14 research outputs found

    Performance of straightbred and crossbred Tabapuã cattle on brachiaria pasture in Bahia state

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    Comparou-se o desempenho de bovinos de diferentes grupos genéticos quanto a algumas características produtivas da desmama até o abate. Os dados são referentes a 827 bovinos machos oriundos do cruzamento de vacas Tabapuã com touros Tabapuã (TAB), Red Angus (REDTAB), Santa Gertrudis (STATAB), e das fêmeas TabapuãxRed Angus com touros Santa Gertrudis (STAREDTAB) (nascidos entre 1999 e 2001 e criados em pastagens de braquiária, no Estado da Bahia). Foram analisados o peso à desmama ajustado aos 205 dias (PD205), o peso ao abate (PA), o ganho médio diário da desmama ao abate (GMD) e a idade ao abate (IA). O grupo contemporâneo (GC), o grupo genético (GG) e a interação entre GC e GG influenciaram as características avaliadas (P0,05); entretanto, apresentaram médias inferiores às do grupo REDTAB e TAB. Em condição de ambiente mais favorável, o REDTAB pode ser mais precoce, obtendo maior GMD e PA com menor IA, sendo superior ao Tabapuã e aos cruzados da segunda geração (F2). Os cruzados F2 não demonstraram vantagem em relação ao cruzado F1 e à raça pura.The aim of this study was to compare the different genetic groups performances from weaning to slaughter. The d ata are referred to 827 male calves of Tabapuã c ows crossed with Red Angus (REDTAB) and Santa Gertrudis sires and from Tabapuã x Red Angus cows crossed with Santa Gertrudis sires , born from 1999 to 2001 and raised in Brachiaria pastures, in Bahia state , Brazil. The w eaning weight was adjusted to 205 day s (WW205), slaughter weight (SW ), average daily gain from weaning to slaughter (ADG) and age slaughter (AG), were analyzed. The contemporary group (CG), genetic group (GG) and the interaction between CG and GG influenced the parameters (P0.05), however, ha d lower averages than REDTAB and TAB. In more favorable environment al conditions, REDTAB s hould get higher ADG and SW and lower AG , being superior than Tabapuã and to the second generation's crossbr ed (F2). The crossbr ed F2 show ed no advantage over F1crossbr ed and straightbred


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    Twenty-four Guzerat bulls were evaluated from 24 to 34 months of age, aiming to determinate the bulls serum testosterone concentration profile and their variation according to age, body weight and andrologic traits. The average of testosterone concentration was 1.36 ng/mL, with effect of time at harvest on circulating levels. The regression equation of testosterone according to body weight showed linear effect, suggesting that for each kilogram added to the body weight, an increase of 0.0082 ng/mL on serum testosterone concentrations occurs; and the regression of testosterone according to scrotal circumference (SC) also showed a linear effect. The results show that for each centimeter added to SC in Guzerat bulls, an increase of 0.2319 ng/mL on testosterone concentrations occurs. The regression of sperm concentration according to serum testosterone showed a linear effect, the results show that for each 0.1 ng/mL added to serum testosterone concentration, an increase of 9.29x106 spermatozoa/mL of semen occurs. The results indicate that circulating levels of testosterone may help on identification and selection of Guzerat bulls with major reproductive potential


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    Foram avaliados 24 touros da raça Guzerá, de 24 a 34 meses de idade, criados extensivamente, com o objetivo de avaliar o perfil das concentrações séricas de testosterona, e associá-las com características andrológicas (aspectos físicos: motilidade, vigor, turbilhonamento e concentração espermáticos, e volume seminal; e aspectos morfológicos: defeitos espermáticos maiores, menores e totais, do sêmen), circunferência escrotal (CE), classificação andrológica por pontos (CAP), peso corporal e idade. A média na concentração de testosterona foi de 1,36 ng/ml, com influência do horário de coleta nos níveis circulantes, com maior concentração ocorrendo às sete horas e menor ocorrendo as 19:00 horas; observou-se estabilização na concentração de testosterona circulante a partir das 13:00 horas. As correlações fenotípicas observadas entre as concentrações testosterona e a idade (0,53), peso corporal (0,72), CE (0,55), volume de sêmen (0,56), concentração espermática (0,71), consistência testicular (0,40) e CAP (0,46) sugerem associação favorável entre as características. Os resultados indicam compatibilidade entre crescimento corporal e fertilidade com as concentrações séricas de testosterona; e ainda, que os níveis circulantes de testosterona podem auxiliar na identificação e seleção de touros Guzerá, com maior potencial reprodutivo

    Risk analysis and probability of return on invested capital in an intensive beef cattle production system in Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT The study evaluated the average return on invested capital (ROIC) in function of the variations in the historical prices of beef cattle and the odds of return on that capital gain within the system of beef cattle fattening on a farm in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, from 2004 to 2007. To calculate the risk of ROIC, monthly data of beef cattle prices (BM&F) were used from July 1997 to December 2013, revised by the General Price Index of the Fundação Getúlio Vargas in December 2013. The corrected data were divided into five classes that correspond to the risk scenarios. In light of these classes, the observed frequencies and their respective probabilities were calculated. The cumulative and updated ROIC were -3.02 and 0.24%, respectively. The odds for obtaining returns above 8.4% (Brazilian Selic Rate) per year were median, corresponding to 32.0 and 34.94% for the calculation of operating profit (ROIC OP) and total profit (ROIC TP), respectively. The expected average annual return was 6.26 and 7.66% for ROIC OP and ROIC TP, respectively. The standard deviation and coefficient of variation showed a high risk of ROIC because the scale and extent of dispersion per unit of expected return were elevated in the accumulation period and the risk for 2013 was reduced according to the price of beef cattle. The expected risk of ROIC was considered high between 2004 and 2007 and average for 2013. The probability of return on capital invested in the intensification of fattening beef cattle is a function of the selling price of cattle and purchase of inputs, in which the high scenario ranching provides greater probability of getting a return above the bank interest rates


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    Sound rendering requires that many different aspects are considered simultaneously, especially when rendering a real-time virtual environment. In 3D sound rendering, much the same as for graphics, one of the major influencing factors is the number of reflective polygons in a scene and due to the increase in the ability of most common graphics cards this number can now be very high, especially when scene designers produce an optimum scene using other optimizing tools such as Polygon Cruncher or Rational Reducer. In addition, the use of programs such as Lightscape™ [20], which is used to produce realistic lighting, by using per vertex shading, increases the number of polygons in a scene by several factors. Therefore a strong, pre-processing method is proposed that dramatically reduces the number of polygons in the scene to a suitable level for real-time sound rendering. The method can also be combined with other methods (e.g. scene partitioning) for even lower CPU usage