31 research outputs found

    О фосфатных производных соли Чугаева

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    Pt(IV) chloropentaammine phosphate was studied in details using IR and UV-Vis spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, differential thermal and elemental analysis. Crystal structure of the complex was solved from powder diffraction data. 195Pt and 14N NMR spectra of [Pt(NH3)5Cl]3+cation were obtained and interpreted for the first time.С использованием методов ИК и электронной спектроскопии, РФА, ДТА и элементного анализа детально изучены фосфорнокислые соли хлоропентаммина Pt(IV). Разрешена кристаллическая структура солей. Впервые для хлоропентаммина Pt(IV) получены спектры ЯМР на ядрах 195Pt и 14N

    Roadmap on holography

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    From its inception holography has proven an extremely productive and attractive area of research. While specific technical applications give rise to 'hot topics', and three-dimensional (3D) visualisation comes in and out of fashion, the core principals involved continue to lead to exciting innovations in a wide range of areas. We humbly submit that it is impossible, in any journal document of this type, to fully reflect current and potential activity; however, our valiant contributors have produced a series of documents that go no small way to neatly capture progress across a wide range of core activities. As editors we have attempted to spread our net wide in order to illustrate the breadth of international activity. In relation to this we believe we have been at least partially successful

    On the phosphate derivative of the Tchugaev salt

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    Pt(IV) chloropentaammine phosphate was studied in details using IR and UV-Vis spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, differential thermal and elemental analysis. Crystal structure of the complex was solved from powder diffraction data. 195Pt and 14N NMR spectra of [Pt(NH3)5Cl]3+cation were obtained and interpreted for the first time