8 research outputs found

    Production and use of biologically active substances: Economic, social and legal aspects

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    The article analyzes the opinions of researchers on the need to produce and use biologically active substances. The authors of this publication consider not only legal issues, but also socio-economic ones. Due to the integral approach and the use of several basic methods of scientific cognition, a number of progressive conclusions are formulated. It is noted that the quality of biologically active substances and their generics depends not only on the consumer’s demand, but also on the substance nature and its legal regulation. Not only advantages of modern approaches to drug production are noted, but also defects, namely high cost and insufficiently effective use of digital technologies

    Legal estimation of adverse effects of genome technologies applied to embryos

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    By manipulating the genome, it is possible to correct hereditary diseases in humans. Ensuring the birth of healthy children by diagnosing and selecting, for in vitro fertilization, an embryo that does not contain a pathogenic mutation is a serious prospect in modern genomic research. However, the legislative approaches of states towards this issue remain very ambiguous due to the complexity of the ethical and legal sides of this problem. We believe that a single consensus international position should be adopted on the issues of intervention in the human genome, otherwise permission to conduct in one country may lead to negative reactions in other states and lay criminal risks in this area

    Bioink as a type of biologically active substances: Issues of technology and legal regulation

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    3D bioprinting as a digital innovation gives hope to patients in need of organs and awaiting transplantation, as well as other patients. The prospects for bioprinting are significant; many types of bioink are being developed, without which this digital technology may not exist. However, the legal regulation of thing developing sphere of medical science is in its initial stage. Given the complexity and duration of creating legal norms for new directions in medical science, we consider it important to start developing legislative acts that will regulate 3D bioprinting and establish requirements for bioink so that they are ready by the time the first organ (tissue) constructs suitable for clinical use appear. It is emphasized that the study of technological and legal aspects of bioinks as biologically active substances is an extremely relevant and promising scientific task

    Using digital technologies in viticulture and winemaking: Technological and legal realities

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    Any technological innovation is a step forward in the development of our society. Almost all areas of life have been affected by the digital industry. However, there are activities that are unique per se, such as winemaking. Taste and preferences of a person are built around the individuality of each of us. Nevertheless, the processes to simplify work, to obtain a high-quality product, to increase the volume of harvest, to check counterfeit products and much more can be digitalized. Change is inevitable. Any digital technology can be used for human benefit. The use of drones in the art of winemaking is already accepted and recognized. This is only one aspect of using digital technologies in winemaking. This is what the presented research paper is about

    Production and use of biologically active substances: Economic, social and legal aspects

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    The article analyzes the opinions of researchers on the need to produce and use biologically active substances. The authors of this publication consider not only legal issues, but also socio-economic ones. Due to the integral approach and the use of several basic methods of scientific cognition, a number of progressive conclusions are formulated. It is noted that the quality of biologically active substances and their generics depends not only on the consumer’s demand, but also on the substance nature and its legal regulation. Not only advantages of modern approaches to drug production are noted, but also defects, namely high cost and insufficiently effective use of digital technologies

    Bioink as a type of biologically active substances: Issues of technology and legal regulation

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    3D bioprinting as a digital innovation gives hope to patients in need of organs and awaiting transplantation, as well as other patients. The prospects for bioprinting are significant; many types of bioink are being developed, without which this digital technology may not exist. However, the legal regulation of thing developing sphere of medical science is in its initial stage. Given the complexity and duration of creating legal norms for new directions in medical science, we consider it important to start developing legislative acts that will regulate 3D bioprinting and establish requirements for bioink so that they are ready by the time the first organ (tissue) constructs suitable for clinical use appear. It is emphasized that the study of technological and legal aspects of bioinks as biologically active substances is an extremely relevant and promising scientific task

    Issues of personal data protection through the lens of sustainable development and law

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    The paper focuses on the effectiveness of legislation regulating the security of storage, processing, and transfer of personal data. As the main thesis, we assume that it is necessary to give a legal definition of the concept of personal data to build specific legal norms of a protective nature. We describe, examine, and evaluate the provisions of international regulatory legal acts that define the concept mentioned above and correlate with Russian legislation provisions. We thoroughly consider the opinions of scientists on the issue with the justification of our assessments and judgments. The results of the study can be considered recommendations on understanding the definition of personal data, as well as proposals for their protection and development of the system of legal regulation of personal data turnover in various jurisdictions

    Research of artificial intelligence as a subject of crime

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    The paper focuses on the prospects of recognizing artificial intelligence as a subject of crime and the presence of artificial intelligence as Mens Rea and Actus Reus. The paper aims to do the following: (1) study the international experience of the criminal justice response to crimes committed with the use of artificial intelligence based on the systematic and comparative analysis, and (2) answer the question of the possibility of recognizing artificial intelligence as a subject of crime. The research is based on a wide range of international sources and data from international organizations, national legislation, and scientific literature. Within the study, we have used the following research methods: historical, comparative, formal-legal, and functional methods, and a systematic approach. As a result, we have found that artificial intelligence has the ability to implement all three components of guilt: act, direct causal link, and occurrence of socially dangerous consequences. Consequently, we have concluded about the possible definition of artificial intelligence as a special subject of crime. Therefore, we have proposed considering some of its fundamental properties as possible criminological prerequisites for recognizing artificial intelligence as a special subject of crime