4 research outputs found
Povezanost inzulinu sličnog faktora rasta tip 1 i intrauterinog rasta
Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) is a regulator of intrauterine growth, and circulating concentrations are reduced in intrauterine growth-restricted fetuses. The aim of our study was to investigate the relationship between IGF-1 levels in newborns and intrauterine growth,
expressed as birth weight (BW). The research was designed as a cross-sectional study. The study included 71 premature newborns, gestational age (GA) ≤33 weeks. Quantitative determination of IGF-1 was performed in the 33rd post-menstrual week (pmw) to make the measurements more comparable. We used an enzyme-bound immunosorbent test for quantitative determination of IGF-1. Our results showed the mean IGF-1 level in premature newborns in 33rd pmw to be 23.1±4.56 (range 15.44-39.75) μg/L. There was no difference in IGF-1 values between male (23.1±4.98 μg/L) and female (23.1±4.87 μg/L) newborns. Tere was no significant difference in the average IGF-1
levels between male and female newborns with BW 50th percentile for GA either (p>0.50). Only BW <33rd percentile newborns had a statistically significantly lower IGF-1 level compared
to newborns with greater BW. Based on our results, it is concluded that serum IGF-1 level reflects intrauterine growth only in BW <33rd percentile newborns. This fact could be used for further therapeutic purposes.Inzulinu sličan faktor rasta (IGF-1) je jedan od čimbenika koji utječu na intrauterini rast. Serumske razine IGF-1 su smanjene u fetusima s intrauterinim zastojem rasta. Cilj našega istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos između razine IGF-1 u nedonoščadi i intrauterinog rasta izraženog kao porođajna težina (PT). Istraživanje je provedeno kao presječna studija. U studiju je bilo uključeno 71 nedonošče gestacijske dobi (GD) ≤33 tjedna. Kvantitativno određivanje IGF-1 provedeno je u
33. postmenstruacijskom tjednu (pmt) radi bolje usporedivosti rezultata. Za kvantitativno određivanje IGF-1 rabili smo enzimski imunosorbentni test. Naši rezultati pokazali su da je srednja razina IGF-1 u nedonoščadi u 33. pmt iznosila 23,1±4,56 (raspon 15,44-39,75) μg/L. Nije bilo razlike u vrijednostima IGF-1 između muške (23,1±4,98 μg/L) i ženske (23,1±4,87 μg/L) nedonoščadi. Također nije bilo značajne razlike u srednjim razinama IGF-1 između nedonoščadi s PT 50. percentila za GD (p>0,50). Nedonoščad s niskom PT (<33. percentila) imala su statistički značajno nižu razinu IGF-1. Na temelju naših rezultata može se zaključiti da serumska razina IGF-1 odražava intrauterini rast samo u nedonoščadi male PT (<33. percentila), što bi mogao biti koristan podatak za buduću uporabu IGF-1 u terapijske svrhe
Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Quantitative Evaluation of Dysfunctional Voiding and Incontinence Scoring System in Pediatric Serbian Population
Background and objective: Dysfunctional voiding (DV) presents relatively frequent problem in pediatric urologist practice. The necessity for implementation of DV evaluation in the pediatric population is of particular importance, since there is no clear consensus on the clinical assessment of such condition. The aims of our study were to evaluate the test/retest reliability and reproducibility of dysfunctional voiding and incontinence scoring system: Serbian version (DVISSSR) in patients with voiding and incontinence dysfunctions without structural deformities, and to estimate cut-off value for DVISSSR. Methods: The cross-sectional study included 57 children with voiding and incontinence dysfunctions and 30 healthy pediatric controls. For the evaluation of voiding and incontinence dysfunction we used DVISS. The forward–backward method was applied for translation of the DVISS questionnaire from English into Serbian language. Reproducibility was analyzed by Interclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). Sensitivity and specificity of DVISSSR scores was done by receiver operating curve (ROC) curve. Results: There was a significant difference in DVISSSR score between patients and controls (p < 0.001). For reliability and reproducibility of the questionnaire, there was no significant difference between repeated measurements (p = 0.141), and strong reliability (ICC = 0.957; p < 0.001). Conclusion: We have demonstrated successful translation and validation of the DVISSSR score. Moreover, a reliable scoring system of children with voiding dysfunctions should include evaluations of symptom scoring systems at the multicentric level