40 research outputs found

    Electron-positron pairs in physics and astrophysics: from heavy nuclei to black holes

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    From the interaction of physics and astrophysics we are witnessing in these years a splendid synthesis of theoretical, experimental and observational results originating from three fundametal physical processes. They were originally proposed by Dirac, by Breit and Wheeler and by Sauter, Heisenberg, Euler and Schwinger. The vacuum polarization process in strong electromagnetic field, pioneered by Sauter, Heisenberg, Euler and Schwinger, introduced the concept of critical electric field. It has been searched without success for more than forty years by heavy-ion collisions in many of the leading particle accelerators worldwide. The novel situation today is that these same processes can be studied on a much more grandiose scale during the gravitational collapse leading to the formation of a black hole being observed in Gamma Ray Bursts. This report is dedicated to the scientific race in act. The theoretical and experimental work developed in Earth-based laboratories is confronted with the theoretical interpretation of space-based observations of phenomena originating on cosmological scales. What has become clear in the last ten years is that all the three above mentioned processes, duly extended in the general relativistic framework, are necessary for the understanding of the physics of the gravitational collapse to a black hole. Vice versa, the natural arena where these processes can be observed in mutual interaction and on an unprecedented scale, is indeed the realm of relativistic astrophysics.Comment: to appear in Physics Reports, corrected proof

    Pauli blocking effects on pair creation in strong electric field

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    The process of electron-positron pair creation and oscillation in uniform electric field is studied, taking into account Pauli exclusion principle. Generally, we find that pair creation is suppressed, hence coherent oscillations occur on longer time scales. Considering pair creation in already existing electron-positron plasma we find that the dynamics depends on pair distribution function. We considered Fermi-Dirac distribution of pairs and found that for small temperatures pair creation is suppressed, while for small chemical potentials it increases: heating leads to enhancement of pair creation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Pair creation in hot electrosphere of compact astrophysical objects

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    The mechanism of pair creation in electrosphere of compact astrophysical objects such as quark stars or neutron stars is revisited, paying attention to evaporation of electrons and acceleration of electrons and positrons, previously not addressed in the literature. We perform a series of numerical simulations using the Vlasov-Maxwell equations. The rate of pair creation strongly depends on electric field strength in the electrosphere. Despite Pauli blocking is explicitly taken into account, we find no exponential suppression of the pair creation rate at low temperatures. The luminosity in pairs increases with temperature and it may reach up to L±∼1052L_\pm\sim 10^{52} erg/s, much larger than previously assumed

    Equations of motion, initial and boundary conditions for GRB

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    We compare and contrast the different approaches to the optically thick adiabatic phase of GRB all the way to the transparency. Special attention is given to the role of the rate equation to be self consistently solved with the relativistic hydrodynamic equations. The works of Shemi and Piran (1990), Piran, Shemi and Narayan (1993), Meszaros, Laguna and Rees (1993) and Ruffini, Salmonson, Wilson and Xue (1999,2000) are compared and contrasted. The role of the baryonic loading in these three treatments is pointed out. Constraints on initial conditions for the fireball produced by electro-magnetic black hole are obtained.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Baryonic loading and e^+e^- rate equation in GRB sources

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    The expansion of the electron-positron plasma in the GRB phenomenon is compared and contrasted in the treatments of Meszaros, Laguna and Rees, of Shemi, Piran and Narayan, and of Ruffini et al. The role of the correct numerical integration of the hydrodynamical equations, as well as of the rate equation for the electron-positron plasma loaded with a baryonic mass, are outlined and confronted for crucial differences.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of "Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology - Einstein's Legacy" meeting, November 7-11, 2005, Munich, Germany, edited by B. Aschenbach, V. Burwitz, G. Hasinger, and B. Leibundgu


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    Joint constraints on the lepton asymmetry of the Universe and neutrino mass from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe

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    We use the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data on the spectrum of cosmic microwave background anisotropies to put constraints on the present amount of lepton asymmetry L, parameterized by the dimensionless chemical potential (also called degeneracy parameter) xi and on the effective number of relativistic particle species. We assume a flat cosmological model with three thermally distributed neutrino species having all the same mass and chemical potential, plus an additional amount of effectively massless exotic particle species. The extra energy density associated to these species is parameterized through an effective number of additional species DeltaN_oth$. We find that 0<|xi|<1.1 and correspondingly 0<|L|<0.9 at 2sigma, so that WMAP data alone cannot firmly rule out scenarios with a large lepton number; moreover, a small preference for this kind of scenarios is actually found. We also discuss the effect of the asymmetry on the estimation of other parameters and in particular of the neutrino mass. In the case of perfect lepton symmetry, we obtain the standard results. When the amount of asymmetry is left free, we find \sum m_nu < 3.6 eV at 2sigma. Finally we study how the determination of |L| is affected by the assumptions on DeltaN_oth. We find that lower values of the extra energy density allow for larger values of the lepton asymmetry, effectively ruling out, at 2sigma level, lepton symmetric models with DeltaN_oth=0.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Uses RevTex4. Minor changes made to match published versio