1,437 research outputs found

    Turbiditas carbonatadas del Cretácico inferior en el Arroyo Bercho, Prebético de Jaén: Interpretación genética e implicaciones paleogeográficas

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    [ES] El análisis de las características sedimentarias de las turbiditas carbonatadas permite precisar la interpretación paleogeográfica del Prebético de Jaén, durante el Cretácico. Se pueden distinguir dos asociaciones de facies: a) Turbiditas de estatificación fina, intercaladas en abundante sedimento pelágico, e interpretadas como facies de borde de lóbulo. b) Cuerpos turbidíticos lenticulares interpretados como lóbulos de depósito formados por agradación. Aparecen asociadas a una serie depositada en una cuenca que progresivamente se fue haciendo más somera y que terminó con la implantación de una plataforma carbonatada en el Cenomanense. Se calcula que el depósito de las turbidítas debió realizarse a unos pocos centenares de metros de profundidad.[EN] The analysis of the sedimentary characteristics of the carbonate turbidites allows to accurate the paleogeographic interpretation of the Prebetie of laen. Two types of facies associations can be distinguished: a) Thin bedded turbidites> as intercalations into mainly hemipelapic sediments, interpreted as lobe fringe facies, b) Lents like turbiditie bodies corresponding to agradational depositional lobes. They occur associated to an shallowing upward sequence ending with Cenomanian carbonated platform facies. The turbiditic deposit supodselly took place in a few hundreds meters deep sedimentary basin.Trabajo patrocinado por la C.A.I.C.Y.T., dentro del proyecto «El Mesozoico de las Cordilleras Béticas» realizado en este centro del C.S.I.C.Peer reviewe

    Mesozoic palaeogeographic evolution of the External Zones of the Betic Cordillera

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    14 páginas, 8 figuras.The main events characterizing the Mesozoic palaeogeographic evolution of the External Zones of the Betic Cordillera are outlined. The Triassic sediments show a 'germanic' type lacies over the entire region, ending with Late Triassic evaporites and variegated clays of Keuper facies. At the beginning of the Jurassic a transgression takes place, and a broad shallow-marine carbonate-platform environment appears. During the Carixian (180 Ma) the carbonate platform breaks down leading to the differentiation of two large palaeogeographic units: the Prebetic Zone where shallow-water environments prevailed throughout the Mesozoic, and the Subbetic Zone where the sediments are clearly pelagic. Within the Prebetic Zone, two palaeogeographic realms are differentiated: the External Prebetic ,showing important stratigraphic gaps in the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous sequence, and the Internal Prebetic with a thicker and more continuous stratigraphic sequence. Between the Prebetic and Subbetic Zones, a palaeogeographic realm is distinguished (Intermediate units) where turbiditic and pelagic materials were deposited. This zone corresponds approximately to a slope environment during most of Mesozoic times. In the Subbetic Zone a marked differential subsidence occurs during the Jurassic, leading to trough (Median Subbetic) and swells (External and Internal Subbetic). In the Median Subbetic, the deposits consist mainly of marls, pelagic limestones, radiolarites and calcareous turbidites, with mafic volcanic hand subvolcanic rocks. During the Cretaceous pelagic marls and marty limestones were laid down. Mesozoic sedimentation took place along the southern margin of the European plate, in an Atlantic-type continental margin underlain by continental crust. Three-dimensional schemes, explaining the main palaeogcographic events are included.Peer reviewe

    Delivering Parenting Interventions through Health Services in the Caribbean

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    Integrating early childhood interventions with health and nutrition services has been recommended, however there is limited information on interventions that are effective and feasible for delivery through health services. In this trial we developed and evaluated a parenting program that could be integrated into primary health center visits

    Desenvolvimento de um instrumento para medir a cibervitimização em adolescentes

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    There is sufficient evidence on the existence of traditional bullying and its effects, but the increasing use of technologies as a way of coexistence among students has given rise to the need to study a new form of harassment: cybervictimization. The objective of this study was to determine the psychometric properties of a scale to measure cybervictimization reports in high school students. A non-probabilistic sample of 286 high school students who reported having been victims of cybervictimization was selected. The exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis evidenced the empirical sustainability of a measurement model by means of three factors: harassment, invasion of privacy and denigration. In addition, the test showed evidence of concurrent validity by correlating the results with the reports of traditional victimization. It is concluded that, although it must be improved, the scale constitutes an instrument to measure the construct.Existe suficiente evidencia sobre la existencia del bullying tradicional y sus efectos, pero el uso cada vez mayor de las tecnologías como forma de convivencia entre los estudiantes, ha dado lugar a la necesidad de estudiar una nueva forma de hostigamiento: la cibervictimización. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las propiedades psicométricas de una escala para medir reportes de cibervictimización en estudiantes de educación media superior. Se seleccionó una muestra no probabilística de 286 estudiantes de bachillerato que reportaron haber sido víctimas de cibervictimización. El análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio evidenciaron la sustentabilidad empírica de un modelo de medición mediante tres factores: acoso, invasión a la privacidad y denigración. Además, la prueba mostró evidencias de validez concurrente al correlacionarse los resultados con los reportes de victimización tradicional. Se concluye que, aunque debe ser mejorada, la escala constituye un instrumento para medir el constructo.Há provas suficientes da existência de bullying tradicional e os seus efeitos, mas o uso crescente de tecnologias como uma forma de convivência entre os alunos, levou à necessidade de estudar uma nova forma de assédio: cybervictimization. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar as propriedades psicométricas de uma escala para medir os relatórios de cibervitimização em estudantes do ensino médio. Foi selecionada uma amostra não probabilística de 286 estudantes do ensino médio que relataram ter sido vítimas de cibervitimização. A análise fatorial exploratória e confirmatória evidenciou a sustentabilidade empírica de um modelo de mensuração por meio de três fatores: assédio, invasão de privacidade e denigração. Além disso, o teste mostrou evidências de validade concorrente, correlacionando os resultados com os relatos de vitimização tradicional. Conclui-se que, embora deva ser melhorada, a escala constitui um instrumento para medir o construto

    Asociación obesidad e hiperplasia nodular focal (HNF) telangiectásica. Reevaluación de 24 casos.

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    La hiperplasia nodular focal no es una verdadera neo plasia. Es una respuesta regenerativa de los hepatocitos a una anomalía vascular. Se reevaluaron 24 casos diagnosticados y confirmados en el estudio anatomopatológico como hiperplasia nodular focal. Tres de los 24 casos fueron reclasificados como adenomas inflamatorios telangiectásico, vinculado con antecedentes de síndromes metabolicos y con imnumorreactividad frente a la Amiloide A. La presencia de ectasia vascular, dilatación sinusoidal, áreas de peliosis con signos inflamatorios focales o difusos asociados a inmunorreactividad frente al Amiloide A son signos histológicos que nos indican la presencia de adenomas hepatocelulares inflamatorios telangiectásicos antiguamente clasificados como hiperplasia nodular focal atípica. El antecedentes de obesidad u hígado graso, unido al incremento en la reactividad frente al Amiloide A caracteriza a los adenomas inflamatorios telan giec - tásicos

    Flavonoid and Capsaicinoid Contents and Consumption of Mexican Chili Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Landraces

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    There is insufficient evidence to identify the precise health effects of chili pepper consumption. However, there is evidence of their topical use as an analgesic to decrease pain from rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, neuralgias, neuropathic diabetes, neuronal dysfunctions and inflammation, among others. In this work, the diversity and variety of consumed forms of chilis in Mexico, flavonoid and capsaicinoid content in fruits, and their potential health uses are documented, based on various research results and bibliographic information. In Mexico, more than 150 landraces of wild and cultivated origins are consumed and preserved and are distributed throughout the country; the greatest diversity is concentrated in the central and south-southeastern regions. Consumption per capita in urban households is from 8 to 9 kg, and in rural communities, it varies from 14 to 17 kg. Chili peppers contain up to 23 flavonoids and 20 capsaicinoids, differing among landraces because of crop management, maturation of fruits, postharvest management and ecological-environmental influences. Flavonoids and capsaicinoids confer antioxidant, anticarcinogenic properties on the fruit and have lipolytic and preventative effects on chronic degenerative diseases. However, in vitro and in vivo experimental trials of capsaicinoids and flavonoids with beneficial effects must be conducted with regard to human health