222 research outputs found

    Lichen-Moss associations in plant communities of the Southwest Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica

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    The phytosociology of plant communities in the Admiralty Bay ice-free areas (King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) was investigated during the 2003/04 summer seasons. In this study associations among lichens and mosses were found, where the lichen species are dominant in the samples. A total of 10 associations are identified. For each association found in this work, descriptions are given and comments about their ecology and distribution in the study area are made. Key words: Antartic plants, phytosociology, ecology.The phytosociology of plant communities in the Admiralty Bay ice-free areas (King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) was investigated during the 2003/04 summer seasons. In this study associations among lichens and mosses were found, where the lichen species are dominant in the samples. A total of 10 associations are identified. For each association found in this work, descriptions are given and comments about their ecology and distribution in the study area are made. Key words: Antartic plants, phytosociology, ecology


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    The Antarctic plant distribution depends on the environmental factors, like geomorphological conditions, as surface's stability, rock type and aeolian erosion. It establishes clear home ranges, leading some mosses species to be highly correlated to local geomorphology. During the austral summer 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 we carried out ecological studies at the ice-free areas adjoining the Polish Station Henri Arctowski and the Point Hennequim localities, both in the Admiralty Bay, inside of the King George Island, to study community structure of mosses in these areas. This work presented potentials threats for the more representative moss species in these region, using the ecological value index as a tool for phytosociological and conservation studies. Ninenth, for fifty-eigth species of mosses know for Admiralty Bay area occur more frequently. Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske and Polytrichastrum alpinum (Hedw.) G. L. Smith show as low threats and Bryum amblyodon Müll. Hal., Ditrichum hyalinum Mitt. Kuntze, Pohlia drumondii (Müll. Hal.) A.L. Andrews and Schistidium falcatum (Hook. f. et Wils.) B. Bremer appear as the most threatened species, especialy by the human presence in the region.A distribuição das comunidades vegetais antárticas é dependente das condições ambientais e também das condições pedogeomorfológicas, como estabilidade da superfície, tipo de rocha e erosão eólica. São estabelecidos nítidos limites de sobrevivência, fazendo com que certas espécies de musgos sejam altamente especializadas à geomorfologia local. Durante os verões austrais 2003/2004 e 2004/2005 foram realizados estudos fitossociológicos, nas áreas de degelo adjacentes a Estação Polonesa Henri Arctowski e em Ponta Hennequim, ambas na Baía do Almirantado, Ilha Rei George, objetivando estudar a estrutura das comunidades de musgos nas áreas de degelo. Neste trabalho analisamos as ameaças potenciais às espécies de musgos mais freqüentes nestas comunidades utilizando o índice de valor ecológico (IES) como ferramenta de apoio aos estudos fitossociológicos e de conservação das espécies. Das 58 espécies de musgos conhecidas para a Baía do Almirantado, 19 ocorrem com maior freqüência. Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske e Polytrichastrum alpinum (Hedw.) G. L. Smith aparecem como as espécies menos ameaças e Bryum amblyodon Müll. Hal., Ditrichum hyalinum Mitt. Kuntze, Pohlia drumondii (Müll. Hal.) A.L. Andrews e Schistidium falcatum (Hook. f. et Wils.) B. Bremer as mais ameaçadas pela presença humana na região estudad

    Leucocoprinus fluminensis (Agaricaceae, Basidiomycota), uma nova espécie para a Mata Atlântica do sudeste brasileiro

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    Leucocoprinus fluminensis sp. nov. was collected on an Agaricales (Basidiomycota, Basidiomycetes) survey expedition, made in patches of Rain Forest at the Biological Reserve of Tinguá, surroundings of Nova Iguaçú, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, and described as a new species. A usual methodology for collection and identification of Agaricales mushrooms was applied. The new species is characterized by reddish-brown center pileus and weakly dextrinoid spores in Melzer’s reaction.Key words: Agaricaceae, Atlantic Rain Forest, Rio de Janeiro.Espécimes de Leucocoprinus fluminensis sp. nov foram coletados em uma expedição de pesquisa de fungos Agaricales (Basidiomycota, Basidiomycetes), realizada em fragmentos de floresta tropical na Reserva Biológica do Tinguá, situada nos arredores de Nova Iguaçu, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, sendo descritos como uma nova espécie. A metodologia usual para coleta e identificação de cogumelos Agaricales foi aplicado. A nova espécie é caracterizada por apresentar o centro do píleo marrom-avermelhado e esporos fracamente dextrinóides em reação de Melzer.Palavras-chave: Agaricaceae, Mata Atlântica, Rio de Janeir


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    O barranquenho, língua híbrida sem tradição escrita, falado desde há vários séculos, atualmente por menos de 2000 pessoas, está em vias de desaparecimento. Neste artigo, apresenta-se o Programa de Preservação e Valorização da língua e cultura barranquenhas

    Lichen-Moss associations in plant communities of the Southwest Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica

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    The phytosociology of plant communities in the Admiralty Bay ice-free areas (King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) was investigated during the 2003/04 summer seasons. In this study associations among lichens and mosses were found, where the lichen species are dominant in the samples. A total of 10 associations are identified. For each association found in this work, descriptions are given and comments about their ecology and distribution in the study area are made. Key words: Antartic plants, phytosociology, ecology.The phytosociology of plant communities in the Admiralty Bay ice-free areas (King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) was investigated during the 2003/04 summer seasons. In this study associations among lichens and mosses were found, where the lichen species are dominant in the samples. A total of 10 associations are identified. For each association found in this work, descriptions are given and comments about their ecology and distribution in the study area are made. Key words: Antartic plants, phytosociology, ecology

    A change in SHATTERPROOF protein lies at the origin of a fruit morphological novelty and a new strategy for seed dispersal in Medicago genus

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    [EN] Angiosperms are the most diverse and numerous group of plants, and it is generally accepted that this evolutionary success owes in part to the diversity found in fruits, key for protecting the developing seeds and ensuring seed dispersal. Although studies on the molecular basis of morphological innovations are few, they all illustrate the central role played by transcription factors acting as developmental regulators. Here, we show that a small change in the protein sequence of a MADS-box transcription factor correlates with the origin of a highly modified fruit morphology and the change in seed dispersal strategies that occurred in Medicago, a genus belonging to the large legume family. This protein sequence modification alters the functional properties of the protein, affecting the affinities for other protein partners involved in high-order complexes. Our work illustrates that variation in coding regions can generate evolutionary novelties not based on gene duplication/subfunctionalization but by interactions in complex networks, contributing also to the current debate on the relative importance of changes in regulatory or coding regions of master regulators in generating morphological novelties.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (grant no. BIO2009-09920 to C.Fe.), the European Union (grant no. FP7-PEOPLE-PIRSES-2009-247589 to C.Fe. and A.C.d.O.), and a Fellowship for Foreign Young Postdocs from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (to C.Fo.).Fourquin, C.; Del Cerro Fernández, C.; Victoria, FC.; Vialette-Guiraud, A.; De Oliveira, AC.; Ferrandiz Maestre, C. (2013). A change in SHATTERPROOF protein lies at the origin of a fruit morphological novelty and a new strategy for seed dispersal in Medicago genus. Plant Physiology. 162(2):907-917. https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.113.217570S907917162


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    A doença periodontal é um processo inflamatório iniciado pela presença do biofilme dental, envolvendo as estruturas de suporte do dente que inclui o ligamento periodontal, cemento e osso alveolar O aparelho se suporte do dente pode ser atingido por diversas patologias, sendo as mais comuns: a gengivite e a periodontite. A manifestações dessas patologias na gravidez vem sendo associada ao aumento do risco para o parto pré-maturo e baixo peso ao nascer. Em vista disso, o objetivo deste trabalho é revisar os dados bibliográficos referentes as manifestações no periodonto e suas consequências, relacionada com a má higiene oral e a alteração de hormônios no período gestacional. Foram pesquisadas nas bases de dados PubMed, Lilacs, Scielo, Medline os seguintes descritores “Periodonto”, “Doenças Periodontais”, “Gravidez” “Saúde Bucal”, e seus descritores em inglês. A gestante acometida com a manifestação da doença periodontal, têm sete vezes e meia mais chance de desenvolver parto prematuro e bebês de baixo peso. Desse modo é importante salientar, que a gravidez não manifesta inflamações a região oral, mas devido às alterações hormonais, pode ocasionar a intensificação dos problemas preexistentes

    Cystolepiota Singer (Agaricales) in Amazonia, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) and Tucumán (Argentina)

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    O gênero Cystolepiota, pertencente à família Agaricaceae, é diferenciado dos demais gêneros da família principalmente por possuir esporada branca a creme e camada cortical do píleo constituída de células esféricas geralmente organizadas em cadeias curtas a longas, sendo a superfície do píleo fortemente pulverulenta em algumas espécies. Este trabalho apresenta o estudo de 14 espécies do gênero Cystolepiota citadas para o Brasil e para Tucumã, na Argentina, tendo sido realizado a partir da análise de exsicatas depositadas em herbários e, também, através da busca de dados na literatura. Sete espécies de Cystolepiota, a saber, C. albogilva Singer, C. amazonica Singer, C. marthae Singer, C. potassiovirens Singer, C. seminuda (Lasch) Bon, C. sistrata (Fr.) Singer ex Bon e Bellù e C. violaceogrisea (Rick) Singer, já foram citadas para o Brasil. Cinco espécies, C. australis Singer, C. adulterina (F.H. Møller) Bon, C. brunneotingens Sing, C. constricta Singer e C. rubra Singer, foram citadas exclusivamente para a Argentina. Adicionalmente, C. rosea Singer foi citada para Argentina e Chile e C. luteifolia Singer foi descrita para o Peru. Para essas espécies, são apresentadas ilustrações dos caracteres micromorfológicos e uma chave artificial de identificação baseada nos espécimes examinados e na descrição original.Palavras-chave: Agaricomycetes, Agaricaceae, taxonomia, diversidade.The genus Cystolepiota, which belongs to the family Agaricaceae, is differentiated from the other genera of the family mainly because it has a white to cream print spore and the cortical layer of the pileus is constituted by spherical cells, usually organized in short to long chains, the pileus surface being strongly pulverulent in some species. This paper presents the study of 14 species of Cystolepiota, cited for Brazil and Tucumán, Argentina, which was based on herbarium specimens and literature available about the South American mycobiota. Seven species, namely C. albogilva Singer, C. amazonica Singer, C. marthae Singer, C. potassiovirens Singer, C. seminuda (Lasch) Bon, C. sistrata (Fr.) Singer ex Bon and Bellù and C. violaceogrisea (Rick) Singer, have been cited for Brazil. Five species, viz. C. australis Singer, C. adulterina (F.H. Møller) Bon, C. brunneotingens Sing, C. constricta Singer and C. rubra Singer, were cited only for Argentina. In addition, C. rosea Singer was cited for Argentina and Chile and C. luteifolia Singer was described from Peru. Illustrations of micro-morphological features are presented for these species and an artificial key for species identification, based on examined specimens and in the original description, is provided.Keywords: Agaricomycetes, Agaricaceae, taxonomy, diversity