3,589 research outputs found

    Vlasov simulations of Kinetic Alfv\'en Waves at proton kinetic scales

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    Kinetic Alfv\'en waves represent an important subject in space plasma physics, since they are thought to play a crucial role in the development of the turbulent energy cascade in the solar wind plasma at short wavelengths (of the order of the proton inertial length dpd_p and beyond). A full understanding of the physical mechanisms which govern the kinetic plasma dynamics at these scales can provide important clues on the problem of the turbulent dissipation and heating in collisionless systems. In this paper, hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell simulations are employed to analyze in detail the features of the kinetic Alfv\'en waves at proton kinetic scales, in typical conditions of the solar wind environment. In particular, linear and nonlinear regimes of propagation of these fluctuations have been investigated in a single-wave situation, focusing on the physical processes of collisionless Landau damping and wave-particle resonant interaction. Interestingly, since for wavelengths close to dpd_p and proton plasma beta β\beta of order unity the kinetic Alfv\'en waves have small phase speed compared to the proton thermal velocity, wave-particle interaction processes produce significant deformations in the core of the particle velocity distribution, appearing as phase space vortices and resulting in flat-top velocity profiles. Moreover, as the Eulerian hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell algorithm allows for a clean almost noise-free description of the velocity space, three-dimensional plots of the proton velocity distribution help to emphasize how the plasma departs from the Maxwellian configuration of thermodynamic equilibrium due to nonlinear kinetic effects

    Application of diffusion barriers to the refractory fibers of tungsten, columbium, carbon and aluminum oxide

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    A radio frequency powered ion-plating system was used to plate protective layers of refractory oxides and carbide onto high strength fiber substrates. Subsequent overplating of these combinations with nickel and titanium was made to determine the effectiveness of such barrier layers in preventing diffusion of the overcoat metal into the fibers with consequent loss of fiber strength. Four substrates, five coatings, and two metal matrix materials were employed for a total of forty material combinations. The substrates were tungsten, niobium, NASA-Hough carbon, and Tyco sapphire. The diffusion-barrier coatings were aluminum oxide, yttrium oxide, titanium carbide, tungsten carbide with 14% cobalt addition, and zirconium carbide. The metal matrix materials were IN 600 nickel and Ti 6/4 titanium. Adhesion of the coatings to all substrates was good except for the NASA-Hough carbon, where flaking off of the oxide coatings in particular was observed

    On the probability distribution function of small scale interplanetary magnetic field fluctuations

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    In spite of a large number of papers dedicated to study MHD turbulence in the solar wind there are still some simple questions which have never been sufficiently addressed like: a)do we really know how the magnetic field vector orientation fluctuates in space? b) what is the statistics followed by the orientation of the vector itself? c) does the statistics change as the wind expands into the interplanetary space? A better understanding of these points can help us to better characterize the nature of interplanetary fluctuations and can provide useful hints to investigators who try to numerically simulate MHD turbulence. This work follows a recent paper presented by the same authors. This work follows a recent paper presented by some of the authors which shows that these fluctuations might resemble a sort of random walk governed by a Truncated Leevy Flight statistics. However, the limited statistics used in that paper did not allow final conclusions but only speculative hypotheses. In this work we aim to address the same problem using a more robust statistics which on one hand forces us not to consider velocity fluctuations but, on the other hand allows us to establish the nature of the governing statistics of magnetic fluctuations with more confidence. In addition, we show how features similar to those found in the present statistical analysis for the fast speed streams of solar wind, are qualitatively recovered in numerical simulations of the parametric instability. This might offer an alternative viewpoint for interpreting the questions raised above.Comment: 25pag, 20 jpg small size figures. In press on "ANnales Geophysicae" (September 2004

    Nonlinear evolution of the parametric instability: numerical predictions versus observations in the heliosphere

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    International audienceLow-frequency turbulence in the solar wind is characterized by a high degree of Alfvénicity close to the Sun. Cross-helicity, which is a measure of Alfvénic correlation, tends to decrease with increasing distance from the Sun at high latitudes as well as in slow-speed streams at low latitudes. In the latter case, large scale inhomogeneities (velocity shears, the heliospheric current sheet) are present, which are sources of decorrelation; yet at high latitudes, the wind is much more homogeneous, and a possible evolution mechanism is represented by the parametric instability. The parametric decay of an circularly polarized broadband Alfvén wave is then investigated, as a source of decorrelation. The time evolution is followed by numerically integrating the full set of nonlinear MHD equations, up to instability saturation. We find that, for ~ 1, the final cross-helicity is ~ 0.5, corresponding to a partial depletion of the initial correlation. Compressive fluctuations at a moderate level are also present. Most of the spectrum is dominated by forward propagating Alfvénic fluctuations, while backscattered fluctuations dominate large scales. With increasing time, the spectra of Elsässer variables tend to approach each other. Some results concerning quantities measured in the high-latitude wind are reviewed, and a qualitative agreement with the results of the numerical model is found

    Dissipation of Alfven waves in compressible inhomogeneous media

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    In weakly dissipative media governed by the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations, any efficient mechanism of energy dissipation requires the formation of small scales. Using numerical simulations, we study the properties of Alfv´en waves propagating in a compressible inhomegeneous medium, with an inhomogeneity transverse to the direction of wave propagation. Two dynamical effects, energy pinching and phase mixing, are responsible for the small-scales formation, similarly to the incompressible case. Moreover, compressive perturbations, slow waves and a static entropy wave are generated; the former are subject to steepening and form shock waves, which efficiently dissipate their energy, regardless of the Reynolds number. Rough estimates show that the dissipation times are consistent with those required to dissipate Alfv´en waves of photospheric origin inside the solar corona

    Non-gaussian probability distribution functions in two dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

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    Intermittency in MHD turbulence has been analyzed using high resolution 2D numerical simulations. We show that the Probability Distribution Functions (PDFs) of the fluctuations of the Elsasser fields, magnetic field and velocity field depend on the scale at hand, that is they are self-affine. The departure of the PDFs from a Gaussian function can be described through the scaling behavior of a single parameter lambda_r^2 obtained by fitting the PDFs with a given curve stemming from the analysis of a multiplicative model by Castaing et al. (1990). The scaling behavior of the parameter lambda_r^2 can be used to extract informations about the intermittency. A comparison of intermittency properties in different MHD turbulent flows is also performed.Comment: 7 pages, with 5 figure

    ZWT: A new cross-platform graphical interface framework for Java applications

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    The Java Programming Language revolutionized the world of software development in the last decades. Thanks to its portability, Java makes it possible to develop software that can run everywhere, in a truly cross-platform computing environment. Although running the same Java code anywhere works smoothly on major desktop and server platforms, this becomes much more complicated when different devices and platforms, such as smartphones or embedded systems, are taken into account. Furthermore, even if we consider devices that natively support the Java programming language, the same application may not run without re-writing part or the entire source code. This is mainly due to the existence of platform specific libraries for accessing input/output peripherals or system-specific features. In particular, the main limitation is usually associated to the different APIs that must be used for programming the Graphical User Interface (GUIs). In this paper, we present a novel framework that can be used by developers to write Java applications with portable GUIs that are truly platform-independent and thus can run on different systems such as PCs, Workstations, Android devices or mobile phones and embedded systems with Java MicroEdition (Java ME)

    Double peak structure and diamagnetic wings of the magnetotail current sheet

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    International audienceRecent Cluster observations in the magnetotail at about 20 Earth radii downtail have unambiguously shown that sometimes the current sheet is bifurcated, i.e. it is divided in two layers. We report numerical simulations of the ion dynamics in a quasi-neutral sheet in the presence of magnetic turbulence, which is often observed in the magnetotail, and for various anisotropies of the ion distribution function. Ions are injected at the boundary of the simulation box with a velocity distribution corresponding to a shifted Maxwellian. The simulation parameters, are adjusted to be similar to those of Cluster observations. We find that even for moderate fluctuation levels, the computed current density profile develops a double peak, in agreement with the observations. By varying the anisotropy of the injected distribution function, we are able to reproduce, for weak anisotropy, the magnetic field overshoots which are sometimes observed prior to magnetotail traversals. Therefore, we suggest an ion current profile with a double peak due to magnetic turbulence, and with possible diamagnetic current wings, present in the case of weak anisotropy of the ion distribution function
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