361 research outputs found

    Timing of nitrogen fertilization influences color and anthocyanin content of apple (Malus domestica Borkh. cv ‘Royal Gala’) fruits

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    Different timings and methods of N application modify N dynamics in the plant and could have differential effects on fruit color. To evaluate this possibility, an experiment was conducted during three seasons in a ‘Royal Gala’/EM9 apple orchard. The treatments were: (a) soil N after harvest; (b) foliar N after harvest; and (c) soil N in spring. No nitrogen was applied to the control. HUE angle, lightness, percentage of coverage color, and anthocyanin concentration were determined in the fruit skin. Among the treatments that received fertilization, the postharvest treatments resulted in fruits with darker colorations, higher percentages of coverage color, and higher concentration of anthocyanins. These could be related, at least partly, to lower values of light interception by the canopy, in comparison to the spring treatment. Our results suggest that the negative effects of N on fruit coloration can be mitigated by differing N application to the postharvest period.EEA Alto ValleFil: De Angelis, Verónica. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle; ArgentinaFil: Sanchez, Enrique Eduardo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle; ArgentinaFil: Tognetti, Jorge Alberto. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Laboratorio de Fisiología Vegetal; Argentin

    The DOF Transcription Factors in Seed and Seedling Development

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    The DOF (DNA binding with one finger) family of plant-specific transcription factors (TF) was first identified in maize in 1995. Since then, DOF proteins have been shown to be present in the whole plant kingdom, including the unicellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The DOF TF family is characterised by a highly conserved DNA binding domain (DOF domain), consisting of a CX2C-X21-CX2C motif, which is able to form a zinc finger structure. Early in the study of DOF proteins, their relevance for seed biology became clear. Indeed, the PROLAMIN BINDING FACTOR (PBF), one of the first DOF proteins characterised, controls the endosperm-specific expression of the zein genes in maize. Subsequently, several DOF proteins from both monocots and dicots have been shown to be primarily involved in seed development, dormancy and germination, as well as in seedling development and other light-mediated processes. In the last two decades, the molecular network underlying these processes have been outlined, and the main molecular players and their interactions have been identified. In this review, we will focus on the DOF TFs involved in these molecular networks, and on their interaction with other proteins

    Efecto de pies clonales sobre el crecimiento y productividad en manzano cv Cripps Pink en el Alto Valle de Río Negro y Neuquén

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    Con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento vegetativo y productivo de diferentes portainjertos clonales de manzano en la zona del Alto Valle de Río Negro y Neuquén se realizó un ensayo de cv. Cripps Pink con dos combinaciones de portainjertos: PI 80 y MM 111 con interinjerto de EM9. Los parámetros vegetativos y productivos evaluados fueron: Área seccional transversal de tronco (ASTT, cm2); Producción acumulada por hectárea (PA, t/ha); Eficiencia productiva acumulada (EPA, kg/cm2) y en la última temporada de evaluación se determinaron la densidad de frutos (DF; n.º frutos/cm2 ASTT); la distribución de calibres de los frutos (DC) y el porcentaje del fruto con color de cobertura (CF). La combinación con el pie PI80 fue la menos vigorosa y tuvo mejor comportamiento productivo y coloración de los frutos. La combinación EM9/MM111 presenta valores productivos aceptables por lo que podría ser una alternativa interesante en aquellos lugares donde las condiciones del suelo no permiten el uso de portainjertos de bajo vigor.In order to evaluate the vegetative and productive development of different apple clonal rootstocks in the Alto Valle of Río Negro and Neuquén a trial with Cripps Pink cv. was planted with two rootstocks combinations: PI 80 and MM 111 with EM9 interstock. The vegetative and productive parameters evaluated were: trunk‐cross sectional area (ASTT, cm2); Cumulative yield per hectare (PA, tn/ha); Crop efficiency (EPA, kg/cm2) and in the last season the crop density (nº fruits/cm2 ASTT), the fruit size distribution (DC) and the coverage color (CF). The combination with PI80 was the least vigorous and had better productivity and fruit colour development. The EM9/MM111 combination has an acceptable productive level, so it could be an interesting alternative under poor soils conditions do not allow the use of dwarfing rootstocks.EEA Alto ValleFil: De Angelis, Verónica. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle; ArgentinaFil: Calvo, Paula Cecilia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle; Argentin

    Portainjertos de manzano

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    Los portainjertos ofrecen la posibilidad de controlar el vigor de la planta, su precocidad o rapidez para entrar en producción y la resistencia o tolerancia a algunos patógenos y condiciones del suelo. Su elección debe estar sujeta a un adecuado diagnóstico de las condiciones del suelo y el vigor de la variedad. Existen dos tipos de portainjertos de acuerdo con su origen: los multiplicados por semilla, llamados generalmente “francos”, y los multiplicados en forma vegetativa o “clonales”.EEA Alto ValleFil: De Angelis, Verónica. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle; ArgentinaFil: Calvo, Paula Cecilia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle; Argentin

    Oral contraceptives combined with interferon β in multiple sclerosis

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    Objective: To test the effect of oral contraceptives (OCs) in combination with interferon b (IFN-b) on disease activity in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). Methods: One hundred fifty women with RRMS were randomized in a 1:1:1 ratio to receive IFNb-1a subcutaneously (SC) only (group 1), IFN-b-1a SC plus ethinylstradiol 20 mg and desogestrel 150 mg (group 2), or IFN-b-1a SC plus ethinylestradiol 40 mg and desogestrel 125 mg (group 3). The primary endpoint was the cumulative number of combined unique active (CUA) lesions on brain MRI at week 96. Secondary endpoints included MRI and clinical and safety measures. Results: The estimated number of cumulative CUA lesions at week 96 was 0.98 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.81–1.14) in group 1, 0.84 (95% CI 0.66–1.02) in group 2, and 0.72 (95% CI 0.53–0.91) in group 3, with a decrease of 14.1% (p 5 0.24) and 26.5% (p 5 0.04) when comparing group 1 with groups 2 and 3, respectively. The number of patients with no gadoliniumenhancing lesions was greater in group 3 than in group 1 (p 5 0.03). No significant differences were detected in other secondary endpoints. IFN-b or OC discontinuations were equally distributed across groups. Conclusions: Our results translate the observations derived from experimental models to patients, supporting the anti-inflammatory effects of OCs with high-dose estrogens, and suggest possible directions for future research

    Variedades no tradicionales de manzana para la elaboración de sidra

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    Frente a la demanda de productores artesanales de sidra por obtener un producto diferenciado se trabajó en la identificación de cultivares con potencial sidrero a partir de materiales conservados en el Banco de Germoplasma del INTA Alto Valle. Luego de cinco años, se caracterizaron nueve variedades de manzanos que fueron inscriptos recientemente en el Registro Nacional de Cultivares (RNC) del Instituto Nacional de Semillas (INASE).EEA Alto ValleFil: Calvo, Paula Cecilia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle; ArgentinaFil: De Angelis, Verónica. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle; ArgentinaFil: Martinez, Gerardo Santiago. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle; Argentin

    Effect on cognition of estroprogestins combined with Interferon beta in multiple sclerosis: analysis of secondary outcomes from a randomized controlled trial

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    Introduction Cognitive impairment is a disabling symptom in multiple sclerosis (MS). While its management remains challenging, beneficial effects on cognition of interferon beta (IFN-β) have been reported and a positive effect from estroprogestins has been hypothesised, suggesting that the combination of the two medications in women with MS could offer a promising treatment strategy. Objectives We investigated whether a combination of estroprogestins and IFN-β can improve cognition in women with MS. Methods Women with relapsing-remitting (RR) MS were randomly assigned (1:1:1) to receive subcutaneous IFN-β-1a (Rebif®, Merck Serono, Geneva, Switzerland) 44 mcg three times a week (tiw) (group 1), subcutaneous IFN-β-1a 44 mcg tiw plus ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg and desogestrel 150 mcg (Mercilon®, MSD Italia SRL, Rome, Italy) (group 2) or subcutaneous IFN-β-1a 44 mcg tiw plus ethinyl estradiol 40 mcg and desogestrel 125 mcg (Gracial®, Organon Italia S.p.A., Rome, Italy) (group 3) in a randomised controlled trial, for which we report the analysis of secondary outcomes. At baseline and at 24 months, all patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and a comprehensive cognitive assessment, including Rao’s Brief Repeatable Battery (RBRB) and questionnaires for depression, fatigue and quality of life. Failure in at least two of the RBRB tests defined ‘cognitive impairment’. Results At baseline, there was no difference in the proportion of cognitively impaired patients. At month 24, the proportion of patients with cognitive impairment was lower in group 3 (34.8%) than in group 1 (47.6%) (p = 0.03). The risk of developing cognitive impairment over 24 months was lower in group 3 (p = 0.02). Mood and fatigue scores were comparable across the groups over time at both time points. However, at month 24, group 3 showed worsening on the sexual function subscale of the 54-item MS quality-of-life questionnaire (p = 0.03). Conclusions This study suggests that the combination of high-dose estroprogestins and IFN-β may have positive effects on cognition. However, the effect of this treatment on sexual function requires caution to be exercised

    Comportamiento productivo de diferentes combinaciones cultivar portainjerto de peral en el Alto Valle de Río Negro y Neuquén

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    Con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento vegetativo y productivo de diferentes combinaciones cultivar-portainjerto de peral en la zona del Alto Valle de Río Negro y Neuquén se planteó un ensayo con cinco portainjertos: Franco, BA29, BP1, MC y Sydo. Los cultivares utilizadas fueron Pyrus communis cv Williams, Abate Fetel y Beurrè D´Anjou. Los árboles fueron plantados en el 2001 con un marco de plantación de 4 x 2m y conducidos en eje central. Los parámetros vegetativos y productivos evaluados fueron: Área seccional transversal de tronco (ASTT; cm2); Longitud de la copa en el sentido de la hilera (LCH, m); Crecimiento de los brotes del año (CBA, m); Producción acumulada por planta (PA, kg pl-1); Producción estimada por hectárea (PE, t ha-1); Eficiencia productiva acumulada (EPA, kg cm-2); Distribución de calibres (DC); Síntomas de incompatibilidad en la zona de unión y Mortandad de plantas. En todos los cultivares evaluados, el portainjerto Franco fue el que presentó mejor comportamiento productivo y vegetativo (mayores ASTT, LCH, CBA, PA,PE y EPA). Las combinaciones con los portainjertos de membrillero presentaron síntomas de incompatibilidad de leves a moderados en la zona de unión en todos los cultivares estudiados y fueron las que tuvieron mayor mortandad de plantas. La productividad de las combinaciones con membrillero fue baja en todos los cultivares, probablemente debido a la incompatibilidad observada a nivel de la zona de unión. Este hecho posiblemente se haya visto agravado por las condiciones climáticas de la zona caracterizadas por altas temperaturas, fuertes vientos y baja humedad relativa que acrecientan los problemas existentes de trasporte entre la raíz y la parte aérea afectando, consecuentemente, el normal desarrollo y crecimiento de las plantas.In order to evaluate the vegetative and reproductive behavior of different pear rootstocks in the Alto Valle de Río Negro y Neuquén region, a trial was designed with four rootstocks: seedling, BA29, BP1, MC and Sydo. The pear cultivars were: Pyrus communis cv Williams, Abate Fetel and Beurre D’ Anjou. Trees were planted in 2001, spaced at 4 x 2 m and trained with a central axis. The vegetative and reproductive parameters evaluated were: Trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA; cm2); Canopy in the file (CF, m); Annual shoot growth (ASG,m); cumulative yield (CY, kg pl -1); Estimated production per hectare (EPH , t ha-1); Cumulative yield efficiency (CYE, kg cm -2); Fruit size distribution (FSD); Incompatibility symptoms in the graft union and plant mortality. In all tested cultivars, the seedling had the highest vegetative and reproductive performance (highests TCSA, CF,ASG, CY, EPH and CYE). In all the studied cultivars the quince rootstocks showed mild to moderate symptoms of incompatibility in the graft union and the highest plant mortality. The low productivity of the combinations with quince rootstocks probably was associated to the incompatibility observed at the graft union. This fact had possibly been exacerbated by the climatic conditions of the area, which is characterized by high temperatures, strong winds and low relative humidity, increasing the existing problems of transportation between the root and the canopy and, consequently, affecting the normal development of plantsEEA Alto ValleFil: De Angelis, Veronica. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle; ArgentinaFil: Calvo, Gabriela. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle; ArgentinaFil: Raffo Benegas, Maria Dolores. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle; ArgentinaFil: Menni, María Fernanda. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle; Argentin

    Castrum Novum (Santa Marinella, prov. de Rome)

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    Introduction(F. Enei, S. Nardi Combescure, G. Poccardi) Au cours du mois de septembre 2016, les recherches de terrain entreprises l’année précédente ont été poursuivies sur la colline du « Casale Alibrandi » (zone D) qui correspond au cœur de la colonie de Castrum Novum. Trois nouveaux sondages ont été ouverts : le sondage IV a permis de dégager une partie importante des remparts du IIIe siècle av. J. -C. ; le sondage V a intéressé des édifices relatifs à l’époque de fondation de la colonie ;..

    O-GlcNAcylation enhances CPS1 catalytic efficiency for ammonia and promotes ureagenesis

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    Life-threatening hyperammonemia occurs in both inherited and acquired liver diseases affecting ureagenesis, the main pathway for detoxification of neurotoxic ammonia in mammals. Protein O-GlcNAcylation is a reversible and nutrient-sensitive post-translational modification using as substrate UDP-GlcNAc, the end-product of hexosamine biosynthesis pathway. Here we show that increased liver UDP-GlcNAc during hyperammonemia increases protein O-GlcNAcylation and enhances ureagenesis. Mechanistically, O-GlcNAcylation on specific threonine residues increased the catalytic efficiency for ammonia of carbamoyl phosphate synthetase 1 (CPS1), the rate-limiting enzyme in ureagenesis. Pharmacological inhibition of O-GlcNAcase, the enzyme removing O-GlcNAc from proteins, resulted in clinically relevant reductions of systemic ammonia in both genetic (hypomorphic mouse model of propionic acidemia) and acquired (thioacetamide-induced acute liver failure) mouse models of liver diseases. In conclusion, by fine-tuned control of ammonia entry into ureagenesis, hepatic O-GlcNAcylation of CPS1 increases ammonia detoxification and is a novel target for therapy of hyperammonemia in both genetic and acquired diseases