54 research outputs found


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    Even after seven years of thinking about the purpose of homework and intensive work on the implementation of agreed views on homework, there is still a prevailing public opinion that homework is everything that a pupil does at home in order to reinforce acquired knowledge and skills, i.e. to prepare for acquiring new content during the teaching process. We, on the contrary, consider homework to be a mere written task completion without any freedom of choice. Therefore by taking a different approach we wanted to motivate pupils to actively participate in the lesson in order to more effectively and permanently acquire and implement learning content. We conducted a research on the purpose of homework, on the time it takes, on its complexity, attitudes to homework and suggestions about homework. Pupils, parents and teachers participated in the survey. The analysis of the expressed attitudes indicates that there has been a shift in relieving pupils from the homework load, but there is still a lot of room for improvement, especially in individualised approach to pupils.I nakon sedam godina tijekom kojih smo promišljali o svrhovitosti domaćih zadaća i intenzivno radili na provedbi dogovorenih stajališta o domaćim zadaćama, i dalje preteže mišljenje javnosti da je domaća zadaća sve ono što učenik radi u domu u svrhu učvršćivanja stečenih znanja i vještina, odnosno za pripremanje usvajanja novih znanja u nastavi. Nasuprot tomu pod pojmom domaća zadaća mi podrazumijevamo isključivo rješavanje zadataka u pisanu obliku bez mogućnosti izbora. Slijedeći takvo naše promišljanje željeli smo drukčijim pristupom nastavi motivirati učenike na aktivniji rad na nastavnom satu u svrhu učinkovitijega i trajnijega usvajanja i primjene nastavnih sadržaja. Stoga smo o svrhovitosti domaće zadaće, vremenu potrebnom za njezino rješavanje, njezinoj kompleksnosti, odnosu spram domaće zadaće i prijedlozima u svezi s domaćom zadaćom proveli istraživanje anketirajući učenike, roditelje i učitelje. Analizom iskazanih stajališta možemo zaključiti da je učinjen pomak u rasterećenju učenika domaćim zadaćama u najužem smislu tog pojma, a da nam predstoji daljnje unaprjeđivanje rada, posebice u individualnom pristupu učenicima.Auch nach sieben Jahren, in denen wir über die Angemessenheit der Hausaufgaben nachgedacht und intensiv an der Umsetzung der vereinbarten Positionen über die Hausaufgaben gearbeitet haben, herrscht noch weiterhin die öffentliche Meinung, dass die Hausaufgaben all das beinhalten, was der Schüler zu Hause macht, um seine Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten zu festigen, bzw. zur Vorbereitung auf die Wissensaneignung im Unterricht. Im Gegensatz dazu verstehen wir unter dem Begriff Hausaufgaben ausschließlich das Lösen von Aufgaben in schriftlicher Form ohne Wahlmöglichkeiten. Daraufhin wollten wir mit einem anderen Ansatzpunkt die Schüler weiterhin motivieren, aktiv am Unterricht teilzunehmen, um die Aneignung und die Anwendung der Lehrinhalte effizienter und dauerhafter zu machen. Also haben wir durch Befragung von Schülern, Eltern und Lehrern die Zweckmäßigkeit von Hausaufgaben, die erforderliche Zeit für das Lösen von Aufgaben, ihre Komplexität, die Haltung gegenüber Hausaufgaben und die Anregungen zum Thema Hausaufgaben erforscht. Aus der Analyse der angegebenen Stellungen können wir schließen, dass eine Verschiebung zur Entlastung der Schüler mit Hausaufgaben im strengsten Sinne des Wortes vorgenommen wurde, und dass eine weitere Arbeitsförderung vor uns liegt, vor allem in der individuellen Betreuung von Schülern

    Thermodynamics of the Association Reaction of Na+ and Br- Ions in (70, 80, 90, and 95 Mass per Cent) 2-Butanol + Water Mixtures

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    Molar conductivities of NaBr electrolyte in 2-butanol + water mixtures (w2-butanol = 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95 ) were mesaured in the temperature range from 288.15 to 308.15 K at 5 K intervals. By processing the obtained data using the conductivity equations after Fuoss-Hsia and Lee-Wheaton it was not possible to establish a reliable value for the distance of the ions in the ion-pairs formed (R). The processing was therefore repeated using the same equations with R = qBjerrum . The association constants (KA) obtained by both equations at different temperatures enable calculation of the standard thermodynamic quantities (ΔH° and Δ S°) for the association reaction. The obtained thermodynamic quantities, together with the limiting molar conductivity (Λ0), were compared with the analogous data from literature for HBr electrolyte in the same mixtures, and for NaBr electrolyte in t-butanol + water mixtures

    Opravdanost primjene heparina male molekulske mase u trudnica s nasljednom trombofilijom kao uzrokom opetovanih zadržanih pobačaja [Adequacy of low-molecural-weight heparin prophylaxis in pregnant women with hereditary trombophilia as a cause of recurrent pregnancy loss]

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    INTRODUCTION: Approximately 1% of women trying to conceive experience recurrent miscarriage. In 50% of the cases, the etiology of preceding miscarriages remains unknown. For this reason, the appropriate treatment and medical approach to these women are very challenging. Over the last 20 years, many studies have been analyzing the association between inherited thrombophilia and recurrent miscarriages. The main goals of this research were to investigate the perinatal outcome in hereditary thrombophilic patients with recurrent missed abortions after treatment with low molecular weight heparin. Nevertheless, this study evaluates the perinatal outcome in asymptomatic mutation carriers without LMWH prophylaxis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The prospective study was conducted at the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, from 2011 to January 2018. The research covered three groups of women: the first group (LMWH+) included 133 pregnant women with the history of two or more early recurrent pregnancy loss and hereditary trombophilia who were treated with a prophylactic dose of LMWH, the second group (LMWH-) enrolled 35 women with habitual abortions and hereditary thrombophilia who were not treated with a prophylactic dose of LMWH and, finally, the third (control) group covered 55 healthy pregnant women (with a negative personal venous thromboembolism and obstetric uteroplacental vascular insufficiency history) with hereditary thrombophilia who were not treated with a prophylactic dose of LMWH. The definition of inherited thrombophilia included the FVL, prothrombin G20210A mutation, antithrombin deficiency, protein C and protein S deficiency, MTHFR mutation and PAI-1 mutation. RESULTS: Pregnant women with inherited thrombophilia and habitual abortions who were treated with prophylactic doses of LMWH heparin showed a statistically significant reduction in miscarriages compared to women with inherited thrombophilia and two or more previous early pregnancy loss who were not administered the prophylactic dose of LMWH (P= 0,001). For a good perinatal outcome, it seems that application of LMWH is not necessary in the group of asymptomatic carriers of mutations with hereditary thrombophilia and negative personal and obstetric history. CONCLUSION: LMWH has a role in preventing further pregnancy losses in patients with hereditary thrombophilias and recurrent miscarriages. Nevertheless, the current findings show that LMWH is not required for a good perinatal outcome in asymptomatic carriers of a thrombophilic defect

    Termodinamika asocijacijske reakcije iona Li+ i Br– u smjesama 2-butanol + voda iz mjerenja provodnosti

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    Molar conductivity of LiBr solutions in 2-butanol + water mixtures (w2-BuOH = 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95) was measured at five temperatures in the temperature range from 288.15 to 308.15 K. The limiting molar conductivity (Λ0), association constant (Ka) and association distance (R) were calculated using the Lee-Wheaton equation. Three-parameter adjustment did not produce uniform values of R. Consequently, the treatment was repeated by the two-parameter version of this equation with R fixed at q (q is Bjerrum\u27s critical distance). The Walden product values, as well as the standard thermodynamic quantities for the association reaction at 298.15 K, were derived from the temperature dependent Λ0 and Ka, respectively. All quantities obtained are reported and discussed.Mjerena je molarna provodnost otopina LiBr u smjesama 2-butanol + voda (w2-BuOH = 0,7, 0,8, 0,9, 0,95) pri pet temperatura u temperaturnome području od 288,15 do 308,15 K. Granična molarna provodnost (Λ0), asocijacijska konstanta (Ka) i asocijacijski razmak (R) izračunani su Lee-Wheatonovom jednadžbom. Podešavanje triju parametara nije dalo ujednačene vrijednosti parametra R. Stoga je obrada ponovljena dvoparametarskom verzijom jednadžbe uz R = q (q je Bjerrumov kritični razmak). Vrijednosti Waldenova produkta, kao i standardne termodinamičke veličine za reakciju asocijacije pri 298,15 K, izvedene su iz temperaturne ovisnosti Λ0, odnosno Ka. Sve su dobivene veličine prikazane i raspravljene

    Važnost primjene niskomolekularnog heparina kod trudnica s nasljednom trombofilijom za dobar perinatalni ishod

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    The aim of the study was to establish the importance of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) treatment for good pregnancy outcome in patients with hereditary thrombophilia. This retrospective study included 70 patients with inherited thrombophilia who gave birth at Zagreb University Hospital Center in the period from January 2014 to January 2015. Fifty-seven women were treated and 13 women were not treated with LMWH. Perinatal outcome was significantly better in women with hereditary thrombophilia who were treated with heparin during pregnancy as compared with women without LMWH (p=0.006). Regardless of heparin therapy, patients with hereditary thrombophilia alone had a significantly better perinatal outcome as compared with women who, along with hereditary thrombophilia, had a history of habitual abortions (p=0.035) or intrauterine fetal death (p=0.033). Women treated with heparin had better perinatal outcome if they were without a history of recurrent or non-recurrent fetal loss (p=0.088). In the group without LMWH, perinatal outcome was significantly better in women with no history of habitual abortions as compared with women with recurrent miscarriages (p=0.047). Administration of LMWH is justified in women with hereditary thrombophilia and a history of adverse perinatal outcome.Cilj ove studije bio je ustanoviti komplikacije trudnoće i važnost primjene niskomolekularnog heparina za poboljšanje perinatalnog ishoda kod trudnica s nasljednom trombofilijom. Retrospektivno su analizirani podatci 70 trudnica s dokazanom hereditarnom trombofilijom i urednom ili opterećenom opstetričkom anamnezom koje su porođene u Klinici za ženske bolesti i porođaje u razdoblju od siječnja 2014. do siječnja 2015. Njih 57 liječeno je niskomolekularnim heparinom, dok kod ostalih 13 žena nije provedena antikoagulantna terapija. Ispitanice s nasljednom trombofilijom koje su tijekom trudnoće uzimale heparinsku terapiju imale su statistički značajno bolji perinatalni ishod u odnosu na ispitanice s nasljednom trombofilijom bez antikoagulantne terapije (p=0,006). Ispitanice s hereditarnom trombofilijom i urednom opstetričkom anamnezom imale su statistički značajno bolji perinatalni ishod u odnosu na ispitanice s trombofilijom i prethodnim habitualnim pobačajima (p=0,035) ili intrauterinom smrti čeda (p=0,033). Ispitanice s hereditarnom trombofilijom i urednim prethodnim trudnoćama koje su liječene heparinom imale su nešto bolji perinatalni ishod u odnosu na skupinu s trombofilijom i prethodnim mors fetus in utero kod kojih je također primjenjivana antikoagulantna terapija (p=0,088). U skupini ispitanica s hereditarnom trombofilijom a bez heparinske terapije, ispitanice bez habitualnih pobačaja u anamnezi imale su statistički značajno bolji perinatalni ishod u odnosu na trudnice s habitualnim pobačajima (p=0,047). Primjena niskomolekularnog heparina za bolji perinatalni ishod opravdana je kod trudnica s nasljednom trombofilijom i opterećenom opstetričkom anamnezom

    Conductometric Study of Hydrobromic Acid in 2-Propanol + Water Mixtures

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    Molar conductivity of HBr in 2-propanol + water mixtures, with alcohol mass fractions of 70, 80, 90 and 95 %, was determined at five temperatures in the region from 288.15 to 308.15 K. Data were processed by the Lee-Wheaton conductivity equation, with parameter R set at q (Bjerrum’s pairing distance) and the following quantities were obtained: limiting molar conductivity (Λ0) and activation energy of the ionic movement (&DeltaH‡), as well as the equilibrium constant (K) and the thermodynamic quantities for the ion-association reaction. Some of these quantities were compared with those obtained earlier for NaBr in the same mixed solvent. Differences in the behaviour of hydrogen and sodium ions were interpreted in terms of their size, as well as solvent basicity, structure, and permittivity

    Investigation of the Complex Forming Reactions of Cd2+ and Cl– Ions in 2-Butanone + Water Mixtures by Direct Potentiometry

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    The complex forming reactions of cadmium and chloride ions in 2-butanone + water mixtures (with mass fraction of the organic component 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15) at three ionic strengths and three temperatures were investigated by the method of direct potentiometry by means of calibration straight lines. As that experimental technique has not yet been tested in mixed solvents, first, measurements in 10 % (mass fraction) t-butanol at ionic strength of 1 mol dm–3 and temperatures 288.15, 298.15 and 313.15 K were performed and stability constants of chlorocadmium complexes were redetermined. Comparing these values with those obtained by measuring the e.m.f. of the concentration cell with transference, reproducibility and applicability of direct potentiometry in that mixed solvent were proven. According to statistical parameters, direct potentiometry retains the precision of the potentiometry of the concentration cell with transference, but, due to the absence of junction potential, it is undoubtedly more accurate. In the mixtures of water and 2-butanone, CdCl+, CdCl2 and CdCl3 – complexes were found as well as their concentration stability constants (K\u27n) by the method of orthogonal polynomials for each ionic strength and temperature. By the extrapolation of semiempirical straight lines to zero ionic strength, thermodynamic stability constants (Kon) were obtained. It was found that the Kon values increase with the increase of temperature and with the decrease of relative permittivity of the solvent. From the temperature dependence of Kon, thermodynamic quantities for the complex forming reactions were calculated; all the reactions are spontaneous, endothermic and lead to an increase in entropy

    Determination of Stability Constants of Chlorocadmium Complexes in Water from Electromotive Force Measurements

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    A potentiometric method involving a three-electrode cell was applied to determine the concentration stability constants (K\u27n) of chlorocadmium complexes in water at 298.15 K and ionic strength I=1 mol dm-3. Initially, calibration diagrams were derived for the cadmium and chloride ion, based on the measurements of the potential difference between the glass and the cadmium-amalgam electrode for known Cd2+ ion concentrations, and between the glass and AgCl / Ag electrode for known Cl- ion concentrations. To determine the concentrations of free Cd2+ and Cl- ions by means of calibration diagrams, potential differences between the same electrodes were measured in the three-electrode cell by changing the concentration of total chlorides while keeping the concentration of cadmium ions constant. These data were used to determine the concentration stability constants of the formed complexes CdCl+, CdCl2, and CdCl3- by applying Leden’s graphical method and three numerical methods: nonlinear regression without scaling, nonlinear regression with scaling, and orthogonal polynomials. The two latter methods gave identical constants: 24.6 (CdCl+), 68 (CdCl2), and 69 (CdCl3-). The obtained concentration stability constants were compared with the available data for the same complexes obtained from the electromotive force measurements (e.m.f.) of the concentration cell with transference, calculated using the same methods. As a result, it was possible to compare both experimental methods applied in determining the concentration stability constants of chlorocadmium complexes in water medium at 298.15 K and ionic strength I=1 mol dm-3

    Investigation of the Complex Forming Reactions of Cd2+ and Cl– Ions in 2-Butanone + Water Mixtures by Direct Potentiometry

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    The complex forming reactions of cadmium and chloride ions in 2-butanone + water mixtures (with mass fraction of the organic component 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15) at three ionic strengths and three temperatures were investigated by the method of direct potentiometry by means of calibration straight lines. As that experimental technique has not yet been tested in mixed solvents, first, measurements in 10 % (mass fraction) t-butanol at ionic strength of 1 mol dm–3 and temperatures 288.15, 298.15 and 313.15 K were performed and stability constants of chlorocadmium complexes were redetermined. Comparing these values with those obtained by measuring the e.m.f. of the concentration cell with transference, reproducibility and applicability of direct potentiometry in that mixed solvent were proven. According to statistical parameters, direct potentiometry retains the precision of the potentiometry of the concentration cell with transference, but, due to the absence of junction potential, it is undoubtedly more accurate. In the mixtures of water and 2-butanone, CdCl+, CdCl2 and CdCl3 – complexes were found as well as their concentration stability constants (K\u27n) by the method of orthogonal polynomials for each ionic strength and temperature. By the extrapolation of semiempirical straight lines to zero ionic strength, thermodynamic stability constants (Kon) were obtained. It was found that the Kon values increase with the increase of temperature and with the decrease of relative permittivity of the solvent. From the temperature dependence of Kon, thermodynamic quantities for the complex forming reactions were calculated; all the reactions are spontaneous, endothermic and lead to an increase in entropy

    Hausaufgabe zwischen Theorie und Praxis

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    U Osnovnoj školi „Vijenac“ provodi se projekt „Domaća zadaća – iznimka, a ne pravilo“, na tragu suvremenih europskih i svjetskih rješenja, radi propitivanja svrhovitosti domaće zadaće i unaprjeđivanja nastavnoga procesa. Provedeno je istraživanje u kojem su anketirani učenici, roditelji i učitelji Osnovne škole „Vijenac“. Cilj istraživanja bio je propitati razmišljanja učenika, učitelja i roditelja o realizaciji projekta „Domaća zadaća – iznimka, a ne pravilo“ o promjenama u nastavnome procesu, utjecaju projekta na samostalnost učenika i njihovu aktivnost te provjeravanju utjecaja na mogućnost izbora samovrednovanja. Provedeno istraživanje pokazalo je da su učenici prepoznali vrijednosti projekta u odnosu na izvedbu nastavnoga sata (istaknuti ishodi učenja, mogućnost izbora zadataka, jasne upute za pripremu za sljedeći nastavni sat), njihovu aktivnost (više rada na nastavnome satu i u procesu učenja) i samovrednovanje. Iz istraživanja je razvidno da su učitelji, kao ključni subjekti nastavnoga procesa, prihvatili osobnu odgovornost za uspjeh učenika dosljednom primjenom dogovorenih zaključaka Učiteljskoga vijeća. Odgovori roditelja upućuju na njihovo, još uvijek, tradicionalno shvaćanje nastave te nedovoljno povjerenje u sposobnosti učenika za samovrednovanje. U radu su prezentirani dobiveni rezultati koji potvrđuju ostvarivanje cilja i svrhe projekta.The project “Homework – the exception rather than the rule” is being conducted in Elementary school “Vijenac” in the wake of contemporary European and global solutions in order to question the appropriateness of homework and to improve the teaching process. A study was conducted in which the students, parents and teachers of Elementary school “Vijenac” were interviewed. Accordingly, the aims of the research were the following: to examine the students\u27, teachers’ and parents’ opinions about the project “Homework – the exception rather than the rule”, to examine the opinions about changes in the teaching process, to check the impact of the project on students’ independence and activities, and to check the impact of freedom of choice on self-assessment. The conducted research has shown that the students recognized the value of the project in relation to the performance of the teaching process (emphasized learning outcomes, freedom to choose the tasks, clear instructions about preparation for the next lesson), their activity (more work during the lesson and in the learning process) and self-evaluation. This study indicated that the teachers, as key subjects of the teaching process, accept personal responsibility for students’ success through consistent implementation of the agreed conclusions of the Teachers Council. The results of the parents’ responses reflect their (still) traditional view of the teaching and learning process and lack of trust in the ability of students for self-evaluation. This paper presents the results, which confirm that the objectives and purposes of the project have been attained.In der Grundschule Vijenac wird das Projekt „Hausaufgabe - eine Ausnahme, aber keine Regel“ im Geiste aktueller und weltlicher Lösungen durchgeführt, um die Zweckmäßigkeit von Hausaufgaben zu untersuchen und den Unterrichtsprozess zu verbessern. Es wurde eine Umfrage mit Schülern, Eltern und Lehrern aus der Grundschule Vijenac gemacht. Das Ziel der Forschung war es, die Meinung der Schüler, der Eltern und der Lehrer über die Durchführung des Projektes „Hausaufgabe - eine Ausnahme, aber keine Regel“ zu erfragen, desweiteren über die Änderungen im Unterrichtsprozess, den Einfluss des Projektes auf die Selbstständigkeit der Schüler und ihre Aktivität, ebenso über die Überprüfung des Einflusses auf die Möglichkeit der Selbstbewertung. Die durchgeführte Forschung zeigte, dass die Schüler den Wert des Projektes in Bezug auf die Artikulierung der Unterrichtsstunde (hervorgehobene Lernziele, die Möglichkeit der Aufgabenwahl, klare Anweisungen zur Vorbereitung für die nächste Unterrichtstunde), ihre Aktivität (mehr Arbeit in der Unterrichtstunde und im Lernprozess) und die Selbstbewertung erkannt haben. Anhand der Forschung ist sichtbar, dass Lehrer, als Schlüsselsubjekte des Unterichtsprozesses, die persönliche Verantwortung für den Schülererfolg gemäß der konsequenten Anwendung von Schlussfolgerungen des Lehrerrates übernommen haben. Die Antworten der Eltern weisen auf ihr noch immer traditionelles Verständnis vom Unterricht hin und auf mangelndes Vertrauen in die Fähigkeit der Schüler, sich selbst zu bewerten. In der Arbeit werden die erhaltenen Ergebnisse präsentiert, die die Verwirklichung der Projektziele und des Projektzwecks bestätigen