2 research outputs found

    Appearance Consensus Driven Self-Supervised Human Mesh Recovery

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    We present a self-supervised human mesh recovery framework to infer human pose and shape from monocular images in the absence of any paired supervision. Recent advances have shifted the interest towards directly regressing parameters of a parametric human model by supervising them on large-scale datasets with 2D landmark annotations. This limits the generalizability of such approaches to operate on images from unlabeled wild environments. Acknowledging this we propose a novel appearance consensus driven self-supervised objective. To effectively disentangle the foreground (FG) human we rely on image pairs depicting the same person (consistent FG) in varied pose and background (BG) which are obtained from unlabeled wild videos. The proposed FG appearance consistency objective makes use of a novel, differentiable Color-recovery module to obtain vertex colors without the need for any appearance network; via efficient realization of color-picking and reflectional symmetry. We achieve state-of-the-art results on the standard model-based 3D pose estimation benchmarks at comparable supervision levels. Furthermore, the resulting colored mesh prediction opens up the usage of our framework for a variety of appearance-related tasks beyond the pose and shape estimation, thus establishing our superior generalizability.Comment: ECCV 2020 (Oral

    Class-Incremental Domain Adaptation

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    We introduce a practical Domain Adaptation (DA) paradigm called Class-Incremental Domain Adaptation (CIDA). Existing DA methods tackle domain-shift but are unsuitable for learning novel target-domain classes. Meanwhile, class-incremental (CI) methods enable learning of new classes in absence of source training data but fail under a domain-shift without labeled supervision. In this work, we effectively identify the limitations of these approaches in the CIDA paradigm. Motivated by theoretical and empirical observations, we propose an effective method, inspired by prototypical networks, that enables classification of target samples into both shared and novel (one-shot) target classes, even under a domain-shift. Our approach yields superior performance as compared to both DA and CI methods in the CIDA paradigm.Comment: ECCV 202