344 research outputs found

    Discrete Lagrangian systems on the Virasoro group and Camassa-Holm family

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    We show that the continuous limit of a wide natural class of the right-invariant discrete Lagrangian systems on the Virasoro group gives the family of integrable PDE's containing Camassa-Holm, Hunter-Saxton and Korteweg-de Vries equations. This family has been recently derived by Khesin and Misiolek as Euler equations on the Virasoro algebra for Hα,β1H^1_{\alpha,\beta}-metrics. Our result demonstrates a universal nature of these equations.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, AMS-LaTeX. Version 2: minor changes. Version 3: minor change

    FPT-algorithms for some problems related to integer programming

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    In this paper, we present FPT-algorithms for special cases of the shortest lattice vector, integer linear programming, and simplex width computation problems, when matrices included in the problems' formulations are near square. The parameter is the maximum absolute value of rank minors of the corresponding matrices. Additionally, we present FPT-algorithms with respect to the same parameter for the problems, when the matrices have no singular rank sub-matrices.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1710.00321 From author: some minor corrections has been don

    Canonically conjugate variables for the periodic Camassa-Holm equation

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    The Camassa-Holm shallow water equation is known to be Hamiltonian with respect to two compatible Poisson brackets. A set of conjugate variables is constructed for both brackets using spectral theory.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, LaTeX; v. 2,3: references updated, minor change

    On the classification of scalar evolutionary integrable equations in 2+12+1 dimensions

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    We consider evolutionary equations of the form ut=F(u,w)u_t=F(u, w) where w=Dx−1Dyuw=D_x^{-1}D_yu is the nonlocality, and the right hand side FF is polynomial in the derivatives of uu and ww. The recent paper \cite{FMN} provides a complete list of integrable third order equations of this kind. Here we extend the classification to fifth order equations. Besides the known examples of Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP), Veselov-Novikov (VN) and Harry Dym (HD) equations, as well as fifth order analogues and modifications thereof, our list contains a number of equations which are apparently new. We conjecture that our examples exhaust the list of scalar polynomial integrable equations with the nonlocality ww. The classification procedure consists of two steps. First, we classify quasilinear systems which may (potentially) occur as dispersionless limits of integrable scalar evolutionary equations. After that we reconstruct dispersive terms based on the requirement of the inheritance of hydrodynamic reductions of the dispersionless limit by the full dispersive equation

    Yang-Baxter maps and multi-field integrable lattice equations

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    A variety of Yang-Baxter maps are obtained from integrable multi-field equations on quad-graphs. A systematic framework for investigating this connection relies on the symmetry groups of the equations. The method is applied to lattice equations introduced by Adler and Yamilov and which are related to the nonlinear superposition formulae for the B\"acklund transformations of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger system and specific ferromagnetic models.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, corrected versio

    Background Configurations, Confinement and Deconfinement on a Lattice with BPS Monopole Boundary Conditions

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    Finite temperature SU(2) lattice gauge theory is investigated in a 3D cubic box with fixed boundary conditions provided by a discretized, static BPS monopole solution with varying core scale μ\mu. Using heating and cooling techniques we establish that for discrete μ\mu-values stable classical solutions either of self-dual or of pure magnetic type exist inside the box. Having switched on quantum fluctuations we compute the Polyakov line and other local operators. For different μ\mu and at varying temperatures near the deconfinement transition we study the influence of the boundary condition on the vacuum inside the box. In contrast to the pure magnetic background field case, for the self-dual one we observe confinement even for temperatures quite far above the critical one.Comment: to appear in EPJ

    Automorphic Lie algebras and modular forms

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    We introduce and study certain hyperbolic versions of automorphic Lie algebras related to the modular group. Let Γ\Gamma be a finite index subgroup of SL(2,Z)\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z}) with an action on a complex simple Lie algebra g\mathfrak g, which can be extended to SL(2,C)\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{C}). We show that the Lie algebra of the corresponding g\mathfrak{g}-valued modular forms is isomorphic to the extension of g\mathfrak{g} over the usual modular forms. This establishes a modular analogue of a well-known result by Kac on twisted loop algebras. The case of principal congruence subgroups Γ(N), N≤6\Gamma(N), \, N\leq 6 are considered in more details in relation to the classical results of Klein and Fricke and the celebrated Markov Diophantine equation. We finish with a brief discussion of the extensions and representations of these Lie algebras.Comment: A revised and substantially extended versio

    On the interrelation between monopoles, vortices, topological charge and chiral symmetry breaking: an analysis using overlap fermions for SU(2)

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    We study the properties of configurations from which P-vortices on one hand or Abelian monopoles on the other hand have been removed. We find that the zero modes and the band of non-zero modes close to zero disappear from the spectrum of the overlap Dirac operator, confirming the absence of topological charge and quark condensate. The different behavior of the modified ensembles under smearing compared to the unmodified Monte Carlo ensemble corroborates these findings. The gluonic topological susceptibility rapidly approaches zero in accordance with Q_{index}=0. The remaining (ultraviolet) monopoles without vortices and -- to a less extent -- the remaining vortices without monopoles are unstable under smearing whereas smearing of the unmodified Monte Carlo ensemble effects the monopoles and vortices only by smoothing, reducing the density only slightly.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, strongly revised, results added, one figure added, accepted for publication, title changed

    A few things I learnt from Jurgen Moser

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    A few remarks on integrable dynamical systems inspired by discussions with Jurgen Moser and by his work.Comment: An article for the special issue of "Regular and Chaotic Dynamics" dedicated to 80-th anniversary of Jurgen Mose
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