16 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurial behaviour and family networks in Dutch trade with Russia, 1590-1750

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    Dutch merchants operating internationally used four basic business strategies: They specialised geographically and in particular products, maintained long-term business relations with buyers and suppliers, cooperated with merchants in the same line of business, and transferred their businesses to the next generation. These strategies produced family networks in particular lines of business. This chapter discusses early modern Dutch trade with Russia and the business of one of the many Dutch “houses” trading with the Russian port of Arkhangelʹsk – that of Ruts and some of its related families. It shows how Dutch merchants used the above-mentioned strategies to survive economically in the Russian market. It also shows that this produced family networks in Dutch trade with Russia

    Schémas de communication internationale et système commercial néerlandais, 1500-1800

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    Introduction Pendant trois siècles, entre 1500 et 1800, le système commercial néerlandais a connu un âge d’or, au cours duquel il s’est formé, s’est développé à un niveau particulièrement élevé, avant de décliner. Au XVIe siècle, les Néerlandais ont acquis « la primauté dans le commerce mondial », au XVIIe ils dominent les affaires internationales, et au XVIIIe ils commencent à perdre cette prééminence. À cette époque, ils sont considérés comme « les maîtres de l’économie européenne ». Les fo..

    Baltic Drugs Traffic, 1650-1850. Sound Toll Registers Online as a Source for the Import of Exotic Medicines in the Baltic Sea Area

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    The analysis of the shipping of five key Asian, African and American drugs through the Danish Sound in the period 1650-1850 suggests that the Baltic Sea area absorbed exotic medicinal drugs in significant quantities only from the second half of the eighteenth century-at least about a century later than northwest Europe. This may be an indication that the area differed significantly from northwest Europe in the development of medical services. We have analysed the shipping of five medicinal drugs: china root, sarsaparilla, rhubarb, senna and benjamin. The main source for this analysis is the Danish Sound Toll Registers (STRs), accessed via Sound Toll Registers Online, the STRs electronic database at www.soundtoll.nl