3 research outputs found

    Simplified Modeling and Simulation of Electricity Production from a Dish/Stirling System

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    This work is part of the dynamic of proposing a solution to the problem of access to electricity in Chad, which has a rate of access to electricity of 3%. N’Djamena has significant solar potential that can be harnessed to generate electricity. In this paper, we present a theoretical study of the performances of the Dish/Stirling system with the purpose of producing electricity, based on a mathematical model taking into account each of the subparts of the system (concentrator, solar cavity receiver, and Stirling engine). Hydrogen is preferred to helium as the working fluid for operating the Stirling engine at high temperatures. This coupled model made it possible to estimate the monthly average of the electric power produced by this modular system and also its overall solar electricity yield

    Techno-economic and environmental analysis of a hybrid PV/T solar system based on vegetable and synthetic oils coupled with TiO2 in Cameroon

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    To assess the production potential, economic profitability and ecobalance of the photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) system in Cameroon, different configurations of HTF based on water, vegetable and synthetic oils, coupled with different forms of titanium dioxide (TiO2) are used. A numerical code is written in Matlab. The PV/T model connected in direct contact PV-absorber is validated and a multi-objective optimization of the system is performed. The hourly evolution of PV cell temperature for the six HTF configurations revealed a value below 36 °C with Coton/TiO2. The platelets-and spherical-shaped nanoparticles increase the convection transfer coefficient between the fluids and the tubes. TiO2 showed a higher thermal influence in vegetable and synthetic oils than in water at a volume concentration of 4 %. The cotton/TiO2 configuration showed a 12.08 % improvement in electrical efficiency over conventional PV systems with low exergy efficiency compared to water. Configurations with therminolVP-1/TiO2 are better, with the proposed energy cost reduced to 33 % of the price of electricity in Cameroon. The PV/T-Palm/TiO2 system showed an energy cost of 0.03withanetpresentvalueof0.03 with a net present value of 568.45, an emission rate of 7.78 kg, a reversibility index of 1.95, an annual cost of $7.07 and a payback time of 5.97yr. This shows that PV/T systems based on vegetable oils are economical

    Modeling the Incident Solar Radiation of the City of N’Djamena (Chad) by the Capderou Method

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    Chad is like many African countries with no meteorological station at the moment to measure solar radiation throughout the country. Thus, theoretical models are used to estimate incident solar radiation. These models are established in correlation form. Our objective was to present a model, which allows the determination of the solar component on two surfaces (horizontal and inclined). This model allowed us to determine, over time, the component of global, direct, and diffuse solar radiation over a period that will cover the different seasons of the year. The calculation is done according to Klein’s days over all the months of the year. The hourly results of the global, direct, and diffuse radiation obtained for all the planes going from January to December are satisfactory compared to the results of the other authors quoted in the literature, which give the maximum and minimum values very close to theirs. These results allowed us to validate the applicability of this model in a climate other than the desert climate