8 research outputs found

    Effect of intravenous alizapride on spinal morphine-induced pruritus

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    Background. This double-blind study was undertaken to determine whether alizapride inhibits spinal morphine-induced pruritus.Methods. Eighty-four patients undergoing Caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia (100 mg of hyperbaric lidocaine 5% plus morphine 0.2 mg) were randomly allocated to one of two groups. just after birth, alizapride-50 mg (alizapride group) or metoclopramide 10 mg (metoclopramide group) were injected i.v. Patients were assessed after surgery for pruritus (absent, mild, moderate or severe) or other untoward symptoms.Results. In the metoclopramide group, pruritus was absent in 5 (12%) patients, mild in 23 (55%), moderate in 11 (26%), and severe in 3 (7%), while in the alizapride group, these incidences were, respectively, 5 (12%), 33 (79%), 4 (10%), and 0 (P=0.045, chi(2)-test). There was no difference in the incidence of side-effects, which were all minor.Conclusions. Alizapride reduced the severity of morphine-induced pruritus

    Neurotoxicity of subarachnoid hyperbaric bupivacaine in dogs

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    Background and Objectives. The study investigated possible neurotoxic effects of increasing concentrations and doses of bupivacaine administered into the subarachnoid space in dogs. Methods. Fifty animals were allocated to five experimental groups: G1, control; G2, 5 mg 0.5 bupivacaine in 10% glucose solution; G3, 10 mg of 1% bupivacaine in 10% glucose solution; G4, 20 mg 2% bupivacaine in 10% glucose solution, and G5, 20 mg 2% bupivacaine in water. After 72 hours of observation, the animals were killed and the spinal cords removed for histologic examination by light microscopy. Results. None of the animals showed any neurologic clinical disturbance following recovery from spinal anesthesia. One case of necrosis of nerve tissue was observed in G3 and four in G4. Conclusions. Increasing concentrations and doses of hyperbaric bupivacaine solutions increased the incidence of nerve tissue damage, which did not occur with hypobaric solutions. These results should contribute to the further understanding of neurologic complications following spinal anesthesia when large doses of local anesthetics in hyperbaric solutions are used

    Cauda equina syndrome after spinal tetracaine: Electromyographic evaluation-20 years follow-up

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    CAUDA equina syndrome (CES) has long been recognized as a rare complication of spinal anesthesia.(1) CES has been described after administration of spinal anesthetics with lidocaine(2) and bupivacaine.(3) In 1991,(4) CES was reported after continuous spinal anesthesia with 1% tetracaine. In 1980, at our university hospital, six adult female patients underwent perineal gynecologic surgery using a spinal anesthetic of 2 ml tetracaine, 1.2%, in 10% glucose. The concentration of the injected tetracaine was unknown by the anesthetists. In all cases, lumbar puncture was performed at the L3-L4 interspace with a disposable spinal needle while the patients were in the sitting position. CES was first diagnosed 72 h or later postoperatively; previous diagnosis was not possible because patients had an indwelling urethral catheter. The diagnosis of CES was confirmed in all patients. During the past year, after institutional approval and informed consent, clinical, magnetic resonance imaging, electromyographic examinations, and conduction studies were performed in three of the above patients. Examinations were not possible on the other three patients because one had recently died, another could not be located, and the third refused to participate. T1 and T2 magnetic resonance image readings were obtained with Gadolinium contrast from a 0.5 Tesla General Electric apparatus (General Electric, Tokyo, Japan). Bilateral sensory and motor conduction studies of the sciatic nerve branches were obtained using a two-channel Nihon-Kohden Neuropack 2 (Nihom-Kohden Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). Electromyography was performed in accordance with conventional techniques.(5,6

    Acute renal ischemia model in dogs: Effects of metoprolol

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    Introduction: To study the functional and hystological alterations in dog kidneys submitted to total ischemia for thirty minutes and the possible metoprolol protective action. Material and methods: Sixteen dogs anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (SP) were studied and divided into two groups: G1-8 dogs submitted to left nephrectomy and right renal artery clamping for thirty minutes, and G2-8 dogs submitted to the same procedures of G1 and to the administration of 0.5 mg.kg(-1) metoprolol before ischemia. Attributes of renal function were studied. Results: There was acute tubular necrosis and a decrease of renal blood flow and glomerular filtration, and a increase of renal vascular resistance in both groups. Conclusion: the thirty minute renal ischemia appears to have determined the alterations found in the renal function and hystology in both groups. Metoprolol, used in G2, as to the time and dose applied didn't protect the kidney from the ischemic episode

    Rat model of depending prostaglandin renal state: Effect of ketoprofen

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    Introduction .The renal prostaglandins (PGs), vasodilators, preserve kidney function during increased activity of the renin-angiotensin system or renal sympathetic nerves (renal PG-dependent state [RPGD]). Ketoprofen (Ket) inhibits cyclooxygenase and, therefore, the synthesis of PGs. The aim of this study was to determine, in the rat, the action of Ket in the renal histology and function in a RPGD state (stress of anesthesia and hemorrhage). Material and Methods . Twenty male Wistar rats, anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital, were randomly divided into two groups: G1-control ( n = 10) and G2-Ket ( n = 10) submitted to arterial hemorrhage of 30% of volemia (estimated as 6% of body weight) three times (10% each 10 min), 65 min after anesthesia. G2 animals received Ket, 1.5 mg. kg -1 , venously, 5 min after anesthesia and 60 min before the first hemorrhage moment (first moment of the study [M1]). Medium arterial pressure (MAP), rectal temperature (T), and heart rate were monitored. G1 and G2 received para-aminohippurate sodium (PAH) and iothalamate sodium (IOT) solutions during the entire experimental time in order to determine clearance of PAH (effective renal plasma flow [ERPF]) and clearance of IOT (glomerular filtration rate [GFR]) without urine collection (determination of blood concentrations of PAH and IOT through the high-performance liquid chromatography), filtration fraction (FF), and renal vascular resistance (RVR). The animals were sacrificed in M3, 30 min after the third hemorrhage (M2) moment, and the kidneys and blood collected during the hemorrhage periods were utilized for histological study and determinations of hematocrit (Ht), serum creatinine (S Cr ), ERPF, GFR, FF, and RVR, respectively. Results . There were significant reductions of MAP, T, and Ht and a significant increase of S Cr . During the experiment, ERPF and GFR did not change, but ERPF was always higher in G1 than in G2. Ket did not alter FF, which increased in G1 over the duration of experiment. The Ket group had significantly higher RVR than the control group. The histology verified that both G1 and G2 were similar for tubular dilation and necrosis, but they were significantly different for tubular degeneration: G1 > G2. Conclusion . The changes observed in kidney histology probably were determined by hemorrhage and hypotension. Ket inhibited the synthesis of PGs and diminished tubular degeneration