23 research outputs found

    Cosmological phase transitions and the swampland

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    I consider the Festina Lente Swampland bound and argue taking thermal effects, as for instance occur during reheating, into account significantly strengthens the implications of this bound. I argue that the confinement scale should be higher than a scale proportional to the vacuum energy, while Festina Lente without thermal effects only bounds the confinement scale to be above the Hubble scale. For Higgsing of nonabelian gauge fields, I find that the magnitude of the Higgs mass should be heavier than a bound proportional to the Electroweak scale (or generally the scale set by the Higgs VEV). The measured values of the Higgs in the SM satisfy the bound. A way to avoid the bound being violated during inflation is to have a large number of species becoming light. If one wants the inflationary scale to lie below the species scale in this case, this bounds the inflationary scale to be ≪ 105 GeV. These bounds have phenomenological implications for BSM physics such as GUTs, suggesting for example a weak or absent gravitational wave signature from the GUT Higgsing phase transition

    Spinors in Supersymmetric dS/CFT

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    We study fermionic bulk fields in the dS/CFT dualities relating N=2{\cal N}=2 supersymmetric Euclidean vector models with reversed spin-statistics in three dimensions to supersymmetric Vasiliev theories in four-dimensional de Sitter space. These dualities specify the Hartle - Hawking wave function in terms of the partition function of deformations of the vector models. We evaluate this wave function in homogeneous minisuperspace models consisting of supersymmetry-breaking combinations of a half-integer spin field with either a scalar, a pseudoscalar or a metric squashing. The wave function appears to be well-behaved and globally peaked at or near the supersymmetric de Sitter vacuum, with a low amplitude for large deformations. Its behavior in the semiclassical limit qualitatively agrees with earlier bulk computations both for massless and massive fermionic fields.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures v2: minor modifications, appendix added, version published in JHE

    α′\alpha' corrections to KPV: An uplifting story

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    In earlier work, the effect of α′2\alpha'^2 curvature corrections on the NS5-brane responsible for the decay of anti-D3-branes in the set-up of Kachru, Pearson, and Verlinde (KPV) was considered. We extend this analysis to include all known α′2\alpha'^2 corrections to the action of an abelian fivebrane which involve not just curvature but also gauge fields and flux. We compute the value of these terms at the tip of the Klebanov-Strassler throat to obtain the α′2\alpha'^2 corrected potential for the NS5-brane of KPV. The resulting potential provides a novel uplifting mechanism where one can obtain metastable vacua with an arbitrarily small positive uplifting potential by fine-tuning α′\alpha' corrections against the tree-level potential. This mechanism works for small warped throats, both in terms of size and contribution to the D3-tadpole, thereby sidestepping the issues associated with a standard deep warped throat uplift which are deadly in KKLT and, as we explicitly check, severely constraining in the Large Volume Scenario.Comment: 37 pages, 5 figures, v2: minor modifications and references added, v3: Appendix C on α′\alpha' corrections to NS5-branes added, version published in JHE

    Supersymmetric dS/CFT

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    We put forward new explicit realisations of dS/CFT that relate N=2{\cal N}=2 supersymmetric Euclidean vector models with reversed spin-statistics in three dimensions to specific supersymmetric Vasiliev theories in four-dimensional de Sitter space. The partition function of the free supersymmetric vector model deformed by a range of low spin deformations that preserve supersymmetry appears to specify a well-defined wave function with asymptotic de Sitter boundary conditions in the bulk. In particular we find the wave function is globally peaked at undeformed de Sitter space, with a low amplitude for strong deformations. This suggests that supersymmetric de Sitter space is stable in higher-spin gravity and in particular free from ghosts. We speculate this is a limiting case of the de Sitter realizations in exotic string theories.Comment: V2: references and comments added, typos corrected, version published in JHEP; 27 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Curvature corrections to KPV: Do we need deep throats?

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    We consider α′2\alpha'^2 curvature corrections to the action of an NS5-brane which plays the key role in the metastability analysis of warped anti-D3-brane uplifts by Kachru, Pearson and Verlinde (KPV). Such corrections can dramatically alter the KPV analysis. We find that for the α′2\alpha'^2-corrections to be sufficiently small to recover essentially the leading-order KPV potential one needs a surprisingly large S3S^3 radius, corresponding to gsM>20g_sM > 20. In the context of the Large Volume Scenario (LVS) this implies a D3-tadpole of at least O(103−104)\mathcal{O}(10^3-10^4). However, large α′2\alpha'^2-corrections do not necessarily spoil the uplift in KPV. Rather, as the curvature corrections lower the tension of the brane, a novel uplifting mechanism suggests itself where the smallness of the uplift is achieved by a tuning of curvature corrections. A key underlying assumption is the existence of a dense discretuum of gsg_s. This new mechanism does not require a deep warped throat, thereby sidestepping the main difficulty in uplifting KKLT and LVS. However, all of the above has to be treated as a preliminary exploration of possibilities since, at the moment, not all relevant correction at the order α′2\alpha'^2 are known.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures v2: minor improvements, version accepted for publication on JHE

    No Asymptotic Acceleration without Higher-Dimensional de Sitter Vacua

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    There has recently been considerable interest in the question whether and under which conditions accelerated cosmological expansion can arise in the asymptotic regions of field space of a dd-dimensional EFT. We conjecture that such acceleration is impossible unless there exist metastable de Sitter vacua in more than dd dimensions. That is, we conjecture that `Asymptotic Acceleration Implies de Sitter' (AA⇒\RightarrowDS). Phrased negatively, we argue that the dd-dimensional `No Asymptotic Acceleration' conjecture (a.k.a. the `strong asymptotic dS conjecture') follows from the de Sitter conjecture in more than dd dimensions. The key idea is that the relevant field-space asymptotics almost always correspond to decompactification and that the only positive energy contribution which decays sufficiently slowly in this regime is the vacuum energy of a higher-dimensional metastable vacuum. This result is in agreement with recent Swampland bounds on the potential in the asymptotics in field space from e.g. the species bound, but is significantly more constraining. As an intriguing observation, we note that the asymptotic expansion that arises from compactifying a de Sitter vacuum always satisfies and can saturate the bound from the Trans-Planckian Censorship Conjecture.Comment: 19 pages v2: Added analysis of scale-separation, strengthening the claim. References adde

    Compact G2 holonomy spaces from SU(3) structures

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    We construct novel classes of compact G2 spaces from lifting type IIA flux backgrounds with O6 planes. There exists an extension of IIA Calabi-Yau orientifolds for which some of the D6 branes (required to solve the RR tadpole) are dissolved in F2F_2 fluxes. The backreaction of these fluxes deforms the Calabi-Yau manifold into a specific class of SU(3)-structure manifolds. The lift to M-theory again defines compact G2 manifolds, which in case of toroidal orbifolds are a twisted generalisation of the Joyce construction. This observation also allows a clear identification of the moduli space of a warped compactification with fluxes. We provide a few explicit examples, of which some can be constructed from T-dualising known IIB orientifolds with fluxes. Finally we discuss supersymmetry breaking in this context and suggest that the purely geometric picture in M-theory could provide a simpler setting to address some of the consistency issues of moduli stabilisation and de Sitter uplifting.Comment: 32 pages; v2. minor changes and corrections, version accepted on JHE

    Axionic Festina Lente

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    The swampland conjecture known as Festina Lente (FL) imposes a lower bound on the mass of all charged particles in a quasi-de Sitter space. In this paper, we propose the aFL (axionic Festina Lente) bound, an extension of FL to axion-like particles arising from type II string theory. We find that the product of the instanton action and the axion decay constant is bounded from below by the vacuum energy. This is achieved indirectly, using dimensional reduction on Calabi-Yau threefolds, and translating the FL result for dipoles into a purely geometric bound. We discuss axionic black holes evolution, and aFL constraints on Euclidean wormholes, showing that the gravitational arguments leading to the FL bound for U(1)(1) charged particles cannot be directly applied to axions. Moreover, we discuss phenomenological implications of the aFL bound, including constraints on string inflation models and the axion-photon coupling via kinetic mixing.Comment: v3: minor revisions, version published in JHEP, 21 pages, 2 figure