5 research outputs found

    Innovative superparamagnetic iron-oxide nanoparticles coated with silica and conjugated with linoleic acid: Effect on tumor cell growth and viability

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    One of the goals for the development of more effective cancer therapies with reduced toxic side effects is the optimization of innovative treatments to selectively kill tumor cells. The use of nanovectors loaded with targeted therapeutic payloads is one of the most investigated strategies. In this paper superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) coated by a silica shell or uncoated, were functionalized with single-layer and bi-layer conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Silica was used to protect the magnetic core from oxidation, improve the stability of SPIONs and tailor their surface reactivity. CLA was used as novel grafting biomolecule for its anti-tumor activity and to improve particle dispersibility. Mouse breast cancer 4T1 cells were treated with these different SPIONs. SPIONs functionalized with the highest quantity of CLA and coated with silica shell were the most dispersed. Cell viability was reduced by SPIONs functionalized with CLA in comparison with cells which were untreated or treated with SPIONs without CLA. As regards the types of SPIONs functionalized with CLA, the lowest viability was observed in cells treated with uncoated SPIONs with the highest quantity of CLA. In conclusion, the silica shell free SPIONs functionalized with the highest amount of CLA can be suggested as therapeutic carriers because they have the best dispersion and ability to decrease 4T1 cell viability

    The Interpretation of “The Analects of Confucius” by Gao Pan- Long

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    [[abstract]]本文以高攀龍《論語》學為研究對象,探討高攀龍《論語》學的說解方式與思想內容,希望透過對高氏《論語》學的爬梳與析釋,以釐清晚明時期以反思、修正進而批判他泰州學派為主旨的《論語》學取向,並進一步梳理高氏《論語》學及其心性、成德工夫在明清之際學術轉型下的意義和價值。全書先以高攀龍及其時代背景、晚明論語學發展的狀況、東林學派的講學宗旨與道德實踐為中心,析論高攀龍之學思背景、知識構成及其學術活動。其次則分別析理高攀龍《論語》學中之心、性、仁等概念及其修身觀點,評述高氏對王學後學傾向玄虛立論的修正,以及高氏在晚明工夫落空的情況下,向程、朱工夫論及經世致用之道的回歸。透過對高攀龍《論語》說解的核心思想之歸納與析述,並與晚明蕅益智旭《論語》學進行概略比對,探討其中儒釋的概念異同,以析釋晚明時期《論語》學之整體發展及高攀龍思想在明代理學發展脈絡及明清之際儒學思想轉型期之意義。 透過本文的研究,可理解高攀龍《論語》學,因應時代風氣空疏的流弊,提出修正的觀點,注入儒者積極改變及志在世道的使命,啟始後來經世致用之學的發展。其次,其內容特色在心性論上回歸孔孟的性善宗旨,於成德工夫上發揚程朱實踐以成德的精神,落實躬行即本體的內涵;最後,書中的說明呈現出在理學與心學對抗下的兼融特色,於明代學術發展史上具有轉型的特殊意義。[[abstract]]This thesis takes “The Analects of Confucius” by Gao Pan-Long as its research subject, and it explores Gao’s interpretation methods and thought, hoping to sift and analyze through Gao’s work in order to clarify his observations corrections, and criticisms of Tai-Zhou school use of "The Analects of Confucius" in the late Ming period. Further sorting out the significance and value of Gao's work to mind-nature theory and self-cultivation theory in the academic transformation between the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. This thesis begins with Gao Pan-Long and his background. It then discusses the development of “The Analects of Confucius” in the late Ming dynasty, and it use in the teachings and moral practices of the Dong-Lin school. And it then analyzes Gao’s academic background, knowledge formation, and academic activities. The second part of this study analyzes the concepts of mind, human nature, and benevolent thought in Gao Pan-Long's “The Analects of Confucius”, and discusses how Gao corrected the Tai-Chou School theory toward mysticism. It also discusses how Gao returned to Cheng Yi and Chu Hsi theories of self-cultivation and practical principles after the decline in practical actions in the late Ming Dynasty. Through summarizing and analyzing the core thoughts of Gao Pan-Long's work, and comparing it with the study of the Analects by Ouyi-Zhixu’s in the late Ming Dynasty, the conceptual similarities and differences of Confucianism and Buddhism are explored in order to illuminate the significance of "the whole development of learning and Gao Pan-Long's thought" in the development context of Ming Dynasty Neo-Confucianism and the transitional period of Confucianism during the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. It is the thesis of this study, the research of this thesis that understanding Gao Pan- Long’s view on the Analects of Confucius illustrates his attempt correct the hollow academic atmosphere of his era, and pushed the Confucianism to take on the mission of positive social change. Gao thus began the development of Confucian study statecraft. This study also contends that Gao returned to Confucius and Mencius’s concept of the goodness of human nature, and developed the spirit of Cheng Yi and Chu Hsi’s “practical actions”. To Gao, carrying out self-cultivation is a moral mind’s action. Finally, this thesis presents the conflict of Neo-Confucianism with “philosophy of the mind” and syncretism between the two in the Ming Dynasty. It also examines the transformative significance of the history of academic thought in the Ming Dynasty.[[note]]碩

    Composite bone cements loaded with a bioactive and ferrimagnetic glass-ceramic: Leaching, bioactivity and cytocompatibility

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    In this work, composite bone cements, based on a commercial polymethylmethacrylate matrix (Palamed\uae) loaded with ferrimagnetic bioactive glass-ceramic particles (SC45), were produced and characterized in vitro. The ferrimagnetic bioactive glass-ceramic belongs to the system SiO2-Na2O-CaO-P2O5-FeO-Fe2O3 and contains magnetite (Fe3O4) crystals into a residual amorphous bioactive phase. Three different formulations (containing 10, 15 and 20 wt.% of glass-ceramic particles respectively) have been investigated. These materials are intended to be applied as bone fillers for the hyperthermic treatment of bone tumors. The morphological, compositional, calorimetric and mechanical properties of each formulation have been already discussed in a previous paper. The in vitro properties of the composite bone cements described in the present paper are related to iron ion leaching test (by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer), bioactivity (i.e. the ability to stimulate the formation of a hydroxyapatite - HAp - layer on their surface after soaking in simulated body fluid SBF) and cytocompatibility toward human osteosarcoma cells (ATCC CRL-1427, Mg63). Morphological and chemical characterizations by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersion spectrometry have been performed on the composite samples after each test. The iron release was negligible and all the tested samples showed the growth of HAp on their surface after 28 days of immersion in a simulated body fluid (SBF). Cells showed good viability, morphology, adhesion, density and the ability to develop bridge-like structures on all investigated samples. A synergistic effect between bioactivity and cell mineralization was also evidenced