2 research outputs found

    Strategic Study for Sustainable Development of Freshwater Aquaculture in Camagüey

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    A strategic study of biological-fishing behavior of the main variables determined for extensive freshwater aquaculture was made in facilities of the Camagüey Fishing Company, province of Camagüey, Cuba. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the organizational insertion within the current Cuban social and economic scenario. Several variable sequence graphs were made, and the degree of dependence and ratio among them was determined through the Pearson coefficient. The highest sustainable catch was also calculated, and the state of technical and productive facilities was evaluated as well. Therefore, it was concluded that the current situation of aquaculture does not favor sustainable development, though a number of priority actions were identified: renovation of technical and production facilities, strategic orientation of the fishing efforts in all the water reservoirs, and diversification of fishing produc-tions

    Estudio estratégico para el desarrollo sostenible de la acuicultura de agua dulce en Camagüey

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    En el presente trabajo se desarrolló un estudio estratégico del comportamiento biológico-pesquero de las principales variables que intervienen en el proceso de explotación acuícola extensiva en la Empresa Pesquera de Camagüey, Cuba, con fines de evaluar posibilidades y obstáculos para lograr la inserción organizacional en el actual escenario socio-económico cubano; para ello se elaboraron gráficos de secuencia de las variables y se determinó el grado de relación y dependencia de las mismas mediante el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson, además se calculó la captura máxima sostenible y se evaluó el estado de la infraestructura técnico-productiva. Todo ello permitió apreciar que el estado actual de la explotación acuícola no favorece un desarrollo sostenible, pero se identificó un orden de acciones prioritarias en este sentido: renovar la infraestructura técnico-productiva, lograr una orientación estratégica del esfuerzo pesquero en todos los embalses y diversificar las producciones pesqueras.AbstractA strategic study of biological-fishing behavior of the main variables determined for extensive fresh water aquaculture was made in facilities of the Camaguey Fishing Company, province of Camaguey, Cuba. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the organizational insertion within the current Cuban social and economic scenario. Several variable sequence graphs were made, and the degree of dependence and relation among them was determined, through the Pearson coefficient. The highest sustainable capture was also calculated, and the state of technical and productive facilities was evaluated as well. Therefore, it was concluded that the current situation of aquaculture does not favor sustainable development, though a number of priority actions were identified: renovation of technical and production facilities, strategic orientation of the fishing effort in all the water reservoirs, and diversification of fishing productions