6 research outputs found
Physiological Changes in Cortical Cells Following Partial and Complete Visual Cortex Deafferentation in Cats
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1986
- Field of study
The areas and layers of corticocortical terminations in the visual cortex of the Virginia opossum
- Author
- Benevcnto
- Benevcnto
- Benevento
- Benevento
- Berlucchi
- Bilge
- Bodian
- Bodian
- Bonin Von
- Brodmann
- Campbell
- Chang
- Choudhury
- Clare
- Colonnier
- Cowey
- Ebner
- Ebner
- Ebner
- Fink
- Garey
- Garey
- Glickstein
- Globus
- Gray
- Heimer
- Hubel
- Hubel
- Hubel
- Hubel
- Jacobson
- Kaas
- Kappers
- Lende
- Lorente de Nó
- Lund
- Martin
- Myers
- Myers
- Nauta
- Nauta
- O'Leary
- Otsuka
- Polyak
- Putnam
- Rossignol
- Scholl
- Toyama
- Valverde
- Valverde
- Vesbaesya
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Winkler
- Zeki
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Pattern of Development of the Callosal Transfer of Visual Information to Cortical Areas 17 and 18 in the Cat
- Author
- Barlow
- Berbel
- Berlucchi
- Bonds
- Buisseret
- Chalupa
- Changeux
- Choudhury
- Chun
- Cynader
- Ebner
- Elberger
- Freeman
- Friauf
- Graves
- Harvey
- Houzel
- Hubel
- Hubel
- Imbert
- Innocenti
- Innocenti
- Innocenti
- Innocenti
- Innocenti
- Innocenti
- Innocenti
- Jeeves
- Kageyama
- Kageyama
- Katz
- Kennedy
- Leporé
- Leporé
- Levay
- Luhmann
- Milleret
- Milleret
- Milleret
- Milleret
- Milleret
- Orban
- Orban
- Otsuka
- Payne
- Payne
- Payne
- Pettigrew
- Pettigrew
- Price
- Ramony Cajà l
- Schmued
- Shatz
- Stein
- Sur
- Vesbaesya
- Wong-Riley
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Projection of Optic Pathways to the Visual Cortex
- Author
- A Angel
- A Angel
- A Cowey
- A Hughes
- A Rochon-Duvigneatjd
- A Rojas
- AJ Sefton
- B Brouwer
- BP Choudhury
- BP Choudhury
- BP Choudhury
- C Blakemore
- C Blakemore
- C Economo von
- C Vesbaesya
- CA Wood
- CE Vesbaesya
- CT Valkenburg van
- D Whitteridge
- D Whitteridge
- DH Hubel
- DMK Rioch
- E Bizzi
- E Bizzi
- E Marg
- EF Vastola
- ET Rolls
- F Sanides
- FA Mettler
- FF Ebner
- G Beklucchi
- G Bonin von
- G Bonin von
- G Brikdley
- G Østerberg
- GL Johnson
- GL Johnson
- GL Walls
- GL Walls
- GM Holmes
- GM Holmes
- GM Holmes
- GM Holmes
- GM Holmes
- GM Holmes
- GM Holmes
- GM Holmes
- GM Holmes
- GM Holmes
- GM Holmes
- H Holländer
- H Suzuki
- H Widen
- H-L Teuber
- H-L Teuber
- HB Barlow
- HJ Curtis
- HW Gaeol
- IN Filimónoff
- J Stone
- J Stone
- J Szentágothai
- JE Rose
- JF Tello
- JM Thompson
- JMK Spalding
- K Brodmann
- KJ Sanderson
- KN Senevlratne
- KN Senevlratne
- L Heimer
- L Weiskrantz
- LJ Gabey
- LJ Garey
- LJ Malcolm
- LW Chacko
- M Bilge
- M Fillenz
- M Gtjrewitsch
- M Jacobson
- M Kalia
- M Minkowski
- ME Scheibel
- ME Wilson
- ME Wilson
- MH Clare
- OD Creutzfeldt
- OE Nichterlein
- P Glees
- PM Daniel
- PO Bishop
- R Otsuka
- RE Myers
- RE Myers
- RW Barris
- RW Guillery
- RW Guillery
- S Adams
- S Duke Elder
- S Polyak
- SA Talbot
- SA Talbot
- SA Talbot
- SM Zeki
- TJ Putnam
- TN Wiesel
- U Söderberg
- VM Montero
- VM Montero
- WEG Clark Le
- WF Grethek
- WF Hoyt
- WR Hayhow
- WR Hayhow
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1973
- Field of study
Connections of he visual cortex in the hedgehog (Paraechinus hypomelas). II. Corticocortical projections
- Author
- Allman
- Allman
- Allman
- Barlow
- Benevento
- Benevento
- Bilge
- Brodmann
- Choudhury
- Cowey
- Cragg
- Diamond
- Dow
- Dubner
- Dubner
- Dubner
- Dubner
- Ebner
- Ebner
- Ebner
- Flores
- Garey
- Gennari
- Glickstein
- Gould
- Gould
- Gray
- Gross
- Gurewitsch
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Heath
- Hubel
- Hubel
- Hubel
- Jones
- Jones
- Kaas
- Kaas
- Kaas
- Kalia
- Karol
- Kawamura
- Kawamura
- Killackey
- Killackey
- Krieg
- Kuypers
- Lende
- Lende
- Loe
- Lund
- Maciewicz
- Magalh�es-Castro
- Martinez-Mill�n
- Mettler
- Montero
- Montero
- Murray
- Myers
- Myers
- Nauta
- Niimi
- Nikara
- Otsuka
- Pandya
- Pettigrew
- Polley
- Pubols
- Pubols
- Rose
- Rose
- Rosenquist
- Rutledge
- Schubert
- Spatz
- Spatz
- Spatz
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Tigges
- Tigges
- Tigges
- Vastola
- Vesbaesya
- Wester
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Zeki
- Zeki
- Zeki
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Interhemispheric connections of the visual cortex in the grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
- Author
- Adams
- Allman
- Allman
- Allman
- Allman
- Allman
- Allman
- Allman
- Allman
- Allman
- Alous
- Battaglini
- Benevento
- Benevento
- Benevento
- Benevento
- Bilge
- Brodmann
- Bunt
- Carey
- Carey
- Casagrande
- Chadzypanagiotis
- Choudhury
- Choudhury
- Chow
- Cipolloni
- Clare
- Cowan
- Cragg
- Cragg
- Cusick
- Cusick
- Diamond
- Donaldson
- Doty
- Doty
- Dräger
- Dräger
- Dubner
- Ebner
- Fink
- Fisken
- Florence
- Fries
- Garey
- Garey
- Garey
- Glendenning
- Glendenning
- Glickstein
- Goldman
- Goldman
- Gould
- Gould
- Gould
- Graybiel
- Gross
- Hall
- Hall
- Harting
- Harting
- Heimer
- Hendrickson
- Hendrickson
- Hendrickson
- Horton
- Hubel
- Hubel
- Hubel
- Hubel
- Hubel
- Hubel
- Hubel
- Hubel
- Hubel
- Hubel
- Hubel
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Humphrey
- Humphrey
- Innocenti
- Innocenti
- Innocenti
- Innocenti
- Ivy
- Ivy
- Ivy
- Jacobson
- Jones
- Jones
- Kaas
- Kaas
- Kaas
- Kaas
- Kaas
- Kaas
- Kalia
- Karol
- Kawamura
- Kennedy
- Killackey
- Kuypers
- LaVail
- Lepore
- LeVay
- LeVay
- LeVay
- LeVay
- Lin
- Lin
- Lund
- Lund
- Lund
- Lund
- Lund
- Luttenberg
- Makarov
- Marshall
- Martinez-Millán
- Mathers
- Mesulam
- Mesulam
- Montero
- Montero
- Montero
- Montero
- Montero
- Montero
- Montero
- Myers
- Nauta
- Newsome
- Niimi
- O'Leary
- Olavarria
- Olavarria
- Palmer
- Pandya
- Polley
- Ribak
- Rinvik
- Robson
- Rockland
- Rockland
- Rockland
- Rose
- Rosenquist
- Rowe
- Sanderson
- Sanides
- Sanides
- Segraves
- Segraves
- Shatz
- Shatz
- Sherk
- Shoumura
- Spatz
- Spatz
- Spatz
- Spatz
- Spatz
- Spatz
- Squatrito
- Stone
- Stone
- Stone
- Swadlow
- Swadlow
- Symonds
- Thompson
- Tiao
- Tigges
- Tigges
- Tigges
- Tingges
- Tingges
- Tootel
- Towns
- Trojanowski
- Tusa
- Tusa
- Tusa
- Ungerleider
- Van Essen
- Van Essen
- Van Essen
- Van Essen
- Vastola
- Vesbaesya
- von Bonin
- von Economo
- Wagor
- Wagor
- Wall
- Weber
- Welker
- Weller
- Weyand
- White
- Wiesel
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wise
- Wong-Riley
- Wong-Riley
- Yorke
- Zaborszky
- Zeki
- Zeki
- Zeki
- Zeki
- Zeki
- Zeki
- Zeki
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study