16 research outputs found

    Knowledge and level of understanding of the Ch茅cate, M铆dete, Mu茅vete campaign in Mexican adults

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    Objective. To evaluate the knowledge and comprehension level of the Ch茅cate, M铆dete, Mu茅vete campaign and its associ颅ated characteristics in Mexican adult population. Materials and methods. Based on the Mexican Halfway National Health and Nutrition Survey 2016, we obtained information about the knowledge and comprehension of the logo and messages that support the Ch茅cate, M铆dete, Mu茅vete campaign. To identify the associated characteristics, we proved logistic and linear regression models and the variable contrast ef颅fects are shown. Results. 11% of the interviewed adults knew the Ch茅cate, M铆dete, Mu茅vete campaign, 31% had a high comprehension of it and 1% did not comprehend it at all. The associated characteristics with knowledge were gender, scholarship, health service and overweight or obesity. Age, scholarship and socioeconomic status were associated to comprehension. Conclusion. These results provide new information about one of the Mexican efforts to control the overweight, obesity and diabetes epidemic

    Energy and nutrient intake in Mexican children 1 to 4 years old: results from the Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey 2006 Consumo de energ铆a y nutrimentos en ni帽os mexicanos de 1 a 4 a帽os de edad: resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrici贸n 2006

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    OBJECTIVE: To document the energy and nutrient intake of Mexican preschool children using data from the Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey 2006 (ENSANUT 2006). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Dietary data from 3 552 children less than 5 years old collected through a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire were analyzed. Energy and nutrient daily intakes and adequacies were calculated. Comparisons were made by geographic region, residence locality, and socioeconomic status. RESULTS: The Mexico City region showed the highest energy (103.2%), carbohydrate (109.9%), and fat (110.1%) adequacies. The highest proportion of preschoolers with energy and micronutrients inadequacy (adequacy OBJETIVO: Documentar el consumo de energ铆a y nutrimentos en ni帽os mexicanos menores de cinco a帽os, a partir de datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrici贸n 2006 (ENSANUT 2006), realizada en M茅xico en 2006. MMATERIAL Y M脡TODOS: Se analiz贸 informaci贸n de un cuestionario semicuantitativo de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos de 3552 ni帽os. Se calcularon consumos y adecuaciones diarias de energ铆a y nutrimentos, comparando por regi贸n geogr谩fica, tipo de localidad y nivel socioecon贸mico. RESULTADOS: La regi贸n Ciudad de M茅xico present贸 la adecuaci贸n m谩s alta de energ铆a (103.2%), carbohidratos (109.9%) y grasa (110.1%). Las proporciones m谩s altas de inadecuaci贸n (adecuaci贸n < 100%) en energ铆a y micronutrimentos se observaron en las localidades rurales, ind铆genas, regi贸n sur y nivel socioecon贸mico bajo. CONCLUSIONES: Esta informaci贸n es un indicador de la disponibilidad y acceso a los alimentos de diferentes estratos de la poblaci贸n y una herramienta para focalizar a los beneficiarios de programas de asistencia alimentaria

    Alimentaci贸n y suficiencia energ茅tica en ind铆genas migrantes de los Altos de Chiapas, M茅xico

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    La poblaci贸n que ha migrado de las zonas rurales a 谩reas urbanas est谩 sujeta a cambios en sus patrones de alimentaci贸n y es considerado un grupo de poblaci贸n vulnerable en t茅rminos de seguridad alimentaria. Se describe la dieta de la poblaci贸n ind铆gena inmigrante en la ciudad de San Crist贸bal de Las Casas, en el estado de Chiapas, M茅xico, analizando los factores que contribuyen a la suficiencia en la ingesta cal贸rica de 143 familias. Estudio transversal basado en una entrevista estructurada donde se obtuvo informaci贸n con variables socioecon贸micas, la variedad y tipo de alimentos disponibles en el hogar, y la suficiencia en la cantidad de calor铆as per c谩pita ajustadas a los requerimientos por edad y sexo. Se usaron pruebas estad铆sticas no param茅tricas para estimar la relaci贸n entre el nivel de ingreso de la poblaci贸n y el n煤mero de calor铆as disponibles. El nivel de ingresos se asoci贸 al n煤mero de calor铆as disponibles en los hogares; sin embargo, no existe una asociaci贸n significativa entre el tiempo de haber llegado a la ciudad y el tipo y variedad de alimentos disponibles que consumen estas familias. Los resultados evidencian que la proporci贸n de familias que cubren la ingesta cal贸rica requerida es de 91.3%; la poblaci贸n con menores ingresos presenta un porcentaje m谩s bajo de este indicador, a la vez que se reporta una deficiencia importante de prote铆nas y nutrientes como el calcio y la vitamina A. Se discuten las implicaciones de la migraci贸n rural-urbana de poblaci贸n ind铆gena en relaci贸n a la calidad de la dietaDiet and caloric sufficiency in the migrant indigenous population of the Altos Region of Chiapas, M茅xico. The population that has migrated from rural zones to urban areas is subject to changes in their dietary patterns and is considered a vulnerable population group in terms of food security. This article describes the diet of the immigrant indigenous population in the city of San Crist贸bal de Las Casas, analyzing the factors that contribute to adequate calorie consumption in 143 families. This is a cross-sectional study based on a structured interview in which information was obtained related to socio-economic variables, the variety and types of foods in the home, and adequate calorie consumption per capita based on requirements according to age and sex. Using nonparametric statistical tests, the relationship between the population鈥檚 income level and the number of calories available was determined. Results show a significant association between the income level of the population and the number of calories available in homes; however, there is not a significant association between the amount of time a family has lived in the city and the type and variety of foods available to and consumed by these families. Results show that 91.3% of these families ingest the suggested calorie consumption; the population with the lowest income levels represents a lower percentage of this indicator, and also showed significant deficiencies in proteins and nutrients such as calcium and vitamin A. The implications of rural-urban migration by indigenous populations in relation to diet quality are discusse

    Methodology for the analysis of dietary data from the Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey 2006 Metodolog铆a para el an谩lisis de informaci贸n diet茅tica de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrici贸n 2006

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the methodology for the analysis of dietary data from the Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey 2006 (ENSANUT 2006) carried out in Mexico. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Dietary data from the population who participated in the ENSANUT 2006 were collected through a 7-day food-frequency questionnaire. Energy and nutrient intake of each food consumed and adequacy percentage by day were also estimated. Intakes and adequacy percentages > 5 SDs from the energy and nutrient general distribution and observations with energy adequacy percentages OBJETIVO: Describir la metodolog铆a de an谩lisis de la informaci贸n diet茅tica de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrici贸n de M茅xico (ENSANUT 2006). MATERIAL Y M脡TODOS: Se recolect贸 de la ENSANUT 2006 informaci贸n diet茅tica de la poblaci贸n mediante un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de siete d铆as. Se estim贸 la ingesta y porcentaje de adecuaci贸n de energ铆a y nutrimentos. Se excluyeron del an谩lisis porcentajes de adecuaci贸n > 5 DE de la distribuci贸n general de energ铆a y nutrimentos y observaciones con porcentaje de energ铆a <25%. RESULTADOS: Se obtuvo informaci贸n diet茅tica v谩lida de 3552 ni帽os de entre 1 a 4 a帽os de edad, 8716 ni帽os de 5 a 11 a帽os de edad, 8442 adolescentes, 15 951 adultos y 3357 adultos mayores. CONCLUSIONES: Detallar la metodolog铆a de an谩lisis de la informaci贸n diet茅tica sirve para estandarizar los criterios de limpieza de la informaci贸n y hacer comparables los resultados entre diferentes estudios

    The prevalence of anemia decreased in Mexican preschool and school-age children from 1999 to 2006 La prevalencia de anemia disminuy贸 en ni帽os prescolares y escolares mexicanos entre 1999 y 2006

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the distribution of anemia in children, based on information from Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey 2006 (ENSANUT 2006) and Mexican National Nutrition Survey 1999 (ENN-99), and examine the association of anemia with potentially explanatory variables. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Adjusted prevalence and means as well as associations with potentially explanatory variables were assessed by multiple linear and logistic regression models for complex samples. RESULTS: From 1999 to 2006, the prevalence of anemia decreased 13.8 percentage points (pp) in toddlers and 7.8 pp in children 24-35 months of age; it also decreased 0.7 pp/year in urban and rural populations, 1.8 pp/year in indigenous and 0.61 pp/year in non-indigenous toddlers, 1.5 pp/year in children 5-8 years of age and 0.78 pp/year in children 9-11 years of age. In toddlers served by Oportunidades, Hb was inversely associated with indigenous ethnicity (p=0.1) and they had a lower risk of anemia (OR=0.002). In school-age children, age (OR=0.98), affiliation to Liconsa (OR=0.42) and living in the central region (OR=0.56) were protective factors for anemia. CONCLUSIONS: The national prevalence of anemia in Mexico has decreased in the past seven years, especially in toddlers. Being a beneficiary of Liconsa or Oportunidades was protective for anemia.OBJETIVO: Comparar la distribuci贸n de la anemia en ni帽os con base en la informaci贸n de la Encuesta Nacional de Nutrici贸n 2006 (ENSANUT 2006) y la Encuesta Nacional de Nutrici贸n 1999 (ENN99). Asimismo, examinar la asociaci贸n de la anemia con variables potencialmente explicativas. MATERIAL Y M脡TODOS: Se calcularon las prevalencias y las medias ajustadas, as铆 como las asociaciones mediante modelos de regresi贸n m煤ltiple lineal y log铆stica para muestras complejas. RESULTADOS: Entre 1999 y 2006 la anemia disminuy贸 13.8 puntos porcentuales (pp) en lactantes de 12-23 meses de edad y 7.8 pp en los de 24-35; 0.7 pp/a帽o en prescolares urbanos y rurales, 1.8 pp/a帽o en ind铆genas y 0.61 pp/a帽o en no ind铆genas; 1.5 pp/a帽o en ni帽os de 5-8 a帽os y 0.78 pp/a帽o en los de 9-11 a帽os. En preescolares beneficiarios de Oportunidades la Hb se asoci贸 negativamente con indigenismo (p=0.1) y tuvieron un riesgo menor para anemia (OR=0.002). En ni帽os escolares la edad (OR=0.98), ser beneficiario de Liconsa (OR=0.42) y vivir en la regi贸n centro (OR=0.56) resultaron ser factores protectores contra la anemia. CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia de anemia disminuy贸 en M茅xico durante los pasados siete a帽os, especialmente en lactantes. Ser beneficiario de Oportunidades y de Liconsa fue protector para el riesgo de anemia

    Estado de salud y nutrici贸n de los adultos mayores en M茅xico: resultados de una encuesta probabil铆stica nacional Health and nutrition status of older adults in Mexico: results of a national probabilistic survey

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    OBJETIVO: Describir el estado de salud y nutrici贸n de los adultos mayores en M茅xico. MATERIAL Y M脡TODOS: Se analiz贸 la informaci贸n de 5 480 adultos >60 a帽os de edad de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrici贸n (ENSANUT 2006). Se obtuvieron prevalencias, medias e intervalos de confianza al 95% tras ajustar por el efecto del dise帽o. RESULTADOS: Hasta 40% de los adultos mayores carece de seguridad social y 2% padece desnutrici贸n; la anemia afecta dos veces m谩s a las mujeres que a los hombres (34.8 contra 17%). M谩s de 60% sufre sobrepeso y obesidad; cerca de 25% corresponde a hipertensos diagnosticados por la encuesta y 15 a 20% a diab茅ticos. CONCLUSI脫N: Los resultados de este estudio muestran que los adultos mayores en M茅xico poseen un estado de salud y nutrici贸n inadecuado, lo cual es urgente atender a fin de optimizar su calidad de vida.<br>OBJECTIVE: To describe health and nutrition status in the elderly population in Mexico. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Information from 5 480 adults (>60 years) obtained by the National Health and Nutrition Survey (ENSANUT-2006) was analyzed. Frequencies, means, and confidence intervals at 95% were obtained and adjusted for design effect. RESULTS: Forty percent of the adults reported a lack of social security, 2% suffered from malnutrition, women were affected two times more than men by anemia (34.8 vs. 17%), more than 60% of the population were overweight and had obesity, approximately 25% suffered from hypertension according to the survey, and between 15 and 20% were diabetic. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study show that health and nutrition status among the Mexican elderly population is inadequate. This is a situation that urgently needs to be addressed in order to improve the quality of life of older adults in Mexico

    Use and understanding of the nutrition information panel of pre-packaged foods in a sample of Mexican consumers Uso y comprensi贸n del etiquetado nutrimental posterior de los alimentos pre-empaquetados en una muestra de consumidores mexicanos

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the use and understanding of the Nutritional information Panel (NIP) of pre-packaged foods by Mexican consumers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A questionnaire and an understanding test for NIP were applied to adult consumers in supermarkets of six cities in the Northern, Central, and Southern regions of Mexico. Data were analyzed by frequencies and Poisson regression models. RESULTS: Interviewed 731 consumers; 71.5% were women, mean age 33 卤 9.7 (range: 18-60), 70% completed high-school or a higher degree. In total, 17% of consumers use the NIP for making purchase decisions; 49% did not understand the NIP. Only 1.2% of consumers answered correctly the five questions of the NIP understanding test. CONCLUSIONS: The use and understanding of the NIP are low despite a high proportion self-reported reading and understanding. The lack of previous knowledge of the technical language prevents use and interpretation of NIP nutritional information for purchasing decisions.OBJETIVO: Evaluar el uso y comprensi贸n del etiquetado nutricional posterior (NIP, por sus siglas en ingl茅s) de alimentos preempacados por consumidores mexicanos. MATERIAL Y M脡TODOS: Se aplicaron un cuestionario y una prueba de comprensi贸n del NIP a consumidores adultos en supermercados de seis ciudades de las regiones Norte, Centro y Sur de M茅xico. RESULTADOS: Se entrevistaron 731 consumidores; 71.5% eran mujeres, la media de edad 33 卤 9.7 a帽os (intervalo 18-60); 70% terminaron preparatoria o un nivel m谩s alto. El 17% usa la etiqueta nutrimental para elegir sus alimentos; 49% no comprend铆a la NIP. S贸lo 1.2% de los consumidores respondi贸 correctamente las cinco preguntas de la prueba de comprensi贸n del NIP. CONCLUSIONES: El uso y comprensi贸n del NIP fue bajo, a pesar de la gran proporci贸n que autorreport贸 leerlo y comprenderlo. La falta de conocimiento previo del lenguaje t茅cnico dificulta el uso e interpretaci贸n de la informaci贸n nutricional de NIP para las decisiones de compras de alimentos

    Anemia in Mexican women: results of two national probabilistic surveys Anemia en mujeres mexicanas: resultados de dos encuestas nacionales probabil铆sticas

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence of anemia in Mexican women and analyze its trends with information from the last two national nutrition surveys. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The prevalence of anemia in women was analyzed. Anemia was adjusted by socioeconomic profile and by potentially explanatory variables. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of anemia for pregnant women was 20.2% (95% CI 15.9, 26.2%) and 15.5% for non-pregnant women (95% CI 14.7, 16.4%). The prevalence of anemia in women decreased from 1999 to 2006 in all socioeconomic profiles. Adolescent women living in the northern and in the southern regions had a greater risk of anemia than those in Mexico City (p= 0.05). Significant risk was found among low socioeconomic level (pOBJETIVO: Describir la prevalencia de anemia en mujeres y analizar su tendencia a trav茅s de las dos 煤ltimas encuestas nacionales de nutrici贸n. MATERIAL Y M脡TODOS: Se analiz贸 la prevalencia de anemia en mujeres. La prevalencia de anemia se ajust贸 por perfil socioecon贸mico y por posibles variables que la expliquen. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia global de anemia fue de 20.2% (IC95% 15.9, 26.2%) para mujeres embarazadas y de 15.5% (IC95% 14.7, 16.4%) para mujeres no embarazadas. La prevalencia de anemia en mujeres disminuy贸 de 1999 a 2006 en todos los niveles socioecon贸micos. Las mujeres adolescentes que viven en las regiones norte y sur tuvieron mayor riesgo de anemia que las que viven en la Ciudad de M茅xico (p= 0.05). Se encontr贸 un riesgo significativo asociado con el nivel socioecon贸mico bajo (p< 0.06). La mayor paridad result贸 ser un factor de riesgo significativo (p< 0.05). CONCLUSIONES: Aun cuando la presencia de anemia en mujeres en edad reproductiva en M茅xico ha disminuido, contin煤a siendo un problema de salud p煤blica

    Energy and nutrient intake in Mexican adolescents: analysis of the Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey 2006 Ingesta de energ铆a y nutrimentos en adolescentes mexicanos: an谩lisis de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrici贸n 2006

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe energy and nutrient intake and adequacy percentages in Mexican adolescents included in the Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey 2006 (ENSANUT 2006) as well as the proportion of population at risk of dietary inadequacy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data were analyzed from 7-day food-frequency questionnaires for 8442 male and female adolescents 12-19 years old. Energy and nutrient adequacies as percentage of the Estimated Average Requirement were calculated and comparisons were done by region, residence area, and socioeconomic status (SES). RESULTS: Energy intake was 1903 kcal [adequacy percentage (AP=75%)] in boys, and 1 571 kcal (AP=79.2%) in girls. Intake of most nutrients (zinc, iron, vitamin C and A) was lower in subjects of low SES, living in the southern region and in rural areas. CONCLUSIONS: The rural area, the southern region, and the lower socioeconomic status show the lowest intakes and percentages of nutrient adequacy for both male and female adolescents, in particular vitamin A, folates, heme iron, zinc, and calcium.<br>OBJETIVO: Describir la ingesti贸n y porcentajes de adecuaci贸n de energ铆a y nutrimentos en adolescentes mexicanos que participaron en la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrici贸n 2006 (ENSANUT 2006). MATERIAL Y M脡TODOS: Se analiz贸 la informaci贸n de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos de 7 d铆as de 8 442 adolescentes de uno u otro sexo, de entre 12 a 19 a帽os de edad. Se calcul贸 la adecuaci贸n de energ铆a y nutrimentos utilizando el requerimiento promedio estimado y se hicieron comparaciones por regi贸n, 谩rea de residencia y estrato socioecon贸mico. RESULTADOS: La ingesti贸n energ茅tica fue de 1 903 kcal [porcentaje de adecuaci贸n (PA=75%)] en adolescentes del sexo masculino y de 1 571 kcal (PA=79.2%) en las de sexo femenino. La ingesti贸n de varios nutrimentos (zinc, hierro, vitaminas C y A) fue m谩s baja en los adolescentes de estrato socioecon贸mico bajo, en la regi贸n sur y en 谩reas rurales. CONCLUSIONES: Las y los adolescentes que viven en 谩rea rural, en la regi贸n sur y que son de estrato sociecon贸mico bajo presentan las ingestiones y porcentajes de adecuaci贸n de nutrimentos m谩s bajos, en particular de vitamina A, folatos, hierro heme, zinc y calcio

    Trend in the prevalence of anemia in Mexican women of childbearing age from 2006-2016. Ensanut MC 2016

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    Objective. To describe the anemia prevalence among women from 20 to 49 years from 2016-Halfway National Health and Nutrition Survey (Ensanut MC 2016) and com颅pare the trends in 2006, 2012 and 2016 surveys, as well as its association with dietary iron and sociodemographic factors. Materials and methods. The methodological design of Ensanut MC is fully comparable with Ensanut 2006 and 2012. Capillary hemoglobin (Hb) was obtained and those values <120 g/L were classified as anemic. Pregnant women were excluded from the analysis. Results. Anemia prevalence is higher in Ensanut MC 2016 when compared with Ensanut 2012 (p<0.001), differences can be found by age-groups, locality (urban-rural) and country region (North, Center, Mexico City and South). Logistic model showed an increase in anemia prevalence in 2016. Conclusions. Anemia decreas1 from 2006 to 2012 was followed by an increas2 in 2016. It is necessary to identify potential risk factors that could be promoting anemia prevalence rising as well as estimate the iron-rich foods intake whit 24 hours recall