204 research outputs found

    The global nilpotent variety is Lagrangian

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    The purpose of this note is to present a short elementary proof of a theorem due to Faltings and Laumon, saying that the global nilpotent cone is a Lagrangian substack in the cotangent bundle of the moduli space of G-bundles on a complex compact curve. This result plays a crucial role in the Geometric Langlands program, due to Beilinson-Drinfeld, since it insures that the D-modules on the moduli space of G-bundles whose characteristic variety is contained in the global nilpotent cone are automatically holonomic, hence, e.g. have finite length.Comment: LaTeX, 9pp. Final version, to appear in Duke Math.

    Nil Hecke algebras and Whittaker D-modules

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    Given a reductive group G, Kostant and Kumar defined a nil Hecke algebra that may be viewed as a degenerate version of the double affine nil Hecke algebra introduced by Cherednik. In this paper, we construct an isomorphism of the spherical subalgebra of the nil Hecke algebra with a Whittaker type quantum Hamiltonian reduction of the algebra of differential operators on G. This result has an interpretation in terms of the geometric Satake and the Langlands dual group. Specifically, the isomorphism provides a bridge between very differently looking descriptions of equivariant Borel-Moore homology of the affine flag variety (due to Kostant and Kumar) and of the affine Grassmannian (due to Bezrukavnikov and Finkelberg), respectively. It follows from our result that the category of Whittaker D-modules on G considered by Drinfeld is equivalent to the category of holonomic modules over the nil Hecke algebra, and it is also equivalent to a certain subcategory of the category of Weyl group equivariant holonomic D-modules on the maximal torus.Comment: Final version, 34p

    Principal Nilpotent pairs in a semisimple Lie algebra, I

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    This is the first of a series of papers devoted to certain pairs of commuting nilpotent elements in a semisimple Lie algebra that enjoy quite remarkable properties and which are expected to play a major role in Representation theory. The properties of these pairs and their role is similar to those of the principal nilpotents. To any principal nilpotent pair we associate a two-parameter analogue of the Kostant partition function, and propose the corresponding two-parameter analogue of the weight multiplicity formula. In a different direction, each principal nilpotent pair gives rise to a harmonic polynomial on the Cartesian square of the Cartan subalgebra, that transforms under an irreducible representation of the Weyl group. In the special case of sl_n, the conjugacy classes of principal nilpotent pairs and the irreducible representations of the Symmetric group, S_n, are both parametrised (in a compatible way) by Young diagrams. In general, our theory provides a natural generalization to arbitrary Weyl groups of the classical construction of simple S_n-modules in terms of Young's symmetrisers.Comment: new section on Partial Slices added; minor corrections made; 46 pp., AMS-TeX, 1 eps figur
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