25 research outputs found

    Površine, lesna zaloga, prirastek in etat po gozdnih gospodarstvih: predstavitev podatkov popisa gozdov 1980

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    Surface, wood stock, increment and cut in the forest enterprises

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    Oblikovanje in koriščenje skupnih zbirk podatkov - računalniška obdelava podatkov za potrebe izdelovanja območnih gozdnogospodarskih načrtov

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    Popis gozdov

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    Popis gozdov : opis tabel

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    Pine wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner & Buhrer, 1934) Nickle, 1970 - a new threat to forests in Slovenia?

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    The present paper deals with the pine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), which has been placed on the A1 quarantine list in both Europe and Slovenia. The species is extremely offensive, causing fast-paced deterioration in conifers, particularly in those of the Pinus genus and more rarely in those of the Picea, Abies, and Larix genera. The areal, ecological demands, hosts, ecology, and the symptoms of attack on pines of the pine wood nematode are shown. The confirmed vectors (Insecta: Cerambycidae - genus Monochamus) and potential vectors (Insecta: Curculionidae - genus Pissodes andScolytidae) of the pine wood nematode are presented within the framework ofits ecology. The range of potential host plants of the pine wood nematode inSlovenia, climatic conditions, and critical points for the entry and spread of pests are also given. The level of phytosanitary risk presented by the appearance of the pine wood nematode in Slovenia is also evaluated

    Prostorska analiza negozdnih površin : raziskovalna naloga

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    Pine wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner & Buhrer, 1934) Nickle, 1970 - a new threat to forests in Slovenia?

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    V prispevku obravnavamo borovo ogorčico (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), ki je v Evropi (tudi v Sloveniji) uvrščena na karantensko listo A1. Vrsta je izredno napadalna, povzroča hitro propadanje iglavcev - predvsem vrst rodu Pinus, redko Picea, Abies in Larix. Prikazan je njen areal, ekološke zahteve, gostitelji, bionomija ter simptomi napada na borih. V okviru bionomije borove ogorčice so posebej predstavljeni njeni potrjeni vektorji (Insecta: Cerambycidae - rod Monochamus) in tudi njeni potencialni vektorji (Insecta: Curculionidae - rod Pissodes in Scolytidae). Podajamo razširjenost potencialnih gostiteljskih rastlin borove ogorčice pri nas, podnebne razmere ter kritične točke za vnos in širjenje škodljivca. Ocenjujemo stopnjo fitosanitarnega tveganja pojava borove ogorčice v Sloveniji.The present paper deals with the pine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), which has been placed on the A1 quarantine list in both Europe and Slovenia. The species is extremely offensive, causing fast-paced deterioration in conifers, particularly in those of the Pinus genus and more rarely in those of the Picea, Abies, and Larix genera. The areal, ecological demands, hosts, ecology, and the symptoms of attack on pines of the pine wood nematode are shown. The confirmed vectors (Insecta: Cerambycidae - genus Monochamus) and potential vectors (Insecta: Curculionidae - genus Pissodes andScolytidae) of the pine wood nematode are presented within the framework ofits ecology. The range of potential host plants of the pine wood nematode inSlovenia, climatic conditions, and critical points for the entry and spread of pests are also given. The level of phytosanitary risk presented by the appearance of the pine wood nematode in Slovenia is also evaluated