3 research outputs found

    Complexity Reduction of Polymorphic Sequences (CRoPS™): A Novel Approach for Large-Scale Polymorphism Discovery in Complex Genomes

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    Application of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) is revolutionizing human bio-medical research. However, discovery of polymorphisms in low polymorphic species is still a challenging and costly endeavor, despite widespread availability of Sanger sequencing technology. We present CRoPS™ as a novel approach for polymorphism discovery by combining the power of reproducible genome complexity reduction of AFLP® with Genome Sequencer (GS) 20/GS FLX next-generation sequencing technology. With CRoPS, hundreds-of-thousands of sequence reads derived from complexity-reduced genome sequences of two or more samples are processed and mined for SNPs using a fully-automated bioinformatics pipeline. We show that over 75% of putative maize SNPs discovered using CRoPS are successfully converted to SNPWave® assays, confirming them to be true SNPs derived from unique (single-copy) genome sequences. By using CRoPS, polymorphism discovery will become affordable in organisms with high levels of repetitive DNA in the genome and/or low levels of polymorphism in the (breeding) germplasm without the need for prior sequence information

    SNPWave(TM): a flexible multiplexed SNP genotyping technology

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    Scalable multiplexed amplification technologies are needed for cost-effective large-scale genotyping of genetic markers such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We present SNPWave(TM), a novel SNP genotyping technology to detect various subsets of sequences in a flexible fashion in a fixed detection format. SNPWave is based on highly multiplexed ligation, followed by amplification of up to 20 ligated probes in a single PCR. Depending on the multiplexing level of the ligation reaction, the latter employs selective amplification using the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP®) technology. Detection of SNPWave reaction products is based on size separation on a sequencing instrument with multiple fluorescence labels and short run times. The SNPWave technique is illustrated by a 100-plex genotyping assay for Arabidopsis, a 40-plex assay for tomato and a 10-plex assay for Caenorhabditis elegans, detected on the MegaBACE 1000 capillary sequencer