20 research outputs found

    Palm trees and islands - Current filaments in the edge of JET

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    Analysis of damping rate measurements of toroidal Alfven eigenmodes on JET as a function of n: part I

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    Kink instabilities in high-beta JET advanced scenarios

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    Strike point splitting in the heat and particle flux profiles compared with the edge magnetic topology in a n=2 resonant magnetic perturbation field at JET

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    Deuterium beam acceleration with 3rd harmonic ion cyclotron resonance heating in Joint European Torus: Sawtooth stabilization and Alfven eigenmodes

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    Plasma isotopic effect on the damping rate of toroidal Alfven eigenmodes with intermediate toroidal mode numbers

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    Study of ICRH scenarios for thermal ion heating in JET D-T plasmas

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    Experimental results with an optimized magnetic field configuration for JET breakdown

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