1,589 research outputs found

    Les choix comptables des dirigeants lors des réductions d'effectifs : contribution à l'hypothÚse des coûts politiques

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    Managers use accounting information to justify workforce reductions and social stakeholders use this information to judge whether these operations are socially acceptable. Managers can thus use this information to mislead the social stakeholder judgements. This dissertation aims at studying managers’ accounting choices in the context of workforce reductions. Based on the stakeholder agency theory and the political cost hypothesis, we first examine whether managers reduce reported earnings downward before workforce reduction announcements. Our sample consists of 123 workforce reduction announcements for 107 French listed firms in a six-year period 2007-2012. Our results show that firms engage in income-decreasing discretionary accruals before workforce reduction announcements. Therefore, the context of workforce reductions can be considered as a relevant proxy to test the political cost hypothesis. Second, we investigate the factors influencing managers’ accounting choices. The size of the operation and the firms’ membership to sensitive industries reinforce the adoption of this accounting behavior. By contrast, the presence of employee representative on supervisory boards and the use of an independent chartered accountant to assist the works council constrain earnings management activities. Finally, we adopt an extensive definition of accounting choices and examine the association of earnings management and disclosure strategies at workforce reduction announcements. Our findings show that there is a substitutive relationship between earnings management and disclosure strategies.L’information comptable est utilisĂ©e par les dirigeants pour justifier la rĂ©alisation des rĂ©ductions d’effectifs et par les parties prenantes sociales pour juger du caractĂšre acceptable de l’opĂ©ration. Les dirigeants peuvent alors utiliser cette information pour orienter le jugement des parties prenantes sociales. Cette thĂšse Ă©tudie les choix comptables des dirigeants lors des rĂ©ductions d’effectifs. Prenant appui sur la thĂ©orie de l’agence Ă©largie et sur l’hypothĂšse des coĂ»ts politiques, nous cherchons d’abord Ă  voir si les dirigeants ajustent les rĂ©sultats Ă  la baisse avant l’annonce d’une rĂ©duction d’effectifs. L’échantillon est composĂ© de 123 rĂ©ductions d’effectifs annoncĂ©es par 107 entreprises françaises cotĂ©es entre 2007 et 2012. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent l’existence d’une gestion Ă  la baisse des rĂ©sultats avant l’annonce de ces opĂ©rations. Le contexte des rĂ©ductions d’effectifs constituent donc un proxy pertinent pour tester l’hypothĂšse des coĂ»ts politiques. Nous examinons ensuite les facteurs explicatifs de cette gestion des rĂ©sultats. La taille de l’opĂ©ration ainsi que l’appartenance de l’entreprise Ă  un secteur d’activitĂ© sensible renforcent l’adoption d’un tel comportement. Au contraire, le nombre de salariĂ©s administrateurs ainsi que le recours par le comitĂ© d’entreprise Ă  un cabinet spĂ©cialisĂ© de grande taille limitent ce comportement. Enfin, adoptant une vision Ă©largie de la dĂ©finition des choix comptables, nous observons s’il existe une relation entre la gestion des rĂ©sultats et l’adoption de stratĂ©gies de diffusion Ă  l’annonce des rĂ©ductions d’effectifs. Nos rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent l’existence d’une relation de substitution entre ces deux outils

    Du champ syndical au champ du pouvoir. Les administrateurs salariés peuvent-ils réellement transformer la gouvernance des entreprises ?

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    Cette Ă©tude questionne le potentiel transformatif du dispositif d’administrateurs salariĂ©s (AS) sur la gouvernance des entreprises en examinant les mĂ©canismes sociologiques Ă  l’oeuvre dans ce dispositif. L’étude repose sur 11 entretiens semi-directifs menĂ©s en 2021 auprĂšs d’AS de grandes entreprises françaises. Les rĂ©sultats, Ă©clairĂ©s par les concepts bourdieusiens, montrent que l’arrivĂ©e dans le champ du pouvoir gĂ©nĂšre un coĂ»t d’entrĂ©e Ă©levĂ© pour les AS. Occupant une position de « dominants-dominĂ©s » dans ce nouveau champ, les AS sont contraints d’adopter les codes des acteurs dominants. Une lutte apparaĂźt alors entre des AS qui agissent, malgrĂ© tout, pour avoir un effet dans le champ et les autres administrateurs qui mettent en place des actions pour Ă©viter une reconfiguration du champ

    Les dirigeants gĂšrent-ils les rĂ©sultats comptables avant d’annoncer une rĂ©duction d’effectifs ? Le cas des entreprises françaises cotĂ©es

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    This paper examines whether firms engage in earnings management activities in the context of workforce reductions. We assume that firms use income-decreasing accruals before workforce reduction announcements to show that the operation is necessary and thus to avoid incurring political costs. Based on 120 workforce reduction announcements for 104 French listed companies over the period 2007-2012, our results confirm that firms manage earnings downwards in the year before workforce reduction announcements (approximately 4% of total assets). Overall, the results validate the political cost hypothesis in the context of workforce reductions

    Questionner la neutralitĂ© pour dĂ©passer le mythe de l’image fidĂšle en comptabilitĂ© : une nĂ©cessitĂ© pour responsabiliser la profession comptable

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    L’objectif de l’article est d’étudier dans quelle mesure le concept de neutralitĂ© en comptabilitĂ© participe Ă  diffuser le « mythe de l’image fidĂšle » et de comprendre comment une remise en cause de ce mythe peut s’opĂ©rer au sein d’une partie de la profession comptable soucieuse des enjeux sociĂ©taux. Il prend appui sur une Ă©tude qualitative reposant sur 28 entretiens semi-directifs menĂ©s auprĂšs d’experts-comptables (EC) prĂ©sentant des profils variĂ©s. Ces entretiens, analysĂ©s selon la mĂ©thode Gioia, permettent de rĂ©vĂ©ler les enjeux associĂ©s au concept de neutralitĂ© tel que perçu par les EC. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent qu’en apprĂ©hendant le concept de neutralitĂ© principalement du point de vue de leurs pratiques, la plupart des EC s’inscrivent dans une vision technicienne de la comptabilitĂ© qui masque sa dimension politique. Ce faisant, ils constituent les mĂ©diateurs d’une visĂ©e monologique de la comptabilitĂ© traductrice de l’idĂ©ologie dominante qui, sous couvert de neutralitĂ©, contribue Ă  asseoir le mythe de l’image fidĂšle. Nos rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent toutefois que certains EC, conscients de l’incapacitĂ© d’une telle vision de la comptabilitĂ© Ă  rĂ©pondre aux enjeux sociĂ©taux, questionnent le concept de neutralitĂ© et proposent des pistes de rĂ©flexion pour dĂ©passer ce mythe, mĂȘme si le dialogue avec le reste de la profession comptable s’avĂšre difficile

    Les sources de la PremiÚre Guerre mondiale conservées aux Archives départementales du Bas-Rhin

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    À moins d’un an des commĂ©morations du centenaire du dĂ©clenchement de la PremiĂšre Guerre mondiale, les recherches relatives au conflit et Ă  son rĂšglement connaissent un renouveau significatif. Nombreux sont les fonds d’origine publique ou privĂ©e conservĂ©s aux Archives dĂ©partementales du Bas-Rhin qui documentent l’histoire de la PremiĂšre Guerre mondiale. Tous ne permettent pas, toutefois, loin s’en faut, de rĂ©pondre Ă  des questions prĂ©cises, et il sera souvent nĂ©cessaire de dĂ©pouiller de nombreux cartons avant de trouver l’information souhaitĂ©e, faute d’inventaires dĂ©taillĂ©s. Le prĂ©sent Ă©tat des sources ne vise pas l’exhaustivité ; il prĂ©tend plutĂŽt dresser un panorama gĂ©nĂ©ral des documents conservĂ©s et mettre l’accent sur quelques fonds particuliĂšrement intĂ©ressants, ou trĂšs peu Ă©tudiĂ©s, sinon inĂ©dits, qui permettront peut-ĂȘtre d’explorer de nouvelles pistes de recherche.One year before the commemoration of World War I many new insightful approaches deal with the conflict itself and with its settling. Many resources, whether public or private, that are kept in the Archives department of the Bas-Rhin are precious documents on World War I. Not all, it goes without saying, answer precise questions and it is often necessary to examine many archives boxes closely before finding pertinent information, for lack of detailed files. This survey of sources does not pretend to be exhaustive but aims at giving a general profile of particularly interesting or less studied, or even unpublished resources which may make it possible to open up new research avenues.Ein knappes Jahr trennt uns noch vom Gedenken an den Ersten Weltkrieg. Und schon kennen die Forschungen, die sich mit diesem Krieg und seiner Beendigung befassen, einen neuen Aufschwung. Das Material, das sich auf den Ersten Weltkrieg bezieht und in den Archiven des DĂ©partements Bas-Rhin lagert, hat einen betrĂ€chtlichen Umfang, sowohl das aus offiziellen als auch das aus privaten Quellen. Aber wer glaubt, alle Dokumente wĂŒrden Antwort auf prĂ€zise Fragen geben, wird eine EnttĂ€uschung erleben. Ein detailliertes Inventar gibt es nicht. Wer eine bestimmte Information sucht, wird deshalb nicht umhin kommen, zahlreiche Kartons zu durchsuchen. Diese Bestandsaufnahme ist nicht erschöpfend. Was sie will, ist vielmehr, einen generellen Überblick darĂŒber zu geben, welche Dokumente vorhanden sind. Außerdem will sie auf solche Archive aufmerksam machen, die besonders interessant sein dĂŒrften oder wenig erforscht, ja sogar unbekannt sind und vielleicht sogar neue Quellen fĂŒr die Forschung sein könnten

    Moving from Accounting for People to Accounting with People: A Critical Analysis of the Literature and Avenues for Research

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical review of the ‘accounting for people’ literature and to suggest avenues for research that encourage this literature to take a radical emancipatory turn by using dialogic accounting. Our review covers the past five decades and concentrates on a corpus of 109 articles published in 22 accounting journals. Although the social agenda was initially central to the rise in the accounting for people literature, it was quickly supplanted by economic and financial objectives. The more recent focus on Human Capital (HC), driven by the emergence of a new spirit of capitalism, appears to have breathed new life into the accounting for people literature. However, the HC concept also (i) simplifies humans’ subjective qualities by overquantification through a reification process that extends the sphere of commodification to humans and (ii) reinforces labor control processes. We highlight the need for future literature to move from the ‘accounting for people’ approach to an ‘accounting with people’ approach to really give a voice to humans, and outline the potential of dialogic HC accounts for achieving that aim

    An operon for production of bioactive gibberellin A4 phytohormone with wide distribution in the bacterial rice leaf streak pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola

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    ‱ Phytopathogens have developed elaborate mechanisms to attenuate the defense response of their host plants, including convergent evolution of complex pathways for production of the gibberellin (GA) phytohormones, which were actually first isolated from the rice fungal pathogen Gibberella fujikuroi. The rice bacterial pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) has been demonstrated to contain a biosynthetic operon with cyclases capable of producing the universal GA precursor ent-kaurene. Genetic (knock-out) studies indicate that the derived diterpenoid serves as a virulence factor for this rice leaf streak pathogen, serving to reduce the jasmonic acid (JA) mediated defense response. ‱ Here the function of the remaining genes in the Xoc operon are elucidated and the distribution of the operon in X. oryzae investigated in over 100 isolates. ‱ The Xoc operon leads to production of the bioactive GA4, an additional step beyond production of the penultimate precursor GA9 mediated by the homologous operons recently characterized from rhizobia. Moreover, this GA biosynthetic operon was found to be widespread in Xoc (\u3e90%), but absent in the other major oryzae pathovar. ‱ These results indicate selective pressure for production of GA4 in the distinct lifestyle of Xoc, and the importance of GA to both fungal and bacterial pathogens of rice

    Efficacy of colistin alone and in various combinations for the treatment of experimental osteomyelitis due to carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    Objectives: In a new experimental model of carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae osteomyelitis we evaluated the efficacy of colistin alone and in various combinations and examined the emergence of colistin-resistant strains and cross- resistance to host defence peptides (HDPs).Methods: KPC-99YC is a clinical strain with intermediate susceptibility to meropenem (MIC = 4 mg/L) and full susceptibility to gentamicin, colistin and tigecycline (MICs = 1 mg/L) and fosfomycin (MIC = 32 mg/L). Time–kill curves were performed at 4× MIC. Osteomyelitis was induced in rabbits by tibial injection of 2 × 108 cfu. Treatment started 14 days later for 7 days in seven groups: (i) control; (ii) colistin; (iii) colistin + gentamicin; (iv) colistin + tigecycline; (v) colistin + meropenem; (vi) colistin + meropenem + gentamicin; and (vii) colistin +  fosfomycin.Results: In vitro, colistin was rapidly bactericidal, but regrowth occurred after 9 h. Combinations of colistin with meropenem or fosfomycin were synergistic, whereas combination with tigecycline was antagonistic. In vivo, colistin alone was not effective. Combinations of colistin with meropenem or fosfomycin were bactericidal (P  < 0.001) and the addition of gentamicin enhanced the efficacy of colistin + meropenem (P = 0.025). Tigecycline reduced the efficacy of colistin (P = 0.007). Colistin-resistant strains emerged in all groups except colistin + fosfomycin and two strains showed cross-resistance to HDP LL-37.Conclusions: In this model, combinations of colistin plus meropenem, with or without gentamicin, or colistin plus fosfomycin were the only effective therapies. The combination of colistin and tigecycline should be administered with caution, as it may be antagonistic in vitro and in vivo

    Genome sequencing of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli CFBP4834-R reveals that flagellar motility is not a general feature of xanthomonads.

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    Xanthomonads are plant-associated bacteria that establish neutral, commensal or pathogenic relationships with plants. The list of common characteristics shared by all members of the genus Xanthomonas is now well established based on the entire genome sequences that are currently available and that represent various species, numerous pathovars of X. axonopodis (sensu Vauterin et al., 2000), X. oryzae and X. campestris, and many strains within some pathovars. These ?-proteobacteria are motile by a single polar flagellum. Motility is an important feature involved in biofilm formation, plant colonization and hence considered as a pathogenicity factor. X. axonopodis pv. phaseoli var. fuscans (Xapf) is one of the causal agents of common bacterial blight of bean and 4834-R is a highly aggressive strain of this pathogen that was isolated from a seed-borne epidemic in France in 1998. We obtained a high quality assembled sequence of the genome of this strain with 454-Solexa and 2X Sanger sequencing. Housekeeping functions are conserved in this genome that shares core characteristics with genomes of other xanthomonads: the six secretion systems which have been described so far in Gram negative bacteria are all present, as well as their ubiquitous substrates or effectors and a rather usual number of mobile elements. Elements devoted to the adaptation to the environment constitute an important part of the genome with a chemotaxis island and dispersed MCPs, numerous two-component systems, and numerous TonB dependent transporters. Furthermore, numerous multidrug efflux systems and functions dedicated to biofilm formation that confer resistance to stresses are also present. An intriguing feature revealed by genome analysis is a long deletion of 35 genes (33 kbp) involved in flagellar biosynthesis. This deletion is replaced by an insertion sequence called ISXapf2. Genes such as flgB to flgL and fliC to fleQ which are involved in the flagellar structure (rod, P- and L-ring, hook, cap and filament) are absent in the genome of strain 4834-R that is not motile. Primers were designed to detect this deletion by PCR in a collection of more than 300 strains representing different species and pathovars of Xanthomonas, and less than 5% of the tested xanthomonads strains were found nonmotile because of a deletion in the flagellum gene cluster. We observed that half of the Xapf strains isolated from the same epidemic than strain 4834-R was non-motile and that this ratio was conserved in the strains colonizing the next bean seed generation. Isolation of such variants in a natural epidemic reveals that either flagellar motility is not a key function for fitness or that some complementation occurs within the bacterial population. (Résumé d'auteur

    Concevoir la ville à partir des gares, Rapport final du Projet Bahn.Ville 2 sur un urbanisme orienté vers le rail

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    ExpĂ©rimenter de nouvelles façons de faire de l'amĂ©nagement et du dĂ©veloppement urbain autour des gares ? C'est l'objectif du projet franco-allemand Bahn.Ville 2, recherche-action qui vise Ă  promouvoir « un urbanisme orientĂ© vers le rail ». Valoriser les investissements faits sur les lignes ferroviaires rĂ©gionales pĂ©riurbaines par des mesures d'accompagnement dans le domaine de l'urbanisme, optimiser les conditions d'accessibilitĂ© aux gares de ces lignes, amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© du service rendu aux usagers dans les lieux d'Ă©changes autour de ces gare telles sont les ambitions de ce projet rĂ©alisĂ© sur la pĂ©riode 2007-2009. Il s'agit de tester les conditions de la mise en Ɠuvre d'un urbanisme orientĂ© vers le rail
