80 research outputs found

    Clinical Importance of Significant Asimptomatic Bacteriuria in Newborns and Infants During Early Postnatal Period

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    The aim of the study was to detect newborns at risk for developing renal impairment, and to point out the importance of significant asimptomatic bacteriuria in perinatal period and early infancy. Severe urinary tract anomalies are very often accompanied only by asimptomatic bacteriuria in perinatal period. Three urinalysis ware done after delivery. 212 newborns with significant asimptomatic bacteriuria underwent ultrasound examination, and were followed up to three months. Those with normal findings and with passing bacteriuria in the first 2 months were excluded. Group of 52 newborns underwent radioisotope examination. Frequency of urinary tract anomalies in newborns was 34.6%. Increased risk for renal impairment had children with urinary tract anomalies in close family, urinary tract infection or bacteriuria, EPH gestosis and prepartal symptoms of febrile infection in mother, children with IUGR, strangulated umbilical cord, prolonged jaundice and attacks of peripheral cyanosis in perinatal period

    Frequency and characteristic of the patients with psychiatric diagnosis in the surgery of the firm "Mara" - stylish weaving in Osijek

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    S ciljem da se dobije uvid u stanje mentalnog zdravlja radnika Radne organizacije Ā»MaraĀ« ā€” stilsko pletivo, Osijek, izvrÅ”eno je istraživanje učestalostii karakteristika bolesnika s psihičkim tegobama meĀ­Ä‘u radnicima. Od 561 radnika, 104 imaju psihičke tegobe i određenu dijagnozu. GodiÅ”nje je evidentirano 4 % novooboljelih. Neurastenija je najčeŔća i javlja se u 18 bolesnika (za 5 godina). Osam posto KV radnika i 4,4 % NKV radnika godiÅ”nje je evidentirano zbog psihičkih smetnji. U dobi do 19 godina nema psihičĀ­kih bolesnika, ali od 40 do 49 godina ima 9 % bolesnika s psihičkim tegobama. U dobi od 50 do 59 godina ima 6,5% od ukupnog broja psihičkih bolesnika. Zbog psihičkih smetnji radnici godiÅ”nje provode na bolovanju prosječno 400 dana. U dobi od 40 do 49 godina u prosjeku svaki radnik RO bude jedan dan u godini na bolovanju zbog psihičkih smetnji, a u dobi od 50 do 59 godina dva dana. KV radnici i oni sa SSS bili su zbog psihičkih smetnji 1471 dan na bolovanju (za 5 godina), a NKV 540 dana.In order to get insight into the mental health of the people employed in the firm Ā»MaraĀ« ā€” Stylish Weaving in Osijek, a research was carried out, investigating the frequency and characteristics of psychological disorders among the employed. Out of 561 employees, 104 have psychological disturbances and a certain diagnosis. There are 4 % of new patients registered per year. The most frequent diagnosis is neurasthenia, appearing in 18 cases within 5 years. Psychological disorders were registered in 8 % of the qualified and 4.4 % of the unqualified workers per year. Nine percent of the patients were aged 40 ā€” 49 years and 6.5 % 50 ā€” 59 years. There were no psychiatric patients younger than 19. On the average, workers spent 400 days a year on sick-leave due to psychiatric diagnosis (one day a year in the age group 40 ā€” 49 and two days in the group 50 ā€” 59 years). Due to psychological disorders, qualified workers and the employees with intermediate specialist training spent 1471 days within 5 years on sick-leave. The rate for the unqualified workers is 540 days

    Promjene u strukturi zaposlenih u zdravstvu Osječko-baranjske županije od 1994. - 2006. godine (1994 - 2006 changes of the structure of health workers in the county of Osijek-baranya)

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    Struktura i broj zaposlenih u zdravstvu jedan su od pokazatelja koji mogu pomoći u ocjeni stanja u zdravstvu na području Osječko-baranjske županije (Županija). Jasno je da bez dobre sadaÅ”nje i buduće zdravstvene kadrovske politike nije moguće rjeÅ”avati zdravstvene zahtjeve koji su sada ili će se javiti u bliskoj budućnosti. U Zavodu za javno zdravstvo Osječko-baranjske županije (ZZJZ Osijek) su prikupljeni i obrađeni podaci o strukturi i broju zaposlenih u Županiji od 1994. do 2006. godine. Godine 1994. stopa zaposlenih u zdravstvu Županije je bila 1095/100.000 stanovnika, a stopa liječnika kao nositelja svih aktivnosti u zdravstvu bijaÅ”e 158. U Hrvatskoj je te godine stopa zaposlenika u zdravstvu bila 1290/100.000 stanovnika, a stopa liječnika bijaÅ”e 191. Godine 2006. stopa je u Županiji bila 1496/100.000, a stopa liječnika 228. U Hrvatskoj je iste godine stopa zaposlenih u zdravstvu bila 1705, a stopa liječnika 271/100.000 stanovnika Hrvatske. Å Ā kolovanjem kadrova medicinska Å”kola i medicinski fakultet i ostale zdravstvene ustanove u vremenu od 12 godina nisu uspjeli smanjiti negativnu razliku u stopi zdravstvenih djelatnika između Županije i Hrvatske. Jedino Å”to je u zdravstvu Županije bolje u odnosu na prosjek Hrvatske su administrativno i tehničko osoblje. Trebala bi se Å”to prije napraviti Županijska strategija zapoÅ”ljavanja u zdravstvu koja treba dati odgovor zaÅ”to je stanje ovako i kako u kratkom vrjemenu nadomjestiti manjak zaposlenika u zdravstvu kako se ne bi loÅ”a struktura zdravstvenih djelatnika u zdravstvu dodatno uruÅ”ila odljevom kadrova u Europu kada Hrvatska postane punopravna članica

    Frequency and characteristic of the patients with psychiatric diagnosis in the surgery of the firm "Mara" - stylish weaving in Osijek

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    S ciljem da se dobije uvid u stanje mentalnog zdravlja radnika Radne organizacije Ā»MaraĀ« ā€” stilsko pletivo, Osijek, izvrÅ”eno je istraživanje učestalostii karakteristika bolesnika s psihičkim tegobama meĀ­Ä‘u radnicima. Od 561 radnika, 104 imaju psihičke tegobe i određenu dijagnozu. GodiÅ”nje je evidentirano 4 % novooboljelih. Neurastenija je najčeŔća i javlja se u 18 bolesnika (za 5 godina). Osam posto KV radnika i 4,4 % NKV radnika godiÅ”nje je evidentirano zbog psihičkih smetnji. U dobi do 19 godina nema psihičĀ­kih bolesnika, ali od 40 do 49 godina ima 9 % bolesnika s psihičkim tegobama. U dobi od 50 do 59 godina ima 6,5% od ukupnog broja psihičkih bolesnika. Zbog psihičkih smetnji radnici godiÅ”nje provode na bolovanju prosječno 400 dana. U dobi od 40 do 49 godina u prosjeku svaki radnik RO bude jedan dan u godini na bolovanju zbog psihičkih smetnji, a u dobi od 50 do 59 godina dva dana. KV radnici i oni sa SSS bili su zbog psihičkih smetnji 1471 dan na bolovanju (za 5 godina), a NKV 540 dana.In order to get insight into the mental health of the people employed in the firm Ā»MaraĀ« ā€” Stylish Weaving in Osijek, a research was carried out, investigating the frequency and characteristics of psychological disorders among the employed. Out of 561 employees, 104 have psychological disturbances and a certain diagnosis. There are 4 % of new patients registered per year. The most frequent diagnosis is neurasthenia, appearing in 18 cases within 5 years. Psychological disorders were registered in 8 % of the qualified and 4.4 % of the unqualified workers per year. Nine percent of the patients were aged 40 ā€” 49 years and 6.5 % 50 ā€” 59 years. There were no psychiatric patients younger than 19. On the average, workers spent 400 days a year on sick-leave due to psychiatric diagnosis (one day a year in the age group 40 ā€” 49 and two days in the group 50 ā€” 59 years). Due to psychological disorders, qualified workers and the employees with intermediate specialist training spent 1471 days within 5 years on sick-leave. The rate for the unqualified workers is 540 days

    Early neonatal outcome of women with gestational diabetes

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    Gestational diabetes (GD) is one of the most common metabolic complications in pregnancy. Pregnant diabetic women have more often complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, macrosomia, lower Apgar score and infection, jaundice, birth injuries and cyanosis are often seen in their newborns. Aim. We compared two groups ā€“ newborns of diabetic mothers and controls during two years period and try to determine whether there are any differences among them ā€“ Apgar score, birth weight, clinical characteristics, need for oxygenation and duration of hospitalization. Methods. There were 262 newborns of mothers with GD during 2015 and 2018 at Clinical hospital center Osijek. Retrospective case control study was done. The controls (n=262) were first neonates born after the examinees in 2015 and 2018 whose mother were healthy. Results. Pregnant women with GD were older and also tend to have more complications during the delivery. Their infants were more often macrosomic, hypoglycemic, and hypocalcemic when compared to control group. They require more oxygen treatment, longer hospitalization and they are more often born by elective and urgent C-section. Conclusion. Gestational diabetic mothers was still connected with worse early neonatal outcome

    Comparison of the Neonatal Outcome in Mothers with Gestational Diabetes (GD) in Two Periods

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    Gestational diabetes is one of the most common metabolic complications during pregnancy. Pregnant diabetic mothers, if not well regulated, are more often subject to a number of acute conditions and complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, hypertrophy, lower Apgar are often seen in children. In this case control study we compared mothers with GD and their infants to mothers without GD and their children both in 2015 and 2018 in order to determine whether there are any differences among them, and to compare the perinatal outcome of their infants. Examinees were born in 2015 and 2018 (262) at KBC Osijek. The control group (262) included first neonates born after the examinees in 2015 and 2018. The results are shown in tables, with absolute and relative frequencies, and the significance of differences in the chi-square test with confidence interval at 95 %, with statistical significance accepted at p <0.05 level. Different acute conditions and other chronic illnesses are more common in mothers with GD. They have more complications during labor. Their infants are more often diagnosed with hypertrophy, hypoglycemia, and hypocalcemia. They also require more oxygen treatment, longer hospitalization and birth by C-section. In 2018, the number of hypoglycemic and hypocalcemic infants was twice lower, and their hospitalization much shorter. Better care for mothers during pregnancy and their glycemic control have led to significantly less complications in their infants and better perinatal outcome of such infants

    Breastfeeding success in low birth weight infants

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    Breastfeeding is a fundamental public health issue since it promotes health, prevents disease and helps contribute to reducing health inequalities. It provides the foundation for a healthy start in life and prevents disease in the short and long-term for babies and their mothers. The aim of the study was to point out the incidence of breastfeeding among low birth weight (LBW) infants and factors that can influence it. We want to show that breastfeeding can be set independently of serious medical complication even in LBW infants. All LBW preterm (birth weight of up to 1500 g) admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) from 2009 to 2011 were investigated. All LBW preterm infants had their mothers with them. The study included 69 preemies with a gestational age from 25 to 32. About 36% of infants were breastfeed, 29% were fed with their motherā€™s milk, and 35% were fed a combination of motherā€™s milk and industrial preparations. Severe medical complications were not connected with successful breastfeeding in our study. Success of breastfeeding is statistically connected only with the gender of the preemie or a premature infant, and with the duration of bottle feeding. In observing the impact of complication (cerebral haemorrhage, asphyxia, mechanical ventilation and infection) on the success of breastfeeding there was no statistically significant difference. The manner in which breastfeeding begins is very important in LBW infants. When a premature baby begins to breastfeed, it is best to not to add milk from the bottle (despite weight loss)
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