38 research outputs found


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    Psychosocial interventions have been shown to enhance pharmacotherapy outcomes in bipolar affective disorder (BAD). This article describes an application of psychosocial intervention as the additional therapy for BAD. In this case report we present the course of illness, psychological features and specific chronic stress of a patient with BAD. Following the recent guidelines, we applied the pharmacotherapy together with an adjuvant psychosocial treatment (psycho-education, supportive and psychodynamic therapy). Psycho-education was used to inform patient and family members about the disorder, course of illness and treatment. Supportive therapy helped the patient to deal with her illness and deepened her understanding of her present problems. Psychodynamic psychotherapy was used to examine the meanings of unconscious conflicts and the ways the stressor activates the patient’s deeply repressed traumatic experiences. This case study indicates that psychosocial treatment applied as adjuvant therapy of pharmacotherapy in the treatment of BAD may result in symptom remission, improvement of life quality and illness relapse prevention

    The Effects of Pandemics on Mental Health

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    Cilj je ovog rada prikazati sadašnje znanstvene spoznaje o učincima pandemija na psihološke potrebe i mentalno zdravlje ljudi. Pretraživanjem bibliografskih baza podataka (WoS, Scopus, Medline) pronađeni su podaci o radovima objavljenim u raznim publikacijama upisivanjem ključnih riječi COVID-19 OR pandemic AND psychological needs AND mental health AND hardiness. Rezultati pronađenih istraživanja pokazuju da strah od zaraze sebe i svojih bližnjih, posljedice mjera socijalne distanciranosti i ekonomske posljedice pandemije mogu imati jak učinak na mentalno zdravlje svih ljudi. Pronađeno je da posebnu ranjivost pokazuju sljedeće skupine: (a) ljudi koji su bili izravno ili neizravno u kontaktu s virusom; (b) ljudi s prijašnjim psihijatrijskim problemima; (c) zdravstveni djelatnici i (d) ljudi koji neprekidno slijede vijesti o pandemiji. Posljedice pandemija ugrožavaju osnovne psihološke potrebe, poglavito fiziološke potrebe, potrebu za sigurnošću i potrebu za ljubavlju i bliskošću. Najčešći problemi mentalnoga zdravlja koji su u porastu od početka pandemije jesu anksioznost, depresija, simptomi posttraumatskoga stresa i zlouporaba psihoaktivnih tvari. Zaključno, od početka COVID-19 pandemije identificiran je velik broj rizičnih čimbenika koji mogu ugroziti mentalno zdravlje, ali i zaštitni čimbenici, poput psihološke otpornosti.The aim of this paper was to present the existing scientific knowledge about the effects of a pandemic on psychological needs and mental health. A search of bibliographic databases (WoS, Scopus, Medline) found numerous studies published in various publications by entering the keywords: COVID-19 OR pandemic AND psychological needs AND mental health AND hardiness. The results of the research indicated that the fear of infecting oneself and loved ones, the consequences of social distancing and the economic consequences of a pandemic could have a significant effect on mental health. The following groups have been identified as particularly vulnerable to pandemic stressors: (a) people who have been in direct or indirect contact with the virus; (b) people with previous psychiatric problems; (c) health professionals and (d) people who constantly follow pandemic news. The consequences of a pandemic threaten basic psychological needs such as physiological needs, the need for safety, and the need for love and intimacy. The most common mental health problems that have been identified since the onset of the pandemic are anxiety, depression, symptoms of post-traumatic stress and substance abuse. In conclusion, since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, a large number of risk factors that can endanger mental health have been identified, as well as protective factors, such as psychological resilience

    Usporedba poteškoća spavanja između bolesnika s posttraumatskim stresnim poremećajem i depresivnim poremećajem

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    The aim of this study was to explore differences in the intensity of depressiveness, sleep disturbances and sleepiness between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) patients and patients with depression. A total of 170 patients were examined, including 120 PTSD patients and 50 patients with depression. All participants completed the Beck Depression Inventory, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and Epworth Sleepiness Scale. The results showed difference in the subjective assessment of sleep quality between the war veterans with PTSD and civilians with depression, without significant differences between them in the level of depressiveness and sleepiness. Considering the fact that insomnia can occur as an early, covert sign of both PTSD and depression and that differences in the intensity of sleep disturbances between the groups were established, the use of these and similar instruments for the assessment of sleep quality can be useful in distinguishing patients with PTSD and depression, treatment of their sleep disturbances, and prevention of more severe symptoms in both diagnostic categories.Cilj istraživanja bio je istražiti razlike u stupnju depresivnosti, poteškoćama spavanja i pospanosti između bolesnika s posttraumatskim stresnim poremećajem (PTSP) i depresivnim poremećajem. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 170 bolesnika, od kojih 120 s PTSP-om i 50 s depresivnim poremećajem. Primijenjen je Beckov inventar depresivnosti, Pittsburgh indeks kvalitete spavanja i Epworth ljestvica pospanosti. Rezultati su pokazali razlike u subjektivnoj procjeni kvalitete spavanja između bolesnika s PTSP-om i depresijom (bolesnici s PTSP-om su svoju kvalitetu spavanja procijenili lošijom), iako između dviju skupina nije bilo razlike u stupnju depresivnosti i pospanosti. Uzimajući u obzir da se nesanica može pojaviti kao rani, prikriveni znak PTSP-a i depresije te da su utvrđene razlike u intenzitetu smetnji spavanja između dviju skupina, uporaba ovih i sličnih instrumenata za procjenu kvalitete spavanja može biti korisna u razlikovanju bolesnika s PTSP-om i depresijom, liječenju poremećaja spavanja i prevenciji teže kliničke slike kod bolesnika s takvim psihijatrijskim smetnjama


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    Postupna detabuizacija seksualnosti, kako u laičkom tako i u znanstveno-istraživačkom smislu, rezultira povećanim brojem radova u kojima se ispituje odnos između bihevioralno-motivacijskih sustava privrženosti i seksualnosti tijekom proteklog desetljeća. Postavke teorije privrženosti imaju široku primjenu u istraživanjima ljudskoga ponašanja i kognitivno-emocionalnih karakteristika koje su u osnovi tih ponašanja. Stilovi prvrženosti, kao relativno stabilni obrasci tijekom života, dijelom određuju sliku o vlastitoj seksualnosti tj. seksualno samopoimanje, i moderiraju stupanj seksualnog zadovoljstva i zadovoljstvo partnerskom vezom. Konačne spoznaje o ovim odnosima, iako predmet značajnog istraživačkog interesa, još uvijek izostaju. U ovom članku prikazana su istraživanja koja povezuju sustave privrženosti i seksualnosti, te njihov doprinos seksualnom zadovoljstvu i zadovoljstvu vezom s ciljem poticanja budućih istraživanja o ovom važnom području ljudskog života.Gradual demystification of sexuality, in lay as well as in scientific research terms, has resulted in an increased number of papers which examined the relationship between behavioral-motivational systems of attachment and sexuality over the past decade. Attachment theory was widely used in the studies of human behavior as well as cognitive and emotional characteristics underlying these behaviors. Attachment styles, as relatively stable lifetime patterns, partially determine sexual self-image, and moderate the degree of sexual and relationship satisfaction. Final understanding of these relations, although the subject of considerable research interest, is still missing. In this article, the researches examining the link between attachment and sexuality systems were presented, as well as contribution of those systems to sexual and relationship satisfaction in order to encourage further research in this important area of human life


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    Background: The purpose of this study was to examine differences in attachment, emotional competence and coping strategies among women with BPD and a control group, and the contribution of the attachment dimensions to the emotional competence and coping styles. Subjects and methods: The group of women with BPD (N=30) and control group of hospital employees (N=47) participated in this cross sectional study. Attachment, emotional competence and coping were determined by using self-evaluation questionnaires. Results: The results showed that subjects with BPD more often had insecure attachment, lower emotional competence and ineffective coping strategies compared to controls. Higher levels of insecure attachment predicted lower levels of emotional competence and majority of ineffective coping strategies. Conclusion: The main findings of this study indicated the importance of insecure attachment to the maintaining of stress intolerance and, particularly, emotional incompetence, which has not been previously studied in the context of BDP. By improving emotional competence and developing more effective coping strategies during therapy, it is possible to contribute to better functionality across different life situations in women with BDP

    Risk Factors of Internet Addiction among Internet Users in Croatia: An Online Questionnaire Survey

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    This study aimed to examine the level of Internet addiction (IA) and characteristics of Internet usage in this (specific) sample of Croatian Internet users. We explored the likelihood of developing IA regarding personal characteristics and characteristics of Internet usage, and we aimed to examine the possibility of predicting the levels of IA based on psychological characteristics. About 35% of the respondents achieved the score above the cut-off value for determining the IA but the majority belonged in the category of mild addiction. The results showed that younger age (F = 4.14, p = 0.007), and male gender (χ2 = 7.49, p=0.05) can serve as risk factors for the development of IA. It has also been found that spending on the Internet more than 3 hours a day (β = 0.33, p < 0.001), along with poorer general health (β = 0.25, p < 0.001) and ineffective interpersonal styles (misanthropic β= 0.17, p < 0.01 versus philanthropic β = 0.16, p < 0.01), significantly contributed to the development of IA


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    Ispitivana je zastupljenost pojedinih tipova privrženosti, te rodne osobitosti u privrženom ponašanju studenata. Za ispitivanje privrženosti korišten je prilagođeni oblik Inventara iskustava u bliskim vezama. Rezultati ukazuju na najveći broj sigurno privrženih (66,9%) studenata, dok se preostali (33,%) klasificiraju u jedan od nesigurnih tipova privrženosti. Studentice su značajno češće sigurno i zaokupljeno privržene u partnerskim odnosima od studenata, dok su muški sudionici značajno češće odbijajuće privrženi u svojim partnerskim odnosima. Između mladića i djevojaka ne postoji statistički značajna razlika na dimenziji anksiozne privrženosti. Muškarci postižu viši prosječni rezultat na dimenziji izbjegavanja

    Metodološke osobitosti istraživanja seksualnosti

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    Cilj ovog članka je prikazati razvoj znanstvenog pristupa u istraživanju seksualnosti od početaka do današnjih dana. U novije vrijeme različita se područja seksualnosti istražuju više nego ikada ranije i njihovi rezultati pružaju značajan doprinos razumijevanju ljudskog ponašanja. Iako se u istraživanjima seksualnosti koriste isti metodološki pristupi kao i u drugim znanstvenim područjima, intimna priroda izučavanja ljudske seksualnosti pred istraživače postavlja specifične zahtjeve koje treba uzeti u obzir pri planiranju i provedbi istraživanja. U ovom pregledu namjera nam je ukazati na metodološke osobitosti koje treba uzimati u obzir pri planiranju, izvođenju i interpretiranju istraživanja seksualnosti. One proizlaze iz specifičnosti ovog istraživačkog područja koje su u velikoj mjeri ovisne o socijalnim, kulturološkim, vjerskim, moralnim te zakonskim normama i ograničenjima

    Sexual Functioning in War Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

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    Aim To assess the sexual dysfunction among Croatian war veterans with combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Method The study included two groups – 101 war veterans with PTSD and 55 healthy control volunteers receiving outpatient general health care in several outpatient clinics in Split. tructured interviews on different aspects of sexual functioning were conducted from April to October 2007 by trained interviewers. Results Respondents with PTSD reported significantly less sexual activity during the previous month than controls (sexual fantasies 2.5 ± 1.6 vs 3.7 ± 1.7, P<0.001; foreplay 2.4 ± 1.6 vs 3.5 ± 1.6, P<0.001; oral sex 1.6 ± 1.2 vs 2.6 ± 1.5, P<0.001; and sexual intercourse 2.4 ± 1.6 vs 3.8 ± 1.5, P<0.001) on a 7-point Likert type scale (from 1 – not a single time to 7 – more times a day). As reasons for reduced sexual activities, respondents with PTSD more frequently than controls reported their own health problems (3.2 ± 1.2 vs 1.5 ± 0.8; P<0.001) or health problems of their partner (2.4 ± 1.1 vs 1.9 ± 1.1; P = 0.004), whereas controls more frequently reported overwork than respondents with PTSD (2.6 ± 1.1 vs 2.1 ± 1.0; P = 0.007) on a 5-point Likert type scale (from 1 – not a single time to 5 – always). Respondents with PTSD reported antidepressant (n = 52, 51%) or anxyolitics use (n = 73, 72.3%). In a subgroup analysis, respondents with PTSD who were taking antidepressants masturbated less frequently than those who were not taking them (1.9 ± 1.3 vs 2.5 ± 1.6; P = 0.039), whereas premature ejaculation was more often experienced by respondents with PTSD who were not taking antidepressants than by those who were taking them (3.5 ± 1.8 vs 2.7 ± 1.5; P<0.049) both on a 7-point Likert type scale (from1 – not a single time to 7 – more times a day). Conclusion War veterans with PTSD had less sexual activity, hypoactive sexual desire, and erectile difficulties. Antidepressant therapy in veterans with PTSD may be associated with hypoactive sexual desire

    Akademsko postignuće i zadovoljstvo studijem: doprinos uspjeha u srednjoj školi i osobina ličnosti

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    The aim of this study was to examine the role of high school success and personality traits in the academic achievement and study satisfaction among students of health studies. The Big Five questionnaire (BFQ) and Emotional competence questionnaire (UEK-45) were applied to 250 students, and the number of students\u27 points when entering the study was obtained. The outcome measures were The study satisfaction scale (NSSS) and the number of passed exams in the 1st year. The results indicated two significant predictors for academic success: high school success (β = 0.18, p < 0.01) and state matura success (β = 0.23, p < 0.01) and also one predictor for study satisfaction: state matura success (β = -0.16, p < 0.01).Cilj provedene studije bio je ispitati doprinos uspjeha u srednjoj školi i osobina ličnosti akademskom postignuću i zadovoljstvu studijem kod studenata zdravstvenih studija. Big Five upitnik (BFQ) i Upitnik emocionalne kompetentnosti (UEK-45) primijenjeni su na 250 studenata te je prikupljen broj bodova prilikom upisa na studij. Kao mjere ishoda korištene su Skala zadovoljstva studijem (NSSS) i broj položenih ispita na kraju 1. godine. Rezultati ukazuju na dva statistički značajna prediktora akademskog uspjeha: uspjeh u srednjoj školi (β = 0.18, p < 0.01) i uspjeh na državnoj maturi (β = 0.23, p < 0.01). Uspjeh na državnoj maturi jedini je prediktor zadovoljstva studijem (β = -0.16, p < 0.01)