261 research outputs found

    Random matrix theory and QCD3QCD_3

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    We suggest that the spectral properties near zero virtuality of three dimensional QCD, follow from a Hermitean random matrix model. The exact spectral density is derived for this family of random matrix models both for even and odd number of fermions. New sum rules for the inverse powers of the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator are obtained. The issue of anomalies in random matrix theories is discussed.Comment: 10p., SUNY-NTG-94/1

    Three-dimensional QCD in the adjoint representation and random matrix theory

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    In this paper we complete the derivations of finite volume partition functions for QCD using random matrix theories by calculating the effective low-energy partition function for three-dimensional QCD in the adjoint representation from a random matrix theory with the same global symmetries. As expected, this case corresponds to Dyson index ÎČ=4\beta =4, that is, the Dirac operator can be written in terms of real quaternions. After discussing the issue of defining Majorana fermions in Euclidean space, the actual matrix model calculation turns out to be simple. We find that the symmetry breaking pattern is O(2Nf)→O(Nf)×O(Nf)O(2N_f) \to O(N_f) \times O(N_f), as expected from the correspondence between symmetric (super)spaces and random matrix universality classes found by Zirnbauer. We also derive the first Leutwyler--Smilga sum rule.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages. Minor corrections, added comments, to appear on Phys. Rev.

    Universal Massive Spectral Correlators and QCD_3

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    Based on random matrix theory in the unitary ensemble, we derive the double-microscopic massive spectral correlators corresponding to the Dirac operator of QCD_3 with an even number of fermions N_f. We prove that these spectral correlators are universal, and demonstrate that they satisfy exact massive spectral sum rules of QCD_3 in a phase where flavor symmetries are spontaneously broken according to U(N_f) -> U(N_f/2) x U(N_f/2).Comment: 5 pages, REVTeX. Misprint correcte

    Microscopic universality in the spectrum of the lattice Dirac operator

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    Large ensembles of complete spectra of the Euclidean Dirac operator for staggered fermions are calculated for SU(2) lattice gauge theory. The accumulation of eigenvalues near zero is analyzed as a signal of chiral symmetry breaking and compared with parameter-free predictions from chiral random matrix theory. Excellent agreement for the distribution of the smallest eigenvalue and the microscopic spectral density is found. This provides direct evidence for the conjecture that these quantities are universal functions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (included), REVTeX 3.1; updated version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Random Matrix Theory and Chiral Symmetry in QCD

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    Random matrix theory is a powerful way to describe universal correlations of eigenvalues of complex systems. It also may serve as a schematic model for disorder in quantum systems. In this review, we discuss both types of applications of chiral random matrix theory to the QCD partition function. We show that constraints imposed by chiral symmetry and its spontaneous breaking determine the structure of low-energy effective partition functions for the Dirac spectrum. We thus derive exact results for the low-lying eigenvalues of the QCD Dirac operator. We argue that the statistical properties of these eigenvalues are universal and can be described by a random matrix theory with the global symmetries of the QCD partition function. The total number of such eigenvalues increases with the square root of the Euclidean four-volume. The spectral density for larger eigenvalues (but still well below a typical hadronic mass scale) also follows from the same low-energy effective partition function. The validity of the random matrix approach has been confirmed by many lattice QCD simulations in a wide parameter range. Stimulated by the success of the chiral random matrix theory in the description of universal properties of the Dirac eigenvalues, the random matrix model is extended to nonzero temperature and chemical potential. In this way we obtain qualitative results for the QCD phase diagram and the spectrum of the QCD Dirac operator. We discuss the nature of the quenched approximation and analyze quenched Dirac spectra at nonzero baryon density in terms of an effective partition function. Relations with other fields are also discussed.Comment: invited review article for Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci., 61 pages, 11 figures, uses ar.sty (included); references added and typos correcte

    The microscopic spectrum of the QCD Dirac operator with finite quark masses

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    We compute the microscopic spectrum of the QCD Dirac operator in the presence of dynamical fermions in the framework of random-matrix theory for the chiral Gaussian unitary ensemble. We obtain results for the microscopic spectral correlators, the microscopic spectral density, and the distribution of the smallest eigenvalue for an arbitrary number of flavors, arbitrary quark masses, and arbitrary topological charge.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX, 2 figures (included), minor typos corrected and discussion extended, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Spectral sum rules and finite volume partition function in gauge theories with real and pseudoreal fermions

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    Based on the chiral symmetry breaking pattern and the corresponding low-energy effective lagrangian, we determine the fermion mass dependence of the partition function and derive sum rules for eigenvalues of the QCD Dirac operator in finite Euclidean volume. Results are given for Nc=2N_c = 2 and for Yang-Mills theory coupled to several light adjoint Majorana fermions. They coincide with those derived earlier in the framework of random matrix theory.Comment: 22p., SUNY-NTG-94/18, TPI-MINN-94/10-

    Effective Lagrangians and Chiral Random Matrix Theory

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    Recently, sum rules were derived for the inverse eigenvalues of the Dirac operator. They were obtained in two different ways: i) starting from the low-energy effective Lagrangian and ii) starting from a random matrix theory with the symmetries of the Dirac operator. This suggests that the effective theory can be obtained directly from the random matrix theory. Previously, this was shown for three or more colors with fundamental fermions. In this paper we construct the effective theory from a random matrix theory for two colors in the fundamental representation and for an arbitrary number of colors in the adjoint representation. We construct a fermionic partition function for Majorana fermions in Euclidean space time. Their reality condition is formulated in terms of complex conjugation of the second kind.Comment: 27 page

    Replica Limit of the Toda Lattice Equation

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    In a recent breakthrough Kanzieper showed that it is possible to obtain exact nonperturbative Random Matrix results from the replica limit of the corresponding Painlev\'e equation. In this article we analyze the replica limit of the Toda lattice equation and obtain exact expressions for the resolvent of the chiral Unitary Ensemble both in the quenched limit and in the presence of additional massive flavors. This derivation explains in a natural way the appearance of both compact and noncompact integrals, the hallmark of the supersymmetric method, in the replica limit of the expression for the resolvent. We also show that the supersymmetric partition function and the partition function with fermionic replicas are related through the Toda lattice equation.Comment: 4 pages, latex. One reference added. Discussion of GUE now in the main text. Note added. Version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Random matrices and the replica method

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    Recent developments [Kamenev and Mezard, cond-mat/9901110, cond-mat/9903001; Yurkevich and Lerner, cond-mat/9903025; Zirnbauer, cond-mat/9903338] have revived a discussion about applicability of the replica approach to description of spectral fluctuations in the context of random matrix theory and beyond. The present paper, concentrating on invariant non-Gaussian random matrix ensembles with orthogonal, unitary and symplectic symmetries, aims to demonstrate that both the bosonic and the fermionic replicas are capable of reproducing nonperturbative fluctuation formulas for spectral correlation functions in entire energy scale, including the self-correlation of energy levels, provided no sigma-model mapping is used.Comment: 12 pages (latex), presentation clarified, misprints fixe
