698 research outputs found


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    This document describes the main interfaces between the LHC beam vacuum system and the ATLAS detector

    The ATLAS beam vacuum system

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    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has recently started-up at CERN. It will provide colliding beams to four experiments installed in large underground caverns. A specially designed and constructed sector of the LHC beam vacuum system transports the beams though each of these collision regions, forming a primary interface between machine and experiment. ATLAS [1] is the largest of the four LHC colliding beam experiments, being some 40 m long and 22 m in diameter. Physics performance, geometry and access imposed a large number of constraints on the design of the beam vacuum system. This paper describes the geometry and layout of the ATLAS beam vacuum system. Specific technologies developed for ATLAS, and for the alignment and installation of the vacuum chambers are described as well as the issues related to the physical interfaces with the experiment

    Design and implementation of synchrotron radiation masks for LEP2

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    Estimates of photon flux for LEP2 have predicted unacceptable background levels within the detectors of the four LEP experiments. As part of the solution to this problem, synchrotron radiation masks have been installed within the experimental vacuum Chambers close to the interaction points. The photon flux calculations and specification for the masks have been laid-out by von Holtey et.al. [1]. This paper describes the design of the masks and outlines the principal technical issues overcome for their installation and alignment

    Mechanical and Vacuum Stability Design Criteria for the LHC Experimental Vacuum Chambers

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    Four colliding beam experiments are planned for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) requiring experimental vacuum chambers in the interaction region. The beam pipe should be as transparent as possible to scattered particles and detectors should be as close as possible to the interaction point, resulting in small diameter beam pipes. This, together with the bunched beam structure, makes ion induced pre ssure bump instability, well known from the Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR) at CERN, a potential problem. Adequate conductance, cleanliness of the beam pipes and efficient pumping are required to avo id this instability. Suppression of electron multipacting requires appropriate surface coatings and cleaning procedures. Small beam pipe diameters must provide the required beam stay clear and still a llow margin for alignment and stability inside detectors. Design criteria to ensure both local and global stability under static and dynamic mechanical loads are defined

    Design of the LHC Beam Dump Entrance Window

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    7 TeV proton beams from the LHC are ejected through a 600 m long beam dump transfer line vacuum chamber to a beam dump block. The dump block is contained within an inert gas-filled vessel to prevent a possible fire risk. The dump vessel and transfer line are separated by a 600 mm diameter window, which must withstand both the static pressure load and thermal shock from the passage of the LHC beam. In a previous paper [1] the functional requirements and conceptual design of this window were outlined. This paper describes the analysis leading to the final design of the window. The choice of materials is explained and tests performed on the prototype window are summarized

    Vacuum Calculations for the LHC Experimental Beam Chambers

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    The vacuum stability is studied for the LHC experimental beam vacuum chambers of ALICE, ATLAS, and CMS. The present baseline design includes sputtered Non-Evaporable Getter (NEG) coating over the whole chamber inner surface providing distributed pumping and an antimultipactor coating. The data are presented for the dominant gas species (H2, CH4, CO and CO2) in a baked system. It results that the distributed pumping is necessary for vacuum stability of CO. Lumped pumping with Sputter Ion Pumps (SIP) is also indispensable for the stability of CH4. The operational constraints with NEG technology are described

    Installation and commissioning of vacuum systems for the LHC particle detectors

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    The LHC collider has recently completed commissioning at CERN. At four points around the 27 km ring, the beams are put into collision in the centre of the experiments ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb which are installed in large underground caverns. The ‘experimental vacuum systems’ which transport the beams through these caverns and collision points are a primary interface between machine and experiment and were developed and installed as one project at CERN. Each system has a different geometry and materials as required by the experiment. However, they all have common requirements from the machine, and use many common technologies developed for the project. In this paper we give an overview of the four systems. We explain the technologies that were developed and applied for the installation, test, bakeout and subsequent closure of the experimental vacuum systems. We also discuss lessons learnt from the project

    Vacuum Stability for Ion Induced Gas Desorption

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    Ion induced vacuum instability was first observed in the Intersecting Proton Storage Rings (ISR) at CERN and in spite of substantial vacuum improvements, it remained a limitation of the maximum beam current throughout the operation of the machine. Extensive laboratory studies and dedicated machine experiments were made during this period to understand the details of this effect and to identify ways of increasing the limit to higher beam currents. Stimulated by the recent design work for the LHC vacuum system, the interest in this problem has been revived with a new critical review of the parameters which determine the pressure run-away in a given vacuum system with high intensity beams
