricción mental, las respuestas con doblesentido, el mal menor o las mentiras piadosas.Así pues, la noción filosófica y teológica de mentira debe tener en cuenta losanálisis provenientes de las ciencias humanas y, especialmente, de las cienciaslingüísticas. Además, se debe recordar que no siempre es posible ni deseablepara los seres humanos expresar una perfecta adecuación entre lo que el individuodice que es verdad, lo que cree que es verdad y lo que la realidad es en sí. Porello, además de la dimensión locucionaria, es preciso incorporar en el análisisdel acto de habla del mentir las dimensiones de la coherencia, de la autenticidad,de la fidelidad, de la honestidad y trasparencia, asumiendo al mismo tiempo laopacidad, las paradojas de la vida y la ironía de la existencia humana

    Lived religion y fenomenología de la religión: el caso latinoamericano

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    Aunque el estudio del fenómeno religioso desde la perspectiva de la lived religion nace en los países del Atlántico Norte, varios investigadores han adoptado esta aproximación en el contexto latinoamericano para dar cuenta del hecho religioso y su evolución. Esta orientación responde a la insatisfacción que producen las conclusiones a las que llegan las teorías sociológicas clásicas cuando tratan de explicar el lugar y el sentido de la religión en el contexto de la modernidad latinoamericana, como es el caso de las teorías en torno a la secularización. Este abordaje ha resultado prometedor, en la medida en que ofrece evidencias de la presencia del fenómeno religioso en la sociedad contemporánea que no se han tenido suficientemente en cuenta anteriormente. Pero, al mismo tiempo, presenta aspectos que necesitan ser clarificados y/o desarrollados. Uno de ellos es la relación entre la lived religion y los marcos teóricos que, desde las diferentes ciencias sociales, buscan explicar el fenómeno religioso. El presente artículo presenta algunas consideraciones sobre la fecunda relación que puede establecer la lived religion con la fenomenología de la religión. Identifica aspectos en los que ambas disciplinas se complementan y enriquecen mutuamente, así como cuestiones críticas a tener en cuenta. En concreto, se propone un acercamiento fenomenológico a dos ámbitos de análisis diferenciados y, al mismo tiempo, imbricados: la lived religion y la lived spirituality.Although the study of religious phenomena from the perspective of lived religion was born in the North Atlantic countries, several researchers have adopted this approach in the Latin American context to account for the religious fact and its evolution. This orientation responds to the dissatisfaction with the conclusions reached by classical sociological theories when they try to explain the place and meaning of religion in the context of Latin American modernity, as in the case of the theories on secularization. This approach has proved promising, insofar as it offers evidence of the presence of the religious phenomenon in contemporary society that has not been sufficiently taken into account before. But, at the same time, it presents aspects that need to be clarified and/or developed. One of them is the relationship between lived religion and the theoretical frameworks that, from the different social sciences, are intended to explain the religious phenomenon. This article offers some considerations on the fruitful relationship that can be established between lived religion and the phenomenology of religion. It identifies aspects in which both disciplines complement and enrich each other, as well as critical issues to be taken into account. Specifically, it proposes a phenomenological approach to two distinct and, at the same time, intertwined fields of analysis: lived religion and lived spirituality.Embora o estudo do fenômeno religioso sob a perspectiva da lived religion nasça nos países do Atlântico Norte, vários pesquisadores vêm adotando essa abordagem no contexto latino-americano para evidenciar o ato religioso e sua evolução. Essa orientação atende a insatisfação que produzem as conclusões às quais as teorias sociológicas clássicas chegam quando tentam explicar o lugar e sentido da religião no contexto da modernidade latino-americana, como é o caso das teorias em torno da secularização. Essa abordagem é promissora já que oferece evidências da presença do fenômeno religioso na sociedade contemporânea que não foi considerado anteriormente. No entanto e ao mesmo tempo, apresenta aspectos que precisam ser esclarecidos ou desenvolvidos. Um deles é a relação entre a lived religion e os referenciais teóricos que, a partir de diferentes ciências sociais, procuram explicar o fenômeno religioso. Este artigo oferece algumas considerações sobre a fecunda relação que a lived religion pode estabelecer com a fenomenologia da religião. Identifica aspectos em que ambas as disciplinas se complementam e se enriquecem mutuamente, bem como questões críticas a serem levadas em conta. Em específico, propõe-se uma abordagem fenomenológica dos dois âmbitos de análise diferenciados e paralelamente conectados: lived religion e lived spirituality

    Definition of a temporal distribution index for high temporal resolution precipitation data over Peninsular Spain and the Balearic Islands: the fractal dimension; and its synoptic implications

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    Precipitation on the Spanish mainland and in the Balearic archipelago exhibits a high degree of spatial and temporal variability, regardless of the temporal resolution of the data considered. The fractal dimension indicates the property of self-similarity, and in the case of this study, wherein it is applied to the temporal behaviour of rainfall at a fine (10-min) resolution from a total of 48 observatories, it provides insights into its more or less convective nature. The methodology of Jenkinson & Collison which automatically classifies synoptic situations at the surface, as well as an adaptation of this methodology at 500 hPa, was applied in order to gain insights into the synoptic implications of extreme values of the fractal dimension. The highest fractal dimension values in the study area were observed in places with precipitation that has a more random behaviour over time with generally high totals. Four different regions in which the atmospheric mechanisms giving rise to precipitation at the surface differ from the corresponding above-ground mechanisms have been identified in the study area based on the fractal dimension. In the north of the Iberian Peninsula, high fractal dimension values are linked to a lower frequency of anticyclonic situations, whereas the opposite occurs in the central region. In the Mediterranean, higher fractal dimension values are associated with a higher frequency of the anticyclonic type and a lower frequency of the advective type from the east. In the south, lower fractal dimension values indicate higher frequency with respect to the anticyclonic type from the east and lower frequency with respect to the cyclonic type

    Estudios eclesiásticos.

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    Annual and seasonal mapping of peak intensity, magnitude and duration of extreme precipitation events across a climatic gradient, northeast Spain

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    50 Pag., 5 Tabl., 11 Fig. The definitive version is available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0088Assessing the characteristics of extreme precipitation over large regions has a great interest, mainly due to its applications in hazard analysis. However, most of the analyses are reduced to daily rainfall intensity due to the fact that most long precipitation records were collected on a daily basis. Hazardous situations related to extreme precipitation events, however, can be originated either by very intense rainfall, or by large accumulated precipitation due to the persistence of the rainy conditions over a long period of time. In this paper, we show the use of a methodology based on the extreme-value theory to obtain continuous maps of quantiles of precipitation event parameters—peak intensity, magnitude and duration—for a large region with contrasted climatic characteristics in the northeastern Iberian Peninsula. Spatial models of the probability distributions parameters were calculated, which allowed constructing the regional probability models. The analysis was based on time series of precipitation events, which were obtained from the original daily series. In addition to the usual annual-based analysis, seasonal analyses were also performed. This allowed assessing the differences in the spatial distribution of the probability of extreme events at different times of the year.Funded by Spanish Commission of Science and Technology and FEDER. Grant Number: CGL2005-04508/BOS Aragón Government. Grant Number: PIP176/2005 Programa de grupos de investigación consolidados. Grant Number: BOA 48 of 20-04-2005 Ramón y Cajal Research Spanish Ministry of Science and EducationPeer reviewe

    Trends in daily precipitation on the northeastern Iberian Peninsula, 1955–2006

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    38 Pag., 5 Tabl., 6 Fig. The definitive version is available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0088The temporal evolution of nine daily precipitation indices over the northeastern Iberian Peninsula was analysed for the period 1955–2006, using data from 217 observatories. Cross-tabulation analysis enabled detection of statistically significant overlap among spatial distributions of trends in the study area. There was a general decrease in annual precipitation at most observatories, a decrease in the number of rainy days and precipitation intensity and an increase in the duration of dry spells. The frequency and contribution to annual precipitation of moderate and heavy rainfall events did not change at most observatories, or showed a decreasing trend in these events. There was very large spatial and seasonal variability, with implications for water management and risk assessment in the region. The decrease in precipitation was very marked in headwaters during winter and spring, potentially affecting reservoir management in the region. Heavy rainfall events generally decreased in the west of the region in winter, and in the east of the region in autumn, when these areas are more exposed to hazards related to extreme rainfall. Large differences in the sign and magnitude of trends occurred over very short distances, suggesting the need for dense networks of observatories to ensure reliable and robust detection of regional trends.This study was supported by the PROBASE projects CGL2006-11619 and CGL2008-01189/BTE, both financed by the Spanish Commission of Science and Technology (Ministry of Education and Science) and FEDER, and the FP7 EU project ACQWA (Assessing Climatic Change and Impact on the Quantity and Quality of Water).Peer reviewe