7 research outputs found

    Инициатива за корпоративна прозрачност. Аналитичен доклад България 2021

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    BG:По подобие на финансовото счетоводство, данните за устойчивостта се превръщат в незаменим източник на информация за ефективното корпоративно управление на рисковете и възможностите пред развитието и успеха в бизнеса. Потребителите, инвеститорите и банките също започват да търсят такива данни, за да оценят стратегията и дългосрочната жизнеспособност на компаниите при вземането на инвестиционни решения. В тези компании правителствата разпознават партньор при изпълнение на ангажиментите си към Парижкото споразумение и Глобалните цели на ООН за устойчиво развитие. Различни проучвания обаче показват, че съществуващото отчитане не е съвместимо с тези цели и че липсата на интеграция с финансовите отчети означава, че предоставяната информация не е достатъчна за вземане на бизнес решения. Настоящото изследване е структурирано така, че да разкрие степента, в която задължените предприятия оповестяват пред широката общественост и потенциалните инвеститори информация за следните анализирани категории: бизнес модел, екологични и социални аспекти на своята дейност, политиките и практиките им по отношение правата на човека и борба с корупцията. Дългосрочната му цел е да допринесе за по-добрата информираност относно ролята на компаниите при създаване на добавена стойност както на пазара, така и за обществото като цяло. EN: Like financial accounting, sustainability data is becoming an indispensable source of information for effective corporate risk management and business development and success opportunities. Consumers, investors and banks are also beginning to look for such data to assess companies' strategy and long-term viability in making investment decisions. In these companies, governments recognize a partner in fulfilling their commitments to the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development. However, various studies show that existing reporting is not compatible with these objectives and that the lack of integration with financial statements means that the information provided is not sufficient for business decisions. This study is structured to reveal the extent to which obligated companies disclose to the general public and potential investors information on the following analyzed categories: business model, environmental and social aspects of their activities, their human rights policies and practices and the fight against with corruption. Its long-term goal is to contribute to better awareness of the role of companies in creating added value both in the market and for society as a whole

    Micromorphology and analysis of dentin surfaces after preparation with Er:YAG laser and application of self-etch adhesive system with 10-MDP. A confocal laser scanning microscope study

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    Aim: The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the micromorphology of the hybrid layer and the dentinal surface when the dentin was prepared with an Er:YAG laser or burs, and to find if there was any difference if the time of application of the self-etching primer on the dentin prepared with an Er:YAG laser was doubled. Materials and methods: Fifteen freshly extracted human teeth with preserved crowns were selected. Three cavities were prepared on each extracted tooth. Two of the cavities were prepared with an Er:YAG dental laser, and the third with burs. A self-etching adhesive system was applied. The primer of the adhesive was labeled with Rhodamine B, and the bond was labeled with fluorescein prior to application. The teeth were sectioned mesiodistally through the cavities and the cavity of each sample was examined using a confocal laser scanning microscope. The infiltration and micromorphology were determined qualitatively on ninety samples. Results: The dentinal surface in the samples prepared with burs was smoother and with shorter resin tags than the surface prepared with an Er:YAG laser. When using an Er:YAG laser for preparation, crater-like irregularities of the surface were observed. In five of the samples prepared with burs, no resin tags were found. We could not detect any difference in the hybrid layer when the time of application of the adhesive system was increased. Conclusions: The clinical significance of the tag length and quality, as well as the infiltration ratio, needs to be further studied

    Definition and Classification of Bioceramic Endodontic Sealers

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    Introduction: The term “bioceramic” is used in endodontics to describe various products and is often used in general terms for mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and other hydroscopic dental cements (HDC), which creates confusion in the terminology.Aim: The aim of the study is to present a definition and an original classification of bioceramic endodontic sealers.Materials and methods: A total of 123 articles were found by the PubMed search engine using the key phrase “bioceramic endodontic sealers”. Of these 123 articles, we analyzed 20 articles that contain information about the composition, properties, definition, and classification of bioceramic endodontic sealers.Results: In accordance with the collected data on the composition and the delivery form of calcium silicate endodontic sealers, we propose a new definition of bioceramic endodontic sealers that clarifies the specificities of these materials. In the new classification they are divided by two criteria: source of calcium silicate and form of delivery. It also contains the particular products’ names in order to aid their usage in the clinical practice. Conclusions: The new definition of bioceramic endodontic sealers clears out the confusion in the terminology, which promotes the classification of these products and helps understanding their clinical application

    Retreatability of Bioceramic Endodontic Sealers: a Review

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    In 2009 a new type of endodontic sealers was introduced to the market. The so called “bioceramic” sealers are a promising alternative to the present golden standard of root canal fillings. Now a decade later, still very little is known about the ability to remove these sealers in cases of non-surgical endodontic retreatment (NSER). There are only a limited number of articles that provide such information. The commonly used hand files are not efficient in removing thoroughly the sealer from the main canal walls. Machine driven files are much easier and faster alternative to the hand ones, but are still not able to ensure complete removal. Although ultrasonics can be applied only in the straight portion of the main canal, they raise the efficacy of sealer removal. Photon-initiated photoacoustic streaming (PIPS) is another way to enhance the removal of bioceramics. Solvents like chloroform and orange oil are effective in softening gutta-percha, but not the bioceramics. This article reviews the available scientific data concerning removal of bioceramic materials in the context of a NSER.

    Comparison of Two Methods for SARS-CoV-2 Detection in Wastewater: A Case Study from Sofia, Bulgaria

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    Wastewater surveillance for monitoring the spread of SARS-CoV-2 remains important even in the current endemic stage of the COVID-19 outbreak. This approach has already demonstrated its value by providing early warnings of coronavirus spread in different communities. The aim of the present publication is to share relevant experience from the Center of Competence “Clean&Circle”, obtained in the development of an effective strategy for SARS-CoV-2 detection in the wastewater of Sofia, Bulgaria. Using four different RNA concentration/extraction methods, we revealed that the key hindering factor for successful viral detection was the presence of PCR inhibitors in the wastewater. The most efficient way to overcome their presence turned out to be the application of a specialized polymerase in the RT-PCR detection setup. Our data showed that using such an enzyme increases the detection efficiency from 1.9% to 70.5% in samples with a spiked control virus. We also evaluated the recovery rates of viral particles by using silica columns (71%), PEG precipitation (23%), ultrafiltration (15%), and MCE filtration (10%). These results support the international effort to unify and standardize the various techniques used for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring in wastewater


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    Background: Vertical root fractures (VRF) can be defined as either complete or incomplete fractures that occur predominantly in endodontically treated teeth (ETT). The clinical symptoms and conventional radiographic techniques are not always accurate, which can lead to diagnostic errors. This motivated us to seek new, better techniques that can improve the prognosis and treatment of ETT with vertical fractures. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of three novel techniques: Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT), Optical Computed Tomography (OCT) and 3D Profilometry for the visualization and assessment of VRF. Methods: The study involved intact human premolars, extracted for orthodontic or periodontal reasons. The teeth were then endodontically treated and restored with prefabricated metal posts. No additional preparation of the coronal hard dental tissues was performed, apart from the access cavity. After thermocycling, their fracture resistance was evaluated in a standard testing machine. The resulted vertical fractures and crack propagation were evaluated using CBCT, OCT and 3D Profilometry. Results: The CBCT provided visualization of the tooth in three planes: axial, coronal and sagittal. Root fractures were observed at the coronal and middle 1/3 of the root. The OCT provided highly-detailed, biomicroscopic cross-sectional images of the mesial and distal root surfaces. The images, obtained with 3D Profilometry showed the surface topography and provided precise information about the width and depth of the VRF. Conclusion: All of the techniques used in this study proved to be highly informative, non-invasive and non-contact methods, suitable for the evaluation of VRF


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    Purpose: To study the blood perfusion in teeth with post-operative sensitivity. Material and Methods: A twenty years old female came to the Department of Operative Dentistry and Endodontics with complains of postoperative sensitivity in one upper premolar and one lower molar. The teeth were restored by resin-composite restorations and two-step adhesive. Measuring of the pulp blood perfusion of the sensitive teeth and comparing with healthy ones was accomplished by using laser Doppler device moorVMS-LDF2. Pulp vitality was assessed by conventional cold and electrical pulp tests. Subjective symptoms were measured by VAS. Saliva biochemistry was evaluated by Saliva Check Buffer test. Results: The upper premolar, tooth 25, showed 28,5 PU, the lower molar, tooth 36, showed 21,9 PU. The electrical pulp test of teeth was 17 µA and 44 µA respectively. The cold response of teeth was 2,5s and 5,0s. According to VAS, the intensity of pain in tooth 25 is 4,3mm and in tooth 36 2,1mm. Conclusion: Laser Doppler flowmetry is used for the first time for measuring the blood perfusion in teeth with postoperative sensitivity. For revealing the connection between pulp hemodynamic and postoperative sensitivity future studies are needed in which laser Doppler flowmetry can be highly valuable