44 research outputs found

    Being lonely or using substances with friends? A cross-sectional study of Hungarian adolescents’ health risk behaviours

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    BACKGROUND: Studying adolescents' health risk behaviours is oddly significant in Central and Eastern European countries, where the prevalence of smoking and drinking among 14-18 year old students is significantly high. The goal of our study is to examine the role of social psychological and social behavioural variables in health risk behaviours among Hungarian adolescents. METHODS: Our sample was comprised of three high schools of Debrecen (the second largest city of Hungary). In all, 501 students filled in the questionnaire from 22 classes (14-22 years old). Students aged above 18 years were excluded for the purpose of the study, giving a total sample size of 471 high school students. Descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression analyses were conducted. RESULTS: According to our results (1) social behavioural factors (namely, smoking and alcohol use of the best friend and peer group) proved to be better predictors of adolescents' health risk behaviours as compared to the included social psychological attributes (2); among the latter ones, loneliness and shyness were negatively related with both smoking and drinking, while competitiveness was a predictor of drinking prevalence among boys. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that social behavioural factors, including smoking and drinking of friends, are oddly important predictors of Hungarian adolescents' health risk behaviours. According to our results, health policy should pay more attention to peer norms related to smoking and drinking during school health promotion. Developing health protective social norms may be an indispensable component of effective health promotion in high schools

    d(10) coinage metal organic chalcogenolates: From oligomers to coordination polymers

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    SSCI-VIDE+CDFA+OVE:ADMInternational audienced(10) metal

    Metods of digital filtration and their impacts on the quality of images of different classes

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    Different methods of filtration and digital imaging classes have been analyzed and investigated. The frequency filtering method for digital imaging was implemented and the degree of distortion of the digital image was investigated; depending on the image class; separately for each component of the RGB color model. In the study of digital static images of different classes; methods of frequency filtration are used. The procedure for removing the segments of the spectrum of three color gamut is obtained. The indicated statistics may be the basis for further research for the development of modern effective methods of steganography and steganalizationПроанализированы и исследованы различные методы фильтрации и классы цифровых изображений. Реализован метод частотной фильтрации для цифровых изображений и исследована мера искажения цифрового изображения; в зависимости от класса изображения; отдельно для каждой компоненты цветовой модели RGB. При исследовании цифровых статических изображений разных классов; использованы методы частотной фильтрации. Получена процедуры удаления сегментов спектра трех цветовых гамм Указанная статистика может быть базовым основанием дальнейших исследований для разработки современных эффективных методов стеганографии и стегоанализаПроаналізовано та досліджені різні методи фільтрації та класи цифрових зображень. Реалізовано метод частотної фільтрації для цифрових зображень та досліджено міру спотворення цифрового зображення, в залежності від класу зображення, окремо для кожної компоненти колірної моделі RGB. При дослідженні цифрових статичних зображеннях різних класів використані методи частотної фільтрації. Отримано процедури видалення сегментів спектру трьох колірних гам Зазначена статистика може бути базовим підґрунтям подальших досліджень для  розробки сучасних ефективних методів  стеганографії та стегоаналіз

    Metal Organic Chalcogenolates (MOCs): 1D and 2D luminescent coordination polymers for optical technologies

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    SSCI-VIDE+CDFA+OVE:ADMInternational audienceHybrid materials with chalcogenate ligands (-ER = SR, SeR, TeR) and d10 coinage metals (M(I) = Cu, Ag and Au) are known for a long time mainly in the domains of biology and pharmaceutics.1 Indeed, copper-thiolates are present in most of the living organisms as metalloproteins, silver-thiolates are recognized for their anti-bacterial activity and some gold-thiolates, as the Myochrysine, have been used as antiarthritic drugs. Today, the d10 coinage Metal Organic Chalcogenates (MOCs) are gaining a growing relevance in materials science for their semiconductivity and photoluminescence properties. Indeed, the photoemission of these compounds is attributed to the presence of d10 coinage metals and their ability to display metallophilic interactions. Neutral MOCs, defined with the formula [M(ER)]n, can form cyclic oligomers and extended coordination polymers with 1D or 2D structures as a limited number. In this presentation we will show the variety of the chain-like and lamellar structures of these MOCs, associated to a rich palette of photophysical properties. Thus, some compounds exhibit high quantum yield (~70 %) in the solid state and some have an intrinsic triple emission associated with luminescence thermochromism allowing optical temperature sensing. This study will show the great potential of the MOCs as phosphorescent hybrid materials and their great potential in electronic devices, sensors or photocatalysis.1. Veselska, O.; Demessence, A., Coord. Chem. Rev. 2018, 355, 240

    1D and 2D Gold(I)-Thiophenolate-based Coordination Polymers, a Rich Palette of Photophysical Properties

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    SSCI-VIDE+CDFA+OVE:ADMInternational audienceHybrid Au(I) compounds exhibit a large domain of applications such as electronic devices, contrast agents, sensors or photocatalysts. These applications are related to the ability of gold(I) to form aurophilic interactions implying self-assembly and luminescence.1 Among them, gold(I) thiolates are an important class of materials, due to the soft-soft interaction between Au(I) and thiolates, and their potential to form self-assembled monolayers, to protect and functionalize gold clusters and nanoparticles and to generate oligomeric or polymeric species, used for a long time as antiarthritic agents. However due to the fast precipitation and the insolubility of these solids, a little is known about their structure making the origin of the photoluminescence difficult to rationalized.2 Here, we present the syntheses and the first structure resolutions, by powder X-Ray diffraction, of series of gold(I)-thiophenolate-based coordination polymers, [Au(SPhR)]n. Depending on the substituent and its position, different chain-like and lamellar structures are obtained.3 The photophysical properties of these hybrid materials are analyzed in solid-state and coupled with DFT calculations. These studies show different origins of the charge transfers depending on the electrophilicity of the thiolate molecules coupled with the participation or not of the aurophilic interactions. Among those coordination polymers, some exhibit high quantum yield around 70 % at room temperature and in the solid state,3b another one shows an rare switch ON of the emission with a thermally induced solid-state phase change from amorphous to crystalline.3a When the mercaptobenzoic acids are used in ortho and para positions, the structures of the resulting [Au(SPhCO2H)]n coordination polymers are 1D and 2D, respectively. Thus their photoluminescent properties are distinct, [Au(o-SPhCO2H)]n presents thermally induced delayed fluorescence (TADF) phenomenon and in the case of the [Au(p-SPhCO2H)]n, its dual emission, associated with luminescence thermochromism was highlighted as intrinsic and ratiometric optical temperature sensor.3c These different examples shed light on the great potential of gold thiolate coordination polymers as emerging hybrid materials for diverse optical applications. References[1].H. Schmidbaur; A. Schier, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 370.[2].O. Veselska; A. Demessence, Coord. Chem. Rev., 2018, 355, 240.[3].(a) C. Lavenn; L. Okhrimenko; N. Guillou; M. Monge; G. Ledoux; C. Dujardin; R. Chiriac; A. Fateeva; A. Demessence, J. Mater Chem. C, 2015, 3, 4115; (b) C. Lavenn; N. Guillou; M. Monge; D. Podbevšek; G. Ledoux; A. Fateeva; A. Demessence, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 9063; (c) O. Veselska; L. Okhrimenko; N. Guillou; D. Podbevsek; G. Ledoux; C. Dujardin; M. Monge; D. M. Chevrier; R. Yang; P. Zhang; A. Fateeva; A. Demessence, J. Mater Chem. C, 2017, 5, 9843

    Luminescent fibers of [Au(SPh)]n for the formation of gold nanoparticles-based composite materials and their application in Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

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    SSCI-VIDE+CDFA+SVD:OVE:ADMNational audienceFibers have been extensively used as a support for the nanoparticles (NPs) as they can be recovered easily from the reaction mixture and can be used multiple times. Thus, these NP decorated fibers have applications in various catalytic reactions, sensing/detection of toxic materials etc. The high surface area of the fibers allows a high NP loading and good dispersion, which further increases of the catalytic activity or sensing ability of the NPs. By far, most of the polymeric fibers are synthesized by electrospinning method, and the insertion of NPs, synthesized separately, required an extra step. Moreover, sometime a linker is needed for facilitating the interaction between those two.On the other hand, few coordination polymers are able to form spontaneous fibers by self-assembly. Here we have synthesized fibers of 1D Au(I)-based coordination polymer with thiophenolate as the organic ligand, [Au(SPh)]n. These fibers are flexible with an average diameter of 300 nm and length of few micrometers. In addition, due to the presence of d10-Au(I), these fibers are highly red emissive at room temperature. Moreover, due to the strong gold-sulfur interactions, they are highly stable under extreme acidic and basic conditions. Also, one of the advantage of having fibers of coordination polymers is the possibility to generate gold NPs on their surface by simple calcination at 200°C-230°C. These gold NPs have an average diameter of 50 nm and exhibit surface plasmon resonance. Because these gold NPs show a good interaction with the surface of the fibers of the coordination polymer, these composite materials have been studied for the detection of molecules in very small concentration by exhibiting a very good Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) effect

    1D and 2D Gold(I)-Thiophenolate-based Coordination Polymers, a Rich Palette of Photophysical Properties

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    SSCI-VIDE+CDFA+OVE:ADMInternational audienceHybrid Au(I) compounds exhibit a large domain of applications such as electronic devices, contrast agents, sensors or photocatalysts. These applications are related to the ability of gold(I) to form aurophilic interactions implying self-assembly and luminescence.1 Among them, gold(I) thiolates are an important class of materials, due to the soft-soft interaction between Au(I) and thiolates, and their potential to form self-assembled monolayers, to protect and functionalize gold clusters and nanoparticles and to generate oligomeric or polymeric species, used for a long time as antiarthritic agents. However due to the fast precipitation and the insolubility of these solids, a little is known about their structure making the origin of the photoluminescence difficult to rationalized.2 Here, we present the syntheses and the first structure resolutions, by powder X-Ray diffraction, of series of gold(I)-thiophenolate-based coordination polymers, [Au(SPhR)]n. Depending on the substituent and its position, different chain-like and lamellar structures are obtained (Fig. 1).3 The photophysical properties of these hybrid materials are analyzed in solid-state and coupled with DFT calculations. These studies show different origins of the charge transfers depending on the electrophilicity of the thiolate molecules coupled with the participation or not of the aurophilic interactions. Among those coordination polymers, some exhibit high quantum yield around 70 % at room temperature and in the solid state,3b another one shows an rare switch ON of the emission with a thermally induced solid-state phase change from amorphous to crystalline.3a When the mercaptobenzoic acids are used in ortho and para positions, the structures of the resulting [Au(SPhCO2H)]n coordination polymers are 1D and 2D, respectively. Thus their photoluminescent properties are distinct, [Au(o-SPhCO2H)]n presents thermally induced delayed fluorescence (TADF) phenomenon and in the case of the [Au(p-SPhCO2H)]n, its dual emission, associated with luminescence thermochromism was highlighted as intrinsic and ratiometric optical temperature sensor.3c These different examples shed light on the great potential of gold thiolate coordination polymers as emerging hybrid materials for diverse optical applications

    Metal Organic Chalcogenolates (MOCs): 1D and 2D luminescent coordination polymers for optical technologies

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    SSCI-VIDE+CDFA+OVE:ADMInternational audienceHybrid materials with chalcogenate ligands (-ER = SR, SeR, TeR) and d10 coinage metals (M(I) = Cu, Ag and Au) are known for a long time mainly in the domains of biology and pharmaceutics.1 Indeed, copper-thiolates are present in most of the living organisms as metalloproteins, silver-thiolates are recognized for their anti-bacterial activity and some gold-thiolates, as the Myochrysine, have been used as antiarthritic drugs. Today, the d10 coinage Metal Organic Chalcogenates (MOCs) are gaining a growing relevance in materials science for their semiconductivity and photoluminescence properties. Indeed, the photoemission of these compounds is attributed to the presence of d10 coinage metals and their ability to display metallophilic interactions. Neutral MOCs, defined with the formula [M(ER)]n, can form cyclic oligomers and extended coordination polymers with 1D or 2D structures as a limited number. In this presentation we will show the variety of the chain-like and lamellar structures of these MOCs, associated to a rich palette of photophysical properties. Thus, some compounds exhibit high quantum yield (~70 %) in the solid state and some have an intrinsic triple emission associated with luminescence thermochromism allowing optical temperature sensing. This study will show the great potential of the MOCs as phosphorescent hybrid materials and their great potential in electronic devices, sensors or photocatalysis.1. Veselska, O.; Demessence, A., Coord. Chem. Rev. 2018, 355, 240

    Luminescent fibers of [Au(SPh)]n for the formation of gold nanoparticles-based composite materials and their application in Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

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    SSCI-VIDE+CDFA+SVD:OVE:ADMNational audienceFibers have been extensively used as a support for the nanoparticles (NPs) as they can be recovered easily from the reaction mixture and can be used multiple times. Thus, these NP decorated fibers have applications in various catalytic reactions, sensing/detection of toxic materials etc. The high surface area of the fibers allows a high NP loading and good dispersion, which further increases of the catalytic activity or sensing ability of the NPs. By far, most of the polymeric fibers are synthesized by electrospinning method, and the insertion of NPs, synthesized separately, required an extra step. Moreover, sometime a linker is needed for facilitating the interaction between those two.On the other hand, few coordination polymers are able to form spontaneous fibers by self-assembly. Here we have synthesized fibers of 1D Au(I)-based coordination polymer with thiophenolate as the organic ligand, [Au(SPh)]n. These fibers are flexible with an average diameter of 300 nm and length of few micrometers. In addition, due to the presence of d10-Au(I), these fibers are highly red emissive at room temperature. Moreover, due to the strong gold-sulfur interactions, they are highly stable under extreme acidic and basic conditions. Also, one of the advantage of having fibers of coordination polymers is the possibility to generate gold NPs on their surface by simple calcination at 200°C-230°C. These gold NPs have an average diameter of 50 nm and exhibit surface plasmon resonance. Because these gold NPs show a good interaction with the surface of the fibers of the coordination polymer, these composite materials have been studied for the detection of molecules in very small concentration by exhibiting a very good Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) effect

    Intrinsic triple-emitting 2D copper thiolate coordination polymer as a ratiometric thermometer working over 400 K range

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    SSCI-VIDE+CDFA+OVE:ADMInternational audienc