9 research outputs found

    CL-TWE Mach-Zehnder modulators on InP: Central elements in transmitter PICs of increasing complexity

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    The development of advanced InP-based transmitter PICs of increasing complexity and integrating periodically capacitive-loaded (CL) Travelling Wave Electrode (TWE) Mach-Zehnder modulators is reported and discussed in examples

    Impedance-engineered low power MZM / driver assembly for CFP4-size pluggable long haul and metro transceiver

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    A differential impedance-engineered 32 Gbit/s SiGe driver co-designed with an InP-based MZ-Modulator is demonstrated, showing record low 185 mW power consumption. The small footprint and low power is targeting towards CFP4-sized coherent transceivers. Results on IQ-Modulators will be presented

    Recent developments in InP-based optoelectronic devices

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    Recent development trends in InP-based optoelectronic devices are illustrated by means of selected examples. These include lasers for uncooled operation and direct modulation at 10 Gbit/s, complex-coupled lasers, which exhibit particularly low sensitivity to back reflections as well as monolithic mode-locked semiconductor lasers as ps-pulse sources for OTDM applications. Furthermore, a Mach-Zehnder interferometer modulator for high bit rate applications (40 Gbit/s and beyond) is described, and finally, photoreceivers and ultra high-speed waveguide-integrated photodiodes with > 100 GHz bandwidth are presented, which are key component for high bit rate systems, advanced modulation format transmission links, and for high speed measurement equipment as well