2,097 research outputs found

    Effect of primary treatment and organic loading on methane emissions from horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands treating urban wastewater

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    Methane is emitted in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands (HSSF CWs) during wastewater treatment. The objective of this work was to determine the influence of primary treatment and organic loading rate on methane emissions from constructed wetlands. To this aim, methane emissions from a HSSF CW pilot plant were measured using the closed chamber method. The effect of primary treatment was addressed by comparing emissions from wetlands receiving the effluent of an anaerobic (HUSB reactor) or a conventional settler as primary treatments. Alternatively, the effect of organic loading was addressed by comparing emissions from wetlands operated under high organic loading (52 g COD m (2) day (1)) and low organic loading (17 g COD m (2) day (1)). Results showed that methane emission rates were affected by the type of primary treatment and, to a lesser extent, by the organic loading applied. Accordingly, lower redox conditions and slightly higher organic loading of a wetland receiving the effluent of a HUSB reactor resulted in methane emissions twelve times higher than those of the wetland fed with primary settled wastewater. Moreover, systems subjected to three times higher organic loading than that recommended lead to higher methane emission rates, although high data variability resulted in no statistically significant differences.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Life cycle assessment of constructed wetland systems for wastewater treatment coupled with microbial fuel cells

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    The aim of this study was to assess the environmental impact of microbial fuel cells (MFCs) implemented in constructed wetlands (CWs). To this aim a life cycle assessment (LCA) was carried out comparing three scenarios: 1) a conventional CW system (without MFC implementation); 2) a CW system coupled with a gravel-based anode MFC, and 3) a CW system coupled with a graphite-based anode MFC. All systems served a population equivalent of 1500 p.e. They were designed to meet the same effluent quality. Since MFCs implemented in CWs improve treatment efficiency, the CWs coupled with MFCs had lower specific area requirement compared to the conventional CW system. The functional unit was 1 m3 of wastewater. The LCA was performed with the software SimaPro® 8, using the CML-IA baseline method. The three scenarios considered showed similar environmental performance in all the categories considered, with the exception of Abiotic Depletion Potential. In this impact category, the potential environmental impact of the CW system coupled with a gravel-based anode MFC was around 2 times higher than that generated by the conventional CW system and the CW system coupled with a graphite-based anode MFC. It was attributed to the large amount of less environmentally friendly materials (e.g. metals, graphite) for MFCs implementation, especially in the case of gravel-based anode MFCs. Therefore, the CW system coupled with graphite-based anode MFC appeared as the most environmentally friendly solution which can replace conventional CWs reducing system footprint by up to 20%. An economic assessment showed that this system was around 1.5 times more expensive than the conventional CW system.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Escola ciutat escola

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    La red Tor: un análisis desde el punto de vista técnico de sus consecuencias prácticas y aspectos legales

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    Treball Final de Grau en Criminologia i Seguretat. Codi: CS1044. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017The evolution of new technologies (ICTs) has produced the emergence of a society that is constantly connected to the Internet. This provides many advantages, but it also entails important problems due to continuous exposure of data. All information is indexed by major search engines and is therefore subject to a data traffic analysis. Thus, alternatives measures are sought to ensure users’ online privacy and anonymity, highlighting the Deep Web. In order to access to this part of web, new users need to use specific systems such as Tor, which is the most well-known anonymity network. The technical functioning of the Tor network is based on the “onion routing” because it is structured in encryption layers. Furthermore, it is considered a fundamental tool to defend users’ rights, making both clients and servers anonymous. Despite these advances, this network has led to the emergence of new types of cybercrime. Consequently, the problem transcends physical boundaries, so an effective international cooperation is needed to find responses and to prevent future cases.La evolución de las nuevas tecnologías (TIC) ha generado el surgimiento de una sociedad constantemente conectada a Internet. Esto supone importantes ventajas, pero también una continua exposición de datos que plantea problemas significativos. Ello es debido a que toda la información está indexada por los principales buscadores y está, por tanto, sometida a análisis de tráfico de datos. Por ello, se buscan medidas alternativas que garanticen privacidad y anonimato en la red, destacando la Deep Web. Para acceder a esta parte de la web se necesitan programas específicos, siendo Tor la red anónima más conocida. El funcionamiento técnico de la red Tor se basa en el llamado enrutamiento de cebolla al estructurarse en capas de cifrado. Además, se considera una herramienta fundamental para la defensa de los derechos de los usuarios, anonimizando tanto a clientes como a servidores. Aunque estos avances también han favorecido al surgimiento de nuevos tipos de cibercriminalidad. Por tanto, es una problemática que trasciende las fronteras físicas requiriendo una cooperación eficaz a nivel internacional para intentar dar respuesta y prevenir supuesto futuros

    The internalized transphobia: a literature review

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    Treball Final de Grau en Psicologia. Codi: PS1048. Curs: 2020/2021Las personas trans constituyen uno de los colectivos que más trastornos emocionales sufre. Consecuentemente, el porcentaje de intentos de suicidio es hasta un 35,4% mayor que la población general. Dada la gravedad de los datos y la necesidad de tomar medidas urgentes que mejoren su calidad de vida, el objetivo del presente estudio es analizar y recopilar la información estudiada acerca de uno de los factores más influyentes en el bienestar emocional de las personas trans: la transfobia internalizada. Se define como sentimientos de incomodidad o rechazo que sienten estas personas cuando la identidad de género no coincide con el género asignado, resultado de la internalización de las expectativas normativas de género. Para ello, en primer lugar, se llevó a cabo una revisión de literatura en la que se consultaron las bases de datos PubMed, PsycArticles y Scopus, así como las siguientes revistas especializadas: Transgender Health y LGTB Health. Se excluyeron aquellos artículos que no presentaran en el título o resumen palabras clave como “trans”, “internalized stigma” o “transphobia”, no hubieran sido publicados en los últimos 5 años y/o no fueran de carácter exploratorio; seleccionando finalmente un total de 10 artículos. Los estudios analizados, que se basaron principalmente en el Modelo de Estrés de las Minorías de Meyer, encontraron que la transfobia internalizada es el factor estresor que explica en mayor medida el bienestar psicológico de las personas trans; y que, a su vez, este último se relacionaba significativamente con variables como la autoestima, la conexión social o la sintomatología depresiva. Estos resultados demuestran la importancia que tiene este constructo, la transfobia internalizada, en el abordaje presente y futuro del bienestar de las personas trans. No obstante, dada la escasa investigación y el reciente inicio de la misma, todavía queda mucho por profundizar.The trans population is one of the sectors that suffer more emotional disorders. Consequently, the percentage of suicide attempts is up to 35.4% higher than the general population. Given the seriousness of the data and the need to take urgent measures to improve their quality of life, the aim of this study is to analyze and compile the information studied about one of the most influential factors in the emotional well-being of trans people: the internalized transphobia. It is defined as the feelings of discomfort or rejection felt by these people when their gender identity does not coincide with the assigned gender, as a result of the internalization of normative gender expectations. To this end, firstly, a literature review was carried out in which the databases PubMed, PsycArticles and Scopus were consulted, as well as the following specialized journals: Transgender Health and LGTB Health. Those articles that did not present keywords such as "trans", "internalized stigma" or "transphobia" in the title or abstract, had not been published in the last 5 years and/or were not exploratory in nature were excluded; finally selecting a total of 10 articles. The analyzed studies, which were mainly based on Meyer's Minority Stress Model, found that internalized transphobia is the stressor that explains to a greater extent the psychological well-being of trans people; and that, in addition, the latter was significantly related to variables such as self-esteem, social connectedness or depressive symptoms. These results demonstrate the importance of this construct, internalized transphobia, in the present and future approach to trans people's well-being. However, given the limited research and the recent start of it, there is a lot of work to be done

    Constructed wetland microbial fuel cells : electricity generation, treatment efficiency improvement, COD bioindication and clogging assessment

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    Premi extraordinari doctorat UPC curs 2017-2018. Àmbit d’Enginyeria Civil i AmbientalHorizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands (HSSF CWs) are natural wastewater treatment systems showing a marked redox gradient between the surface of the system and the bottom zone of the treatment bed. Therefore, they constitute a suitable environment for Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) implementation. MFCs are bioelectrochemical systems in which the electrons resulting from the oxidation of the organic matter are transferred, by means of exoelectrogenic bacteria, to an external circuit thus generating an electric current. The implementation of MFC into HSSF CWs (CW-MFCs) allows the removal of organic matter and the production of electricity simultaneously. Besides electricity generation, MFCs implemented in HSSF CWs could encompass other beneficial aspects of special relevance within the constructed wetlands domain such as the semi-continuous monitoring of the organic matter entering the system, the improvement of CWs¿ treatment efficiency and the assessment of the clogging state of the treatment bed. However, CW-MFC is a novel research field that lacks from specific knowledge on both HSSF CWs and MFC design and operational aspects to optimize the technology. Therefore, the objective of this thesis was to determine, quantify and maximize the benefits resulting from the synergy between HSSF CW and MFCs. To address the objectives of this study two different experimental designs were considered: pilot-scale and lab-scale CW-MFCs. Results showed that continuous flow regime and planted wetlands generate higher redox gradients through the bed gravel than unplanted wetlands operated under discontinuous flow regime. CW-MFCs performed to a better extent under the presence of a HUSB reactor as primary treatment when compared to conventional settling. More precisely, the presence of HUSB reactor stimulated the presence of exoelectrogenic bacteria in anodic biofilms. Optimal cathode to anode surface ratio was that of 4:1. In order to maximize CW-MFCs performance, the cathode shall be placed semi-submerged within the water and kept at a distance of ca. 10 cm from the anode. Overall, even under these optimal wetlands and MFC operational and design conditions the energy produced by CW-MFCs would only cover between the 3 and the 14% of the total energy requirements of a CW treatment plant. Therefore, energy surplus provided by CW-MFCs, yet interesting, is not its most advantageous feature. In terms of CW-MFCs environmental applications, MFCs showed the capacity to improve CWs treatment efficiency. Organic matter effluent concentration for connected CW-MFCs was significantly lower either in terms of total or soluble COD than unconnected CW-MFCs. Furthermore, CW-MFCs showed potential for COD assessment. Although results indicate that linear relationships can be established between both parameters, several factors can affect the precision, repeatability and operational stability of the sensor. Therefore, other alternatives such as its utilization as qualitative response tools should be considered for biosensor CW-MFCs. Finally, CW-MFCs also showed potential as a tool for indirect, continuous clogging assessment. In terms of the environmental impacts associated to the implementation of MFCs, CW system coupled with graphite-based anode MFC appeared as the most environmentally friendly solution which could reduce CW both surface requirements and system footprint (by around 20%). Also CW systems coupled with high performance MFCs would be competitive with conventional CWs in terms of costs. In conclusion, though to be at its infancy, CW-MFCs represent a novel technology able produce energy while wastewater is treated. Although it might not be a very attractive technology if the electrical gain is considered exclusively, CW-MFCs is a very promising technology when it comes down to environmental applications such as the improvement of HSSF CWs removal efficiency, or the utilization of CW-MFCs as both organic matter and clogging assessment tool.Els aiguamolls construïts horitzontals de flux subsuperficial (AC HFSS) són sistemes naturals de tractament d'aigua residual i constitueixen un entorn favorable per a la implementació de Piles de Combustible Microbianes (PCM). Les PCM son sistemes bioelectroquímics que permeten la eliminació de la matèria orgànica i la generació d'electricitat de forma simultània. A més a més de la generació d'electricitat, les PCM implementades en AC, poden generar altres beneficis que són d'especial importància en el context dels AC. El monitoreig semi-continu de la qualitat de l'aigua que entra i surt dels sistemes, la millora de la eficiència de tractament dels AC o el seguiment de l'estat de colmatació del llit de grava dels AC són alguns dels potencials beneficis resultants. Tot i això, les PCM implementades en AC, constitueixen un camp de recerca molt recent en el que encara falten coneixements específics tant sobre el disseny dels AC com sobre la operació de les PCM per optimitzar la sinèrgia entre ambdues tecnologies. Així doncs, l'objectiu de la tesi que es presenta és el de determinar, quantificar i maximitzar els beneficis que resulten de la sinergia entre els AC HFSS i les PCM. Per assolir els objectius d'aquest estudi s'han utilitzat dos dissenys experimentals diferents: PCM-AC implementades en sistemes a escala pilot i a escala de laboratori. Els resultats obtinguts demostren que el flux hidràulic continu i els aiguamolls plantats generen gradients redox superiors en el llit de grava quan es comparen amb els aiguamolls no-plantats operats en flux discontinu. A més a més, les PCM-AC generen corrents elèctrics superiors quan el tractament primari aplicat és el reactor HUSB en comparació al decantador convencional. La relació òptima de superfície càtode : ànode obtinguda és de 4:1. Finalment, per tal de maximitzar el potencial de les PCM-AC, cal situar el càtode en posició semi-submergida i a una distància de 10 cm de l'ànode. Tot i això, quan s'apliquen les condicions d'operació dels AC i l'arquitectura de les PCM òptima, l'energia produïda per les PCM-AC pot cobrir només entre el 3 i el 14% d'una planta de tractament d'aigua residual constituïda per aiguamolls construïts. Així doncs, tot i que l'energia generada per les PCM-AC constitueix un resultat positiu, no esdevé el benefici principal. En termes de les seves aplicacions ambientals, les PCM-AC han demostrat poder millorar la capacitat de tractament dels AC. La concentració de matèria orgànica a l'efluent de les PCM-AC connectades fou significativament inferior que a l'efluent dels sistemes no connectats. A més a més, les PCM-AC han mostrat potencial per a la determinació de la DQO. Tot i això, hi ha molts factors que poden afectar la precisió, la repetibilitat i la estabilitat operativa del sistema de manera que la seva viabilitat com a biosensor passa per utilitzar-les com a eina de bioindicació qualitativa. Per últim, les PCM-AC també tenen potencial per a la determinació en continu del grau de colmatació dins el llit de grava dels AC. De l'estudi dels impactes ambientals associats a la implementació de les PCM en els AC se'n conclou que els sistemes amb l'ànode de grafit constitueixen la millor alternativa en termes d'impactes ambientals per reduir tant la superfície dels aiguamolls com la seva petjada ecològica (sobre un 20% de reducció). Finalment, tot i trobar-se en un estadi d'estudi prematur, les PCM implementades en AC representen una tecnologia innovadora capaç de produir energia alhora que es tracta l'aigua residual. Encara que, si es considera de forma exclusiva el guany energètic, la sinèrgia entre ambdues tecnologies pot no semblar molt atractiva, les PCM-AC constitueixen una tecnologia molt prometedora pel que fa a les seves aplicacions ambientals tals com la millora de la eficiència de tractament dels AC o la seva utilització per a la determinació del contingut de matèria orgànica en l'aigua residual i el grau de colmatació dels sistemes.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    Grammars of Dependence. A Historical Semantics Approach to Population Charters Granted by Military Orders to Muslims in Medieval Iberia

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse written records associated with the establishment of bonds between military orders as territorial lords and Muslims as settlers in the Christian kingdoms of medieval Iberia. These records are usually known as cartas de población or population charters and were issued in the context of the settlement of populations in a given area. Methods derived from historical semantics are applied to these texts, and the analysis explores the ways in which the existing  asymmetrical power relationships were reflected not only in the contents of the charters but also in the grammar and expressions used to formulate them.The aim of this paper is to analyse written records associated with the establishment of bonds between military orders as territorial lords and Muslims as settlers in the Christian kingdoms of medieval Iberia. These records are usually known as cartas de población or population charters and were issued in the context of the settlement of populations in a given area. Methods derived from historical semantics are applied to these texts, and the analysis explores the ways in which the existing  asymmetrical power relationships were reflected not only in the contents of the charters but also in the grammar and expressions used to formulate them

    Improving domestic wastewater treatment efficiency with constructed wetland microbial fuel cells: influence of anode material and external resistance

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    For the past few years, there has been an increasing interest in the operation of constructed wetlands as microbial fuel cells (CW-MFCs) for both the improvement of wastewater treatment efficiency and the production of energy. However, there is still scarce information on design and operation aspects to maximize CW-MFCs efficiency, especially for the treatment of real domestic wastewater. The aim of this study was to quantify the extent of treatment efficiency improvement carried out by membrane-less MFCs simulating a core of a shallow un-planted horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland. The influence of the external resistance (50, 220, 402, 604 and 1000 O) and the anode material (graphite and gravel) on treatment efficiency improvement were addressed. To this purpose, 6 lab-scale membrane-less MFCs were set-up and loaded in batch mode with domestic wastewater for 13 weeks. Results showed that 220 O was the best operation condition for maximising MFCs treatment efficiency, regardless the anode material employed. Gravel-based anode MFCs operated at closed circuit showed ca. 18%, 15%, 31% and 25% lower effluent concentration than unconnected MFCs to the COD, TOC, PO4-3 and NH4+-N, respectively. Main conclusion of the present work is that constructed wetlands operated as MFCs is a promising strategy to improve domestic wastewater treatment efficiency. However, further studies at pilot scale under more realistic conditions (such as planted systems operated under continuous mode) shall be performed to confirm the findings here reported.This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) (project CTM2010-17750). Clara Corbella kindly acknowledges her PhD scholarship (2014 FI_AGAUR, Generalitat de Catalunya). Authors are also grateful to Laura Martinez, Justine Boudou and Noemie Devesa for their contribution to the experimental work of this study.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Atenció a l’envelliment en l’atenció primària de salut de Mallorca

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    La proporció de persones grans va augmentant de manera constant a Europa. L’envelliment de la població, però especialment el sobreenvelliment, porta inherent un augment dels problemes de salut crònics, els quals, en molts de casos, desemboquen en una situació de dependència i incapacitat, i requereixen una gran necessitat de recursos sanitaris i socials. A les Illes Balears, l’any 2010, l’índex d’envelliment era d’un 13,7% (proporció de persones que tenen 65 anys o més) i el de sobreenvelliment era d’un 6,54% (proporció de persones que tenen 75 anys o més). Un dels recursos més utilitzats per aquest grup de població és l’atenció primària. De totes les consultes dispensades als centres de salut, un 28% de les ateses a través d’atenció primària corresponen al grup de seixanta-cinc anys o de més edat, amb una freqüentació d’una vintena de visites l’any. L’oferta de serveis de l’atenció primària a aquest grup d’edat és molt variada i comprèn des d’atenció a patologies agudes, cròniques, atenció urgent, atenció domiciliària, educació per a la salut, oferta de proves complementàries, aplicació de tècniques, programes de deshabituació, etc., fins a programes més específics per a grups de població concrets. L’atenció primària de salut de Mallorca ofereix programes específics per a la gent gran com són: el programa d’atenció a l’ancià, programa d’atenció domiciliària, programa d’educació per a la salut als cuidadors, i altres programes de suport (com l’Equip de Suport d’Atenció Domiciliària, la infermera gestora de casos, etc.).La proporción de personas mayores va aumentando de manera constante en Europa. El envejecimiento de la población, pero especialmente el sobreenvejecimiento, lleva inherente un aumento de los problemas de salud crónicos, los cuales, en muchos casos, llevan hacia una situación de dependencia e incapacidad, y requieren una gran cantidad de recursos sanitarios y sociales. En las Islas Baleares, el año 2010, el índice de envejecimiento era de un 13.7% (proporción de personas que tienen 75 años o más) y el de sobreenvejecimiento era de un 6,54% (proporción de personas que tienen 75 años o más). Uno de los rescursos más utilizados por este grupo de población es la atención primaria. De todas las consultas dispensadas en los centros de salud, un 28% de las atendidas a través de atención primaria corresponden al grupo de sesenta y cinco años o más de edad, con una frecuencia de veinte visitas al año. La oferta de servicios de atención primaria en este grupo de edad es muy variada y comprende desde la atención a patologías agudas, crónicas, atención urgente, atención domiciliaria, educación para la salud, oferta de pruebas complementarias, aplicación de técnicas, programas de deshabituación, etc., hasta programás más específicos para grupos de población concretos. La atención primaria de salud de Mallorca ofrece programas específicos para las personas mayores como son: el programa de atención para el anciano, programa de atención domiciliaria, programa de educación para la salud, y otros programas de soporte (como el Equipo de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria, la enfermera gestora de casos, etc.)