20 research outputs found
Razina hemoglobina u odgovoru na preoperativnu kemoiradijaciju u bolesnica s lokalno uznapredovalim rakom vrata maternice
Hemoglobin level is a very important prognostic factor in patients with gynecological carcinomas. Anemia in patients with cervical carcinoma occurs frequently and is due to the aggressive biological potential of a tumor as well as because of the poor response of patients to radiation therapy. Chemoradiation is a standard treatment followed by surgery in patients with locally advanced cervical carcinomas. Good overall results after such treatment, good quality of life, and almost no recidivism have established this method as a treatment of choice for patients with locally advanced cervical carcinomas.
Sixty-four female patients with cervical carcinoma underwent neoadjuvant chemoradiation, followed by radical hysterectomy at the Department of Gynecologic Oncology, University Medical Center in Zagreb. The stages of the disease ranged from FIGO stage Ib1 to FIGO stage IIIa. Histopathological findings were squamous cell carcinoma and glandular carcinoma of the cervix. The ECOG performance status was graduated from 0 to 1.
Neoadjuvant chemoradiation regimen included cisplatin (40 mg/mĀ² once a week for 4 weeks) with concomitant radiotherapy (40 Gy total pelvic + brach therapy). Furthermore, the time interval between chemoradiation and surgery was evaluated. Response to chemoradiation therapy was observed, and the hemoglobin level and general conditions (according to the ECOG performance status) were evaluated.
All the 64 patients had chemoradiation therapy prior to radical surgery. The median dosage at point A was 77.28 Gy and the median duration time of chemoradiation was 34.37 days. The time interval from chemoradiation to radical surgery was approximately 34.4 days. Hemoglobin levels decreased from 120.7 to 108.7 g/l at the end of concomitant chemoradiation.
The mean tumor diameter was significantly decreased after neoadjuvant chemoradiation, and we classified the results after chemoradiation therapy as complete remission, partial remission, and stabilization of the disease, according to the WHO response criteria with respect to the size of a residual tumor. After chemoradiation and surgery, the hemoglobin level and long-term survival were evaluated.
The correlation between the hemoglobin level and long-term survival after neoadjuvant chemoradiation and radical surgery in patients with different stages of cervical cancer was studied. We found that hemoglobin level could be a prognostic factor, but mostly, along with other prognostic factors, such as ECOG performance status, stage of the disease, dosage at point A, and interval between chemoradiation and surgery. However, we observed that the cellular types of tumor were of no significance.Razina hemoglobina važan je prognostiÄki pokazatelj u odgovoru na zraÄenje bolesnica s ginekoloÅ”kim malignomima. Anemija udružena s rakom vrata maternice Äesta je i pokazatelj je ne samo bioloÅ”ki agresivnijeg tumora veÄ može biti i uzrokom slabijeg odgovora na zraÄenje. Kemoiradijacija je uobiÄajeni naÄin lijeÄenja bolesnica s lokalno uznapredovalim rakom vrata maternice s ciljem poboljÅ”anja odgovora na lijeÄenje i preživljenja. Operativni zahvat nakon neoadjuvantne kemoiradijacije smanjuje lokalni recidiv.
U Zavodu za ginekoloÅ”ku onkologiju u razdoblju od 1/01 do 12/04 lijeÄene su 64 bolesnice s rakom vrata maternice. Stadij bolesti odreÄivao se prema FIGO-klasifikaciji (od Ib1-IIIa), patohistoloÅ”ki se radilo o ploÄastom i žljezdanom tipu raka vrata maternice, a opÄe stanje odreÄivalo se prema ECOG-u (0-1). U svih bolesnica provedeno je vanjsko zraÄenje zdjelice u dozi od 40 Gy, a potom i unutarnje zraÄenje, 1 aplikacija LDR s Cezijem 137 u dozi od 35-38 Gy u toÄku A. Tijekom vanjskog
zraÄenja bolesnice su primale 1x tjedno Cisplatinu u dozi od 40 mg/m2 ukupno 4x kao radiosenzibilizator. Nakon provedenog zraÄenja bolesnice su operirane (histerektomija s adneksektomijom uz resekciju forniksa vagine, a u nekih bolesnica uÄinjena je i zdjeliÄna limfadenektomija). Za vrijeme zraÄenja pratili smo vrijednosti hemoglobina 1x tjedno kao i opÄe stanje
koje smo stupnjevali prema ECOG-u.
Sve bolesnice su prije operacije ozraÄene. Srednja doza u toÄku A bila je 77,2 Gy, prosjeÄno vrijeme zraÄenja bilo je 34,37 dana. Vrijeme izmeÄu zavrÅ”etka zraÄenja i operacije iznosilo je 34,4 dana. Razina hemoglobina i veliÄina tumora znatno su se smanjivali tijekom kemoiradijacije. Procjenu odgovora na kemoiradijaciju uÄinili smo na patohistoloÅ”kom nalazu uklonjenog vrata maternice prema WHO podjeli kao potpuni odgovor (CR), djelomiÄan odgovor (PR) te stabilnu bolest (SD). PoÄetna vrijednost hemoglobina te redovito praÄenje razine hemoglobina tijekom kemoiradijacije pokazali su kako je veÄi postotak CR i PR u bolesnica s viÅ”im vrijednostima hemoglobina (>120 mg/L nasuprot <100 mg/L).
Bazalne i kontrolne vrijednosti hemoglobina u bolesnica s lokalno uznapredovalim rakom vrata maternice koje su lijeÄene kemoiradijacijom i operacijom pokazale su se kao dobar prognostiÄki pokazatelj odgovora na primijenjeno lijeÄenje. Ovaj pokazatelj mora se uzeti u obzir s ostalim kao Å”to su: stupanj uznapredovalosti bolesti, histoloÅ”ka diferencijacija i opÄe stanje bolesnice
Fusarium vrste i njihovi mikotoksini u zrnu pŔenice
Incidence of fungi and concentration of mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenone (ZON) and fumonisin (FB1) were studied in the grain of the winter wheat collected subsequently after harvesting in 2010. In the analyzed samples the highest incidence was determined for the species of Fusarium (84.7%) genus, significantly lower incidence was determined for the species of genus Alternaria (12.35%), and especially for species of genera Acremoniella (2.05%), Acremonium (0.65%) and Penicillium (0.25%). F. graminearum (99.05%) was the most present species of Fusarium genus, whereas the following species F. sporotrichioides (0.4%), F. subglutinans (0.4%), F. poae (0.05%), F. proliferatum (0.05%) and F. verticillioides (0.05%) were only sporadic. The presence of DON, ZON and FB1 mycotoxins was established in all studied wheat samples. DON was detected in concentrations from 123 to 393 Ī¼g kg-1 (average 214 Ī¼g kg-1), ZON from 157.144 to 471.055 Ī¼g kg-1 (average 299.934 Ī¼g kg-1), and FB1 from 2.715 to 16.488 Ī¼g kg-1 (average 6.286 Ī¼g kg-1).UÄestalost gljiva i koncentracija mikotoksina deoksinivalenola (DON), zearalenona (ZON) i fumonizina (FB1) prouÄavana je u zrnu ozime pÅ”enice prikupljene neposredno nakon žetve u 2010. godini. U ispitivanim uzorcima najveÄu zastupljenost imaju vrste iz roda Fusarium (84,7%), a znatno manje vrste iz roda Alternaria (12,35%), a posebno iz rodova Acremoniella (2,05%), Acremonium (0,65%) i Penicillium (0,25%). Od vrsta roda Fusarium najzastupljenija je vrsta F. graminearum (99,05%), dok su sporadiÄne vrste F. sporotrichioides (0,4%), F. subglutinans (0,4%), F. poae (0,05%), F. proliferatum (0,05%) i F. verticillioides (0,05%). Prisustvo mikotoksina DON, ZON i FB1 ustanovljeno je u svim ispitivanim uzorcima zrna pÅ”enice. DON je bio detektovan u koncentracijama od 123 do 393 Ī¼g kg-1 (prosek 214 Ī¼g kg-1), ZON od 157,144 do 471,055 Ī¼g kg-1 (prosek 299,934 Ī¼g kg-1) i FB1 od 2,715 do 16,488 Ī¼g kg-1 (prosek 6,286 Ī¼g kg-1)
Hernijacija kroz drenažni otvor kao rijetka rana -komplikacija laparoskopije
Port site hernia is very rare but serious complication after laparoscopic procedures. In clinical practice drain is often placed in 10 mm or larger trocar port sites. We report a case of 61-year-old woman who underwent laparoscopy and developed small bowel herniation and incarceration in a 12 mm port site in which 24 Fr drain was inserted leaving real free space of approximately 4 mm. There are only a few case reports with the similar pathology. Priority should always be on the adequate fascial closure of port sites. Smaller trocar insertion sites (<10 mm) should be used as insertion sites for drains.U kliniÄkoj praksi abdominalni dren se Äesto postavlja na mjesta insercije troakara promjera veÄih od 10 mm, te je pojava hernije, kao vrlo rijetke ali ozbiljne komplikacije ovih zahvata moguÄa. U prikazanom sluÄaju, na mjestu insercije troakara promjera 12 mm lijevo postavljen je dren veliÄine 24 Fr koji je dodatno reducirao prostor dostupan za hernijaciju na oko 4 mm. Kroz ovaj otvor ipak je doÅ”lo do hernijacije i inkarceracije tankog crijeva, Å”to je opisano u svega nekoliko sluÄaja. Smatramo kako je važno odgovarajuÄe zatvaranje defekata fascije na mjestu postavljanja troakara i postavljanje abdominalnog drena na mjesta insercije troakara promjera manjih od 10 mm
Fuzariotoksini u zrnu pŔenice u Srbiji
Samples of wheat grain (41), collected during the 2010 harvest from seven localities in Serbia, were analyzed for the presence of zearalenone (ZEA), T-2 toxin, deoxynivalenol (DON) and fumonisine B1 (FB1). Results of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) showed that all analysed samples were positive for the presence of at least one of four observed fusariotoxins. The most distributed mycotoxins were ZEA (90.2%, with the average concentration of 442.6Ī¼g kg-1) and T-2 (90.2%, with the average concentration of 24.2 Ī¼g kg-1). DON (73.2%) and FB1 (84.4%) were detected in a somewhat smaller number of samples, but their average concentrations were higher (1988.1 Ī¼g DON kg-1 and 882.7 Ī¼g FB1 kg-1). The established correlations between concentrations of DON and FB1 (r = 0.32) or DON and ZEA (r = 0.22) were not statistically significant. A negative correlation was established between concentrations of T-2 and FB1 (r= -0.24), as well as, between T-2 and DON (r = -0.36). Detected concentrations of ZEA and T-2 were bellow the level prescribed by the World Health Organisation (WHO), while concentrations of FB1 and DON detected in five that is, 17 samples, respectively, were above the permissible limit for human consumption.Uzorci zrna pÅ”enice (41), sakupljeni tokom žetve 2010. godine iz 7 razliÄitih lokaliteta na teritoriji Srbije, analizirani su na prisustvo ZEA, T-2 toksina, deoksinivalenola (DON) i FB1. Primenom ELISA metode utvrÄeno je da su svi analizirani uzorci bili pozitivni na prisustvo bar jednog od Äetiri ispitivana fuzariotoksina. Najzastupljeniji mikotoksini su bili ZEA (90,2%, proseÄne koncentracije 442,6 Ī¼g kg-1) i T-2 (90,2%, proseÄna koncentracija 24,2 kg-1). U neÅ”to manjem broju uzoraka utvrÄeni su DON (73,2%) i FB1 (84,4%), ali u veÄoj proseÄnoj koncentraciji (1988,1 Ī¼g DON kg-1 i 882,7 Ī¼g FB1 kg-1). Nije utvrÄena statistiÄki znaÄajna korelacija izmeÄu koncentracije DON i FB1 (r = 0,32) ili DON i ZEA (r = 0,22). Negativna korelacija je utvrÄena izmeÄu koncentracije T-2 i FB1 (r = -0,24), kao i izmeÄu T-2 i DON (r = -0,36). Detektovane koncentracije ZEA i T-2 bile su niže od nivoa koji propisuje Svetska zdravstvena organizacija, dok su FB1 i DON detektovani kod 5, odnosno 17 uzoraka u koncentraciji veÄoj od dozvoljenih u ljudskoj hrani
Ovarian Cancer: PCD and Brain Metastases
Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD), the one of the most common paraneoplastic syndromes, refer to clinical
disorders associated mostly with lung, ovarian and breast cancer, but not directly caused by the cancer or its metastases.
Pathologic finding is an extensive loss of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. Immunohistocemicaly, the auto-antibodies on
the Purkinje cells had been detected. Clinically, PCD is characterized by sub-acutely evolving pancerebellar symptoms.
Neurological dysfunction may appear before the detection of the underlying cancer. Therefore, the surgical exploration is
necessary for the final diagnosis. The patient undergoes specific therapy. Soon, neurological status of the patient gets irreparable
worse. Death come usually 2ā3 years after the first symptoms of the PCD occurs. Case of a 63-years old woman
with PCD as the first evidence of her cancer is reported. The patient developed brain metastases and died almost 3 years
after the first symptoms of PCD occur
Clinical significance of sentinel lymph node detection in early vulvar cancer
UVOD. Cilj istraživanja bio je ustanoviti limfni Ävor Äuvar kod raka stidnice, najpogodniji naÄin njegove detekcije, te koliko odsustvo metastaza u sentinel limfnom Ävoru korelira s proÅ”irenoÅ”Äu bolesti. ----- ISPITANICE I METODE. Na uzorku od 28 bolesnica s poÄetnim stadijem raka stidnice, lijeÄenih u Zavodu za ginekoloÅ”ku onkologiju Klinike za ženske bolesti i porode KBC-a Zagreb i MF-a SveuÄiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu, od 01. sijeÄnja 2004. do 31. prosinca 2010, odreÄivali smo sentinel limfni Ävor kombinirajuÄi limfoscintigrafsko obilježavanje radioaktivnim tehnecijem, patohistoloÅ”ku te imunohistokemijsku analizu preparata. Sve su bolesnice operirane kirurÅ”kom metodom ā3 u 1ā. Podaci su statistiÄki obraÄeni. ----- REZULTATI. U 28 ispitanica odreÄivan je sentinel limfni Ävor. Ukupno je odstranjeno 346 limfnih Ävorova, od toga je 57 bio SLN. ToÄno su prepoznati svi pozitivni limfni Ävorovi (kappa koeficijent podudarnosti od 1,000 i razina znaÄajnosti P<0,001). Kod lateralnog sijela primarnog tumora SLN je dokazan ipsilateralno, kod centralnih i multifokalnih bilateralno. Ļ2-testom uz Yatesovu korekciju i, alternativno Fisherovim egzaktnim testom dokazali smo kako je recidiv ÄeÅ”Äi u bolesnica s pozitivnim SLN (P=0,001; P=0,002). Ispitanice koje su imale negativne sentinel limfne Ävorove imale su medijan vremena do pojave recidiva od 12 (5,0 ā 12,0) mjeseci naprama ispitanicama koje su imale pozitivan sentinel limfni Ävor u kojih je medijan vremena bio 1 mjesec (1,0 ā 1,0) (Mann-Whitneyjev U-test, P=0,001). Regresijskim modelom je kao znaÄajan prediktor rizika za nastanak recidiva bolesti izdvojeno prisustvo barem jednog pozitivnog limfnog Ävora Äuvara s omjerom Å”ansi od 4,11 (P=0,049, 95% CI 1,21-13,89). ----- ZAKLJUÄAK. KombinirajuÄi limfoscintigrafsko obilježavanje sentinel limfnog Ävora radioaktivnim tehnecijem, Tc-99m, patohistoloÅ”ku analizu preparata na standardni naÄin (H&E) i imunohistokemijsku analizu (AE1/AE3), toÄnost prepoznavanja pozitivnog sentinel limfnog Ävora je 100%. AnalizirajuÄi sve parametre ukupno utvrdili smo kako je nalaz limfnog Ävora znaÄajan prediktor pojave recidiva bolesti, odnosno najvažniji nezavisni prognostiÄki Äimbenik.OBJECTIVES. To investigate the real sentinel lymph node (SLN) in vulvar cancer, the best method of detection, and the significance of the absence of metastases in SLN for spread of disease. ----- MATERIALS AND METHODS. Twenty-eight patients with early vulvar cancer (FIGO I and II) were treated in the Department of Gynecologic Oncology, University Clinic Zagreb, from January, 1st, 2004 to December, 31st, 2010. Detection of SLN was done by using technetium-99m radioisotope, standard sectioning with haematoxylin and eosin staining (H&E) and immunostaining by cytokeratin cocktail, AE1/AE3. All patients underwent ātriple separate incisionā surgical procedure. Data were statistically analyzed. ----- RESULTS. In all 28 patients, the detection of SLNs was performed. A total of 346 were removed, and 57 of those were SLNs. All positive SLNs were detected (kappa coefficient 1.000, P<0.001). When the primary lesion was situated laterally, the SLN was detected among the ipsilateral inguinofemoral lymph nodes. When the primary lesion was situated in the midline and bilaterally, the SLNs were detected among bilateral inguinofemoral lymph nodes. Chi-square-test with Yates-correction and, alternatively Fisherās test proved that the reoccurrence of disease is more often when the SLNs are positive (P=0.001; P=0.002). Patients with negative SLNs had a median time interval to reoccurrence of disease of 12 months (5.0-12.0 months) in contrast with patients with positive SLNs who had a median time interval to reoccurrence of disease of 1 month (1.0-1.0 months) (Mann-Whitney U-test, P=0.001). With Cox regression analysis, at least one positive SLN was marked as a very important factor for reoccurrence of disease with odds chance of 4.11 (P=0049, 95% CI 1.21 ā 13.89). ----- CONCLUSION. By using technetium-99m radioisotope, H&E staining, and immunostaining with AE1/AE3, recognition accuracy of positive SLN is 100%. Analyzing parameters all together, the status of SLNs is the most important prognostic factor