601 research outputs found

    MANOVA Bootstrap basado en distancias

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    [ES]Es cada vez más frecuente encontrar grandes matrices de datos con un número elevado de variables, incluso mayor que el número de individuos. Cuando se trata de establecer diferencias significativas entre grupos deberían utilizarse los métodos de contraste multivariantes para controlar el riesgo tipo I. El método más popular es el Análisis Multivariante de la Varianza (MANOVA) que puede considerarse como un caso particular del Modelo Lineal General Multivariante (MLGM). Normalmente el MANOVA se acompaña de una representación grá ca (Análisis Canónico) para ayudar con la interpretación en caso de que se rechace la hipótesis nula de igualdad de vectores de medias. El problema del MANOVA es que tiene condiciones de aplicación muy restrictivas, los datos tienen que tener distribuciones normales multivariantes y la estructura de variación y covariación tiene que ser la misma en todos los grupos; además, el número de variables tiene que ser mucho menor que el número de individuos para que el modelo sea adecuado. En muchos casos prácticos estas condiciones no se cumplen y es necesario recurrir a métodos no paramétricos. Utilizaremos como alternativa el PERMANOVA y el BOOTMANOVA. En este trabajo describiremos el PERMANOVA (en el segundo capítulo) haciendo referencia a su relación con el MANOVA y el MLGM que describimos en el primer capítulo. También se desarrollará en el capítulo 2, como alternativa al PERMANOVA, el BOOTMANOVA, tiene su fundamento en el MANOVA basado en distancias y emplea técnicas bootstrap para hacer la estimación de la distribución muestral. En el tercer capítulo se explicarán las técnicas de representación para datos continuos y binarios asociados al PERMANOVA y al BOOTMANOVA, concretamente el Análisis de Coordenadas sobre los centroides y un Análisis Canónico Bootstrap. Finalmente aplicaremos las técnicas mencionadas a cuatro conjuntos de datos genéticos

    Fragile X syndrome.

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    Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is a genetic disease due to a CGG trinucleotide expansion, named full mutation (greater than 200 CGG repeats), in the fragile X mental retardation 1 gene locus Xq27.3; which leads to an hypermethylated region in the gene promoter therefore silencing it and lowering the expression levels of the fragile X mental retardation 1, a protein involved in synaptic plasticity and maturation. Individuals with FXS present with intellectual disability, autism, hyperactivity, long face, large or prominent ears and macroorchidism at puberty and thereafter. Most of the young children with FXS will present with language delay, sensory hyper arousal and anxiety. Girls are less affected than boys, only 25% have intellectual disability. Given the genomic features of the syndrome, there are patients with a number of triplet repeats between 55 and 200, known as premutation carriers. Most carriers have a normal IQ but some have developmental problems. The diagnosis of FXS has evolved from karyotype with special culture medium, to molecular techniques that are more sensitive and specific including PCR and Southern Blot. During the last decade, the advances in the knowledge of FXS, has led to the development of investigations on pharmaceutical management or targeted treatments for FXS. Minocycline and sertraline have shown efficacy in children

    Review of the use of guiding questions in the scope of design engineering

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    Comunicació presentada al 23rd International Congress on Project Management and Engineering. CIDIP 2019 (Málaga, 10-12 July 2019).Guiding Questions are used, among other possibilities, as a method for learn, evaluate and reach new ideas. Within the scope of Engineering Design, they allow driving the designer in the conceptual phase, and they are adequate for analysing a broad variety of aspects which are not usually considered in the early creative process. Guiding Questions help to frame hypothetical situations for product uses, both present and future ones, and also their interaction with the users. So, using them in the early phases of the development of the design process will help in a better adaptability of the product to new needs, in prolong their useful lifetime and, in conclusion, they help in increase the user satisfaction. In brief, this communication shows an analysis in depth of the different uses of guiding questions within the creative process in the product design framework.Las preguntas guiadas (Guiding Questions) se pueden utilizar como método de aprendizaje, evaluación y obtención de nuevas ideas. En el ámbito del Diseño, permiten conducir al diseñador en la fase conceptual y son la herramienta adecuada para analizar una gran variedad de aspectos no considerados inicialmente en el proceso creativo. Las preguntas guiadas ayudan a enmarcar hipotéticas situaciones del uso del producto, presentes o futuras, y de la interacción con el usuario, por lo que utilizarlas en fases iniciales del desarrollo del proceso de diseño nos ayudará a que el producto se adapte mejor a nuevas necesidades, a que alargue su vida útil y, en definitiva, contribuya a aumentar la satisfacción del usuario. Esta comunicación, por tanto, muestra un análisis en profundidad de los diferentes usos de las preguntas guiadas dentro del proceso creativo propio del ámbito del diseño de producto

    Analysis of the circularity metrics applicability in the conceptual product desgin stage

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    Comunicació presentada al 23rd International Congress on Project Management and Engineering (Málaga, 10-12 July 2019).In circular design, the products keep the resources in circulation during all life cycle phases as long as possible, without generating waste. The circular design helps to expand the Circular Economy in replacement of the current predominant linear system. Several metrics to assess how circular is a product and methods to assess the circularity improvement potential of a product have been published. Some of these metrics require detailed information of the product and others are based on qualitative evaluations of several circularity criterion between two opposite extreme situations. The conceptual design stage is characterized by creativity and divergency to reach new designs. These designs are not completely defined, but must be analysed in order to select one design alternative to develop between all the proposals generated. This work analyses how some of the existing circular metrics can be applied to measure circularity in the conceptual design stage. For this purpose, some of these metrics and methods are compiled and compared, analysing their complexity level, comparing them and identifying the information about the product needed to use them.En el diseño circular los productos mantienen los recursos en circulación durante todas las fases del ciclo de vida del producto el mayor tiempo posible, sin generar residuos. El diseño circular ayuda pues en gran medida a la expansión de la Economía Circular en sustitución del actual sistema predominantemente lineal. En los últimos tiempos, se han publicado varias métricas para valorar cuánto de circular es un producto y métodos para valorar el potencial de mejora de la circularidad de un producto. Algunas de estas métricas requieren de información detallada del producto y otras se basan en valoraciones cualitativas de varios criterios de circularidad entre dos situaciones extremas opuestas. La fase de diseño conceptual se caracteriza por la creatividad y divergencia para llegar a diseños novedosos. Éstos están poco definidos, pero deben analizarse para seleccionar una entre todas las alternativas generadas. Este trabajo analiza cómo se pueden aplicar algunas de las métricas de circularidad existentes para medir la circularidad en la fase de diseño conceptual. Para ello, se recopilan y comparan algunas de estas métricas y métodos, analizando el nivel de complejidad, realizando una comparación entre ellas e identificando la información que se requiere conocer para su us

    A metric for evaluating novelty and circularity as a whole in conceptual design proposals

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    Product design is one of the most important factors to introduce the circular economy model. In this discipline, the decisions made influence the whole life cycle of the product, since the raw material obtaining to the end of life of the product. Product engineering uses resources, both technical and material to create products. In this way, among all stages that product design encompasses, most relevant and significant decisions are taken during the conceptual stage, when changes can more easily be introduced. On the other hand, creativity plays an important role in introducing new features in products (as circularity is) in a new way. To implement in a proper manner these new functionalities in the products the concepts have to be evaluated. There are methods for assessing novelty and for assessing circularity, but in the case of circularity they are focused on products that have already been developed. Moreover, these methods do not assess circularity in a holistic way, as they only cover some of the aspects that the circular economy encompasses. This work intends to fill the gap that currently exists in the tools for evaluating product concepts by designing a metric, CN_Con, that measures the circularity and the novelty of conceptual proposals as a whole. The metric works according the product functions and analysing the novelty, the strategies for durability and for extending the useful life of the product that the concepts use. It also assesses the raw material and the end of life of the materials with which the concepts are designed. The development of CN_Con will help to implement the circular economy paradigm while encouraging creative design solutions.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    Analysis of parameters about useful life extension in 70 tools and methods related to eco-design and circular economy

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    One of the approaches followed by the circular economy (CE) to achieve sustainability through design is product life extension. Extending the life of products to make them useful for as long as possible is a means to reduce waste production and materials consumption, as well as the related impacts. For designers, conceptualizing products in a way that allows them to be used for longer is a challenge, and assessing how well they extend their lifespan can be helpful when it comes to choosing the best proposal. In this paper, 70 tools and methods related to eco-design and circular economy are studied to determine how many of them consider parameters related to life extension and which can be applied in the early stages of design. The results of the analysis show that most of the existing tools and methods are applicable to developed products, and only a few of them take into account parameters related to extending the useful life. Of the 70 tools and methods, only 14 include some parameter related to life extension and are applicable to concepts. CE toolkit, Eco-design PILOT, CE Designer, Circularity Assessment tool, Circularity Potential Indicator and Circular Design Tools take into consideration eight or more parameters to assess life extension in concepts. This will help designers select the most appropriate and will indicate the need for more complete tools to consider useful life extension in the early stages of design and thus enhance the selection of more sustainable products.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    The relationship between personal intrinsic factors towards a design problem and the degree of novelty and circularity

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    The aim of this work is to determine how personal intrinsic factors towards a design problem are related to novelty and circularity. A deeper understanding of this relationship will be a valuable aid when it comes to making an adequate selection of design teams. The factors studied are the level of the designer's motivation, relevance, knowledge and affinity with regard to the design problem. To this end, a study was conducted with 35 novice designers, organised in groups of between two and five members. Each group had to propose a conceptual solution to two different design problems. Novelty was assessed using the SAPPhIRE causality model (which stands for State–Action–Part–Phenomenon–Input–oRgan–Effect) and the Circular Economy Toolkit was applied to measure circularity. The results show that as motivation, level of knowledge, perception of relevance and affinity for the problem increase, the solution displays greater novelty and less circularity, although for circularity, the difference is not statistically significant.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    Bio-inspired design as a solution to generate creative and circular product concepts

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    Consumers are showing a growing concern for the environment and sustainability, while they keep their interest in more creative products that ‘delight’ them and exceed their expectations. Consequently, designers must meet the circular economy (CE) requirements, but also provide creative solutions. The present research describes an experiment in which a group of designers were asked to solve design problems using two different methods: random stimuli and biomimicry. The results help to answer the question regarding whether methods focused on requirements (biological requirements in this case) are as effective for obtaining creative solutions as methods oriented toward creative ideas (specifically random stimuli). The paper also examines whether biomimicry stimuli promote circularity to a sufficiently greater extent than a random stimulus to compensate for the possible loss of creativity with respect to the random method. The results show that biomimicry stimuli promote circularity in the concepts without diminishing their creativity

    Selective inhibitory control in children and adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a preliminary study

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    Trabajo Fin de Grado en Psicología. Curso académico 2022-2023Modalidad D. Diseño y/o desarrollo de un proyecto de investigaciónEl presente estudio compara cuantitativa y cualitativamente el control inhibitorio selectivo en niños y adolescentes con trastorno del espectro alcohólico fetal (TEAF; n = 8), y con desarrollo típico (DT; n = 15). Los resultados sugieren que los grupos no difieren en las estrategias inhibitorias que emplean, pues ambos grupos utilizan de manera mayoritaria estrategias selectivas de inhibición. Sin embargo, el tiempo medio de inhibición o la eficiencia del control inhibitorio (SSRT) se estima menor en el grupo TEAF que en el grupo con DT. Estos datos indicarían un déficit inhibitorio en el TEAF, que se observaría tanto en la inhibición selectiva como en la global. Siendo un estudio preliminar se recomienda una mayor exploración en estas áreasThe present study compares quantitatively and qualitatively selective inhibitory control in children and adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD; n = 8), and typical development (TD; n = 15). The results suggest that the groups do not differ in the inhibitory strategies they employ, since both groups mostly use selective inhibition strategies. However, the mean inhibition time (SSRT) and therefore inhibitory control efficiency is estimated to be lower in the FASD group than in the TD group. These data would indicate an inhibitory deficit in FASD, which would be observed in both selective and global inhibition. Being a preliminary study, further exploration in these areas is recommende
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