22 research outputs found

    Structural basis of the chiral selectivity of Pseudomonas cepacia lipase

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    To investigate the enantioselectivity of Pseudomonas cepacia lipase, inhibition studies were performed with SC- and RC-(RP,SP)-1,2-dialkylcarbamoylglycero-3-O-p-nitrophenyl alkylphosphonates of different alkyl chain lengths. P. cepacia lipase was most rapidly inactivated by RC-(RP,SP)-1,2-dioctylcarbamoylglycero-3-O-p-nitrophenyl octylphosphonate (RC-trioctyl) with an inactivation half-time of 75 min, while that for the SC-(RP,SP)-1,2-dioctylcarbamoylglycero-3-O-p-nitrophenyl octyl-phosphonate (SC-trioctyl) compound was 530 min. X-ray structures were obtained of P. cepacia lipase after reaction with RC-trioctyl to 0.29-nm resolution at pH 4 and covalently modified with RC-(RP,SP)-1,2-dibutylcarbamoylglycero-3-O-p-nitrophenyl butyl-phosphonate (RC-tributyl) to 0.175-nm resolution at pH 8.5. The three-dimensional structures reveal that both triacylglycerol analogues had reacted with the active-site Ser87, forming a covalent complex. The bound phosphorus atom shows the same chirality (SP) in both complexes despite the use of a racemic (RP,SP) mixture at the phosphorus atom of the triacylglycerol analogues. In the structure of RC-tributyl-complexed P. cepacia lipase, the diacylglycerol moiety has been lost due to an aging reaction, and only the butyl phosphonate remains visible in the electron density. In the RC-trioctyl complex the complete inhibitor is clearly defined; it adopts a bent tuning fork conformation. Unambiguously, four binding pockets for the triacylglycerol could be detected: an oxyanion hole and three pockets which accommodate the sn-1, sn-2, and sn-3 fatty acid chains. Van der Waals’ interactions are the main forces that keep the radyl groups of the triacylglycerol analogue in position and, in addition, a hydrogen bond to the carbonyl oxygen of the sn-2 chain contributes to fixing the position of the inhibitor.

    Function of the fully conserved residues Asp99, Tyr52 and Tyr73 in phospholipase A2

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    In the active centre of pancreatic phospholipase A2 His48 is at hydrogen-bonding distance to Asp99. This Asp-His couple is assumed to act together with a water molecule as a catalytic triad. Asp99 is also linked via an extended hydrogen bonding system to the side chains of Tyr52 and Tyr73. To probe the function of the fully conserved Asp99, Tyr52 and Tyr73 residues in phospholipase A2, the Asp99 residue was replaced by Asn, and each of the two tyrosines was separately replaced by either a Phe or a Gln. The catalytic and binding properties of the Phe52 and Phe73 mutants did not change significantly relative to the wild-type enzyme. This rules out the possibility that either one of the two Tyr residues in the wild-type enzyme can function as an acyl acceptor or proton donor in catalysis. The Gln73 mutant could not be obtained in any significant amounts probably due to incorrect folding. The Gln52 mutant was isolated in low yield. This mutant showed a large decrease in catalytic activity while its substrate binding was nearly unchanged. The results suggest a structural role rather than a catalytic function of Tyr52 and Tyr73. Substitution of asparagine for aspartate hardly affects the binding constants for both monomeric and micellar substrate analogues. Kinetic characterization revealed that the Asn99 mutant has retained no less than 65% of its enzymatic activity on the monomeric substrate rac 1,2-dihexanoyldithio-propyl-3-phosphocholine, probably due to the fact that during hydrolysis of monomeric substrate by phospholipase A2 proton transfer is not the rate-limiting step. The Asp to Asn substitution decreases the catalytic rate on micellar 1,2-dioctanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine 25-fold. To explain this remaining activity we suggest that in the mutant the Asn99 orients His48 in the same way as Asp99 orients His48 in native phospholipase A2 and that the lowered activity is caused by a reduced stabilization of the transition state

    Evidence for the involvement of tyrosine-69 in the control of stereospecificity of porcine pancreatic phospholipase A2

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    We have studied the role of Tyr-69 of porcine pancreatic phospholipase A2 in catalysis and substrate binding, using site-directed mutagenesis. A mutant was constructed containing Phe at position 69. Kinetic characterization revealed that the Phe-69 mutant has retained enzymatic activity on monomeric and micellar substrates, and that the mutation has only minor effects on kcat and Km. This shows that Tyr-69 plays no role in the true catalytic events during substrate hydrolysis. In contrast, the mutation has a profound influence on the stereospecificity of the enzyme. Whereas the wild-type phospholipase A2 is only able to catalyse the degradation of sn-3 phospholipids, the Phe-69 mutant hydrolyses both the sn-3 isomers and, at a low (1-2%) rate, the sn-1 isomers. Despite the fact that the stereospecificity of the mutant phospholipase has been altered, Phe-69 phospholipase still requires Ca2+ ions as a cofactor and also retains its specificity for the sn-2 ester bond. Our data suggest that in porcine pancreatic phospholipase A2 the hydroxyl group of Tyr-69 serves to fix and orient the phosphate group of phospholipid monomers by hydrogen bonding. Because no such interaction can occur between the Phe-69 side-chain and the phosphate moiety of the substrate monomer, the mutant enzyme loses part of its stereospecificity but not its positional specificity

    Enhanced Activity and Altered Specificity of Phospholipase A2 by Deletion of a Surface Loop

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    Protein engineering and x-ray crystallography have been used to study the role of a surface loop that is present in pancreatic phospholipases but is absent in snake venom phospholipases. Removal of residues 62 to 66 from porcine pancreatic phospholipase A2 does not change the binding constant for micelles significantly, but it improves catalytic activity up to 16 times on micellar (zwitterionic) lecithin substrates. In contrast, the decrease in activity on negatively charged substrates is greater than fourfold. A crystallographic study of the mutant enzyme shows that the region of the deletion has a well-defined structure that differs from the structure of the wild-type enzyme. No structural changes in the active site of the enzyme were detected

    Activities of Native and Tyrosine-69 Mutant Phospholipases A2 on Phospholipid Analogues. A Reevaluation of the Minimal Substrate Requirements

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    The role of Tyr-69 of porcine pancreatic phospholipase A2 in substrate binding was studied with the help of proteins modified by site-directed mutagenesis and phospholipid analogues with a changed head-group geometry. Two mutants were used containing Phe and Lys, respectively, at position 69. Modifications in the phospholipids included introduction of a sulfur at the phosphorus (thionophospholipids), removal of the negative charge at phosphorus (phosphatidic acid dimethyl ester), and reduction (phosphonolipids) or extension (diacylbutanetriol choline phosphate) of the distance between the phosphorus and the acyl ester bond. Replacement of Tyr-69 by Lys reduces enzymatic activity, but the mutant enzyme retains both the stereospecificity and positional specificity of native phospholipase A2. The Phe-69 mutant not only hydrolyzes the Rp isomer of thionophospholipids more efficiently than the wild-type enzyme, but the Sp thiono isomer is hydrolyzed too, although at a low (~4%) rate. Phosphonolipids are hydrolyzed by native phospholipase A2 about 7 times more slowly than natural phospholipids, with retention of positional specificity and a (partial) loss of stereospecificity. The dimethyl ester of phosphatidic acid is degraded efficiently in a calcium-dependent and positional-specific way by native phospholipase A2 and by the mutants, indicating that a negative charge at phosphorus is not an absolute substrate requirement. The activities on the phosphatidic acid dimethyl ester of native enzyme and the Lys-69 mutant are lower than those on the corresponding lecithin, in contrast to the Phe-69 mutant, which has equal activities on both substrates. Our data suggest that in porcine pancreatic phospholipase A2 fixation of the phosphate group is achieved both by an interaction with the phenolic OH of Tyr-69 and by an interaction with the calcium ion. In the mutant Y69K the ε-NH2 group can play a role similar to that of the Tyr OH group in native PLA2. The smaller side chain of the Y69F mutant can interact with more bulky head groups, allowing for relatively high enzymatic activities on modified phospholipids. On the basis of these results, a reevaluation of the minimal substrate requirements of phospholipase A2 is presented.