209 research outputs found

    Past and future energy transitions

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    Biedt de energietransitie kansen voor de Nederlandse industrie? : kansen en keuzen vanuit een lange termijn perspectief

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    Essay geschreven in opdracht van de Algemene Energieraad en de VROM-raad

    The promise of peer-to-peer trading? The potential impact of blockchain on the actor configuration in the Dutch electricity system

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    This paper considers the potential of blockchain technology to empower distributed and decentralized local electricity markets. Although blockchain has gained considerable attention in the last few years as a facilitator for new electricity markets, no attention has yet been given to its potential influence on the configuration of the actors in the electricity system and its ability to transform the existing system. Based on a social network analysis, this paper investigates how blockchain can influence the actor configuration of the electricity system in the Netherlands. After describing the Dutch system, we compare the existing with the potential future system’ actor configuration and the corresponding expected shifts in functions and network position of the actors. We conclude that although many functions are likely to remain and new central authorities may be formed, the impact of blockchain does not seem to be as disruptive and decentralizing as may be expected. This study provides first contributions to the ongoing discussion about the potential of blockchain to disrupt and reshape the electricity system

    The roles of users in shaping transitions to new energy systems

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    Current government information policies and market-based instruments aimed at influencing the energy choices of consumersoften ignore the fact that consumer behaviour is not fully reducible to individuals making rational conscious decisions all thetime. The decisions of consumers are largely configured by shared routines embedded in socio-technical systems. To achievea transition towards a decarbonized and energy-efficient system, an approach that goes beyond individual consumer choiceand puts shared routines and system change at its centre is needed. Here, adopting a transitions perspective, we argue thatconsumers should be reconceptualized as users who are important stakeholders in the innovation process and are shaping newroutines and enacting system change. We review the role of users in shifts to [Au:OK?] new decarbonized and energy-efficientsystems and provide a typology of user roles

    Pathways for sustainability transitions in the electricity sector: Multi-level analysis and empirical illustration

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    This paper analyses sustainability transitions in the electriciy sector. Using a Multi Level Perspective on transitions, three transition pathways are briefly elaborated and indications for the consequences for the infrastructure are given. The transformation pathway is characterised by a further hybridisation of the infrastructure; in the reconfiguration pathway, internationalisation and scale increase in renewable generation can lead to the emergence of a Supergrid. The de-alignment and re-alignment pathway is dominated by distributed generation and a focus on more local infrastructures. This pathway involves a major restrcuturing of the elecitricty system, but our conclusion is that this pathway is less likely than the other two. The de-alignment and re-alignment pathway is therefore more dependent on external developments and/or strong policy interventions. However, in all pathways major investments in infrastructure and innovative technologies are needed
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