31 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic phenomena and prospective primary teachers

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    Even if magnetism and electromagnetism are generally not addressed during the formative courses in Italy, they are part of the curricular programs in primary schools. A formative learning intervention concerning electromagnetism was conducted in the context of the physics course for Prospective Primary Teachers (PPT) held at the University of Udine. In this paper are analysed how PPT address the analysis of the electromagnetic phenomena while they are facing an experimental learning path for pupils, looking to what conceptual nuclei and the learning knots are identified and re-used by them in the design of their own learning path

    The IWB as a bridge between phenomea exploration and interpretation of electromagnetic phenomena in construction of formal thinking

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    The diffusion of the Interactive Whiteboard in schools is in continuous increasing, but, too often, it was simple used to catch students\u2019 attention or transpose on the \u201cbig screen\u201d the class activities. In this paper is described a pilot study regarding the development of a Module of Formative Intervention for Prospective Primary Teachers in which the IWB as the role of supporter for the creation of a powerful context in which developed formal interpretation of electromagnetic phenomena starting from the analysis of experimental situations

    Inquiring 5 years old pupils on MST curricula

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    The analysis of the official documents of a Country is not enough to have a \u201creal\u201d picture of the school curriculum in that Country. This analysis had to be flanked and integrated by the results of the investigation of the acted curriculum implemented by the teachers and the perception that the pupils have. With the aim to investigate 5 years old pupils\u2019 perception of the curriculum of mathematics science and technology, two strategies for collecting data in kindergarten were implemented and experimented during the pilot phase of the SECURE European Projec

    The use of computers and multimedia in the italian kindergarten, primary, and lower secondary schools in results by EU project SECURE research on the use of computer in italian compulsory schools

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    The European Project SECURE, investigating the curriculum of mathematics science and technology, provide a relevant set of date related to the actual situation of the scientific education in the base schools. On the base of those data, the actual situation of the use of the ICT technology in the Italian school is analyzed and addressed to highlight the main characteristics and the main critical points

    Building Formal Thinking with Pupils on Magnetic Phenomena in Conceptual Laboratories

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    Developing formal thinking and building conceptual knowledge as a background for formal interpretation of phenomena is one of the main challenges in teaching and learning physics. In the context of the experimental exploration of the electromagnetic phenomena, pupils\u2019 conceptual referents and representations of the phenomena and their identification and exploration of conditions to produce electro-magnetic interactions are investigated through semi-structured interview in the framework of Conceptual Laboratories of Operative Exploration. The pupils construct global interpretations of phenomena starting from local interpretations of the single experiments and synthetizing them by means of building the formal abstract entities

    Magnetic Field Nature and Magnetic Flux Changes in Building Formal Thinking at Secondary School Level

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    Abstract The importance of the electromagnetism as topic itself and educational framework in which learn how to master multivariable abstract entities require the development of organic learning path for high school students. An empirical research done in the framework of a designed based research was performed in three different types of high schools to look at the reasoning that an organic learning path constructed on the formal construction of abstract entities promote in the students when the idea of the flux tubes representation is introduced as the key element in the interpretation of the magnetic field representation. The learning path, designed with an inquired based approach, provide to students the environment in which experimentally explore physical quantities constructing formal entities able to represent their properties. Then, the providing of challenging context, as the explanation of the processes of electromagnetic induction, allows to investigate how students validate and/or extend their interpretative model based on the constructed formal entities

    La LIM per favorire l\u2019apprendimento: proposte di attivit\ue0 per futuri insegnanti primari sui fenomeni elettrostatici e magnetici,

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    La lavagna Interattiva Multimediale (LIM) sta diffondendosi nelle scuole e si hanno i primi risultati sul suo impiego in classe, che troppo spesso riguardano il trasferimento in ambiente LIM di attivit\ue0 proprie di altri strumenti multimediali. Serve sviluppare contributi propri della LIM per favorire il processo di apprendimento sia in merito ai metodi dell\u2019attivit\ue0 didattica sia in merito ai contenuti degli specifici campi disciplinari. Il processo di modellizzazione e costruzione del pensiero formale in fisica \ue8 uno di questi. Vengono proposti due esempi di attivit\ue0 su elettrostatica ed elettromagnetismo destinati alla scuola di base, che impiegano semplici strumenti della LIM per stimolare alla formalizzazione anche attraverso la discussione collaborativa delle problematiche. Esse sono state proposte per una prima validazione a futuri insegnanti di scuola primaria