66 research outputs found

    Myostatin in the Pathophysiology of Skeletal Muscle

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    Myostatin is an endogenous, negative regulator of muscle growth determining both muscle fiber number and size. The myostatin pathway is conserved across diverse species ranging from zebrafish to humans. Experimental models of muscle growth and regeneration have implicated myostatin as an important mediator of catabolic pathways in muscle cells. Inhibition of this pathway has emerged as a promising therapy for muscle wasting. Here we discuss the recent developments and the controversies in myostatin research, focusing on the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the actions of myostatin on skeletal muscle and the potential therapeutic role of myostatin on muscle-related disorders

    New insights into myostatin function in muscle protein homeostasis highlight a link with the regulation of translation ght

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    New insights into myostatin function in muscle protein homeostasis highlight a link with the regulation of translation gh

    New insights into myostatin function in muscle protein homeostasis highlight a link with the regulation of translation ght

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    New insights into myostatin function in muscle protein homeostasis highlight a link with the regulation of translation gh

    New insights into myostatin function in muscle protein homeostasis highlight a link with the regulation of translation ght

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    New insights into myostatin function in muscle protein homeostasis highlight a link with the regulation of translation gh

    WNT4 activates the canonical b-catenin pathway and regulates negatively myostatin : functional implication in myogenesis

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    National audienceExpression of Wnt proteins is known to be important for developmental processes such as embryonic pattern formation and determination of cell fate. Previous studies have shown that Wn4 was involved in the myogenic fate of somites, in the myogenic proliferation and differentiation of skeletal muscle. However, the function of this factor in adult muscle homeostasis remains not well understood. Here, we focus on the roles of Wnt4 during C2C12 myoblasts and satellite cells differentiation. We analysed its myogenic activity, its mechanism of action and its interaction with the anti-myogenic factor myostatin during differentiation. Established expression profiles indicate clearly that both types of cells express a few Wnts and among these, only Wnt4 was not or barely detected during proliferation and was strongly induced during differentiation. As attested by myogenic factors expression pattern analysis and fusion index determination, overexpression of Wnt4 protein caused a strong increase in satellite cells and C2C12 myoblast differentiation leading to hypertrophic myotubes. By contrast, exposure of satellite and C2C12 cells to siRNA against Wnt4 diminished strongly this process confirming the myogenic activity of Wnt4. Moreover, we reported that Wnt4 which is usually described as a non-canonical Wnt, activates the canonical b-catenin pathway during myogenic differentiation in both cell types and that this factor regulates negatively the expression of myostatin and the regulating pathways associated with myostatin. Interestingly, we found that recombinant myostatin was sufficient to antagonize the differentiation-promoting activities of Wnt4. Reciprocally we also found that the genetic deletion of myostatin renders the satellite cells refractory to the hypertrophic effect of Wnt4. These results suggest that the Wnt4-induced decrease of myostatin plays a functional role during hypertrophy. We propose that Wnt4 protein may be a key factor that regulates the extent of differentiation in satellite and C2C12 cells

    Absence of hyperplasia in Gasp-1 overexpressing mice is dependent on myostatin up-regulation

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    Background/Aims: Overexpression of Gasp-1, an inhibitor of myostatin, leads to a hypermuscular phenotype due to hypertrophy rather than hyperplasia in mice. However to date, the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying this phenotype are not investigated. Methods: Skeletal muscles of overexpressing Gasp-1 mice, called Tg(Gasp-1) mice, were analyzed by histological methods. Satellite cell-derived myoblasts from these mice were used to investigate the molecular mechanisms. Results: We demonstrated that hypertrophy in Tg(Gasp-1) mice was related to a myonuclear accretion during the first 3 postnatal weeks and an activation of the pro-hypertrophic Akt/mTORC/p70S6K signaling. In accordance with these results, we showed that overexpressing Gasp-1 primary myoblasts proliferated faster and myonuclei average per myotube was increased during differentiation. Molecular analysis revealed that Gasp-1 overexpression resulted in increased myostatin expression related to its auto-regulation. Despite its inhibition, myostatin led to Pax7 deregulation through its non-canonical Erk1/2 signaling pathway. Consistent with this, inhibition of Erk1/2 signaling pathway as well as neutralization of secreted myostatin rescue the Pax7 expression in overexpressing Gasp-1 myoblasts. Conclusion: Our study shows that myostatin is able to act independently of its canonical pathway to regulate the Pax7 expression. Altogether, our results indicate that myostatin could regulate muscle development despite its protein inhibition

    Wnt4 activates the canonical beta-catenin pathway and regulates negatively myostatin: functional implication in myogenesis

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    Contact: [email protected] audienceExpression of Wnt proteins is known to be important for developmental processes such as embryonic pattern formation and determination of cell fate. Previous studies have shown that Wn4 was involved in the myogenic fate of somites, in the myogenic proliferation, and differentiation of skeletal muscle. However, the function of this factor in adult muscle homeostasis remains not well understood. Here, we focus on the roles of Wnt4 during C2C12 myoblasts and satellite cells differentiation. We analyzed its myogenic activity, its mechanism of action, and its interaction with the anti-myogenic factor myostatin during differentiation. Established expression profiles indicate clearly that both types of cells express a few Wnts, and among these, only Wnt4 was not or barely detected during proliferation and was strongly induced during differentiation. As attested by myogenic factors expression pattern analysis and fusion index determination, overexpression of Wnt4 protein caused a strong increase in satellite cells and C2C12 myoblast differentiation leading to hypertrophic myotubes. By contrast, exposure of satellite and C2C12 cells to small interfering RNA against Wnt4 strongly diminished this process, confirming the myogenic activity of Wnt4. Moreover, we reported that Wnt4, which is usually described as a noncanonical Wnt, activates the canonical β-catenin pathway during myogenic differentiation in both cell types and that this factor regulates negatively the expression of myostatin and the regulating pathways associated with myostatin. Interestingly, we found that recombinant myostatin was sufficient to antagonize the differentiation-promoting activities of Wnt4. Reciprocally, we also found that the genetic deletion of myostatin renders the satellite cells refractory to the hypertrophic effect of Wnt4. These results suggest that the Wnt4-induced decrease of myostatin plays a functional role during hypertrophy. We propose that Wnt4 protein may be a key factor that regulates the extent of differentiation in satellite and C2C12 cell

    Time course in calpain activity and autolysis in slow and fast skeletal muscle during clenbuterol treatment

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    Corresponding author : e-mail: [email protected] audienceCalpains are Ca2+ cysteine proteases that have been proposed to be involved in the cytoskeletal remodeling and wasting of skeletal muscle. Cumulative evidence also suggests that b2-agonists can lead to skeletal muscle hypertrophy through a mechanism probably related to calcium-dependent proteolytic enzyme. The aim of our study was to monitor calpain activity as a function of clenbuterol treatment in both slow and fast phenotype rat muscles. For this purpose, for 21 days we followed the time course of the calpain activity and of the ubiquitous calpain 1 and 2 autolysis, as well as muscle remodeling in the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles of male Wistar rats treated daily with clenbuterol (4 mg_kg–1). A slow to fast fiber shift was observed in both the EDL and soleus muscles after 9 days of treatment, while hypertrophy was observed only in EDL after 9 days of treatment. Soleus muscle but not EDL muscle underwent an early apoptonecrosis phase characterized by hematoxylin and eosin staining. Total calpain activity was increased in both the EDL and soleus muscles of rats treated with clenbuterol. Moreover, calpain 1 autolysis increased significantly after 14 days in the EDL, but not in the soleus. Calpain 2 autolysis increased significantly in both muscles 6 hours after the first clenbuterol injection, indicating that clenbuterol-induced calpain 2 autolysis occurred earlier than calpain 1 autolysis. Together, these data suggest a preferential involvement of calpain 2 autolysis compared with calpain 1 autolysis in the mechanisms underlying the clenbuterol-induced skeletal muscle remodeling
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