8 research outputs found

    Histopatološka analiza jetre riba (Barbus meridionalis petenyi Heckel) iz akumulacije Trebeništa

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    The Barbus meridionalis petenyi Heck. is a typical benthophagous fish, feeding on the zoobenthos and plant components and thanks to its sensitivity to the changes in surrounding medium is an ideal object for indication of the health of aquatic ecosystems. The Teleostei fish liver is susceptible to numerous, both toxic and metabolic, disturbances. Liver pieces of 40 individuals collected from Trebeništa Reservoir in July 1999, were excised and processed for standard histopathological analysis. The obtained results revealed pathological changes in the liver tissue including parenchyme cell necrosis associated with hemorragia.Barbus meridionalis petenyi Heck. tipična je bentofagna riba koja se hrani zoobentosom i dijelovima biljaka, a zbog svoje osjetljivosti na promjene u okolišu idealan je objekt za određivanje zdravlja vodenih ekosustava. Jetra riba koštunjača podložna je mnogobrojnim toksičnim i metaboličkim promjenama. U srpnju 1999. prikupljeni su iz akumulacije Trebeništa uzorci jetre 40 riba koji su obrađeni standardnom histopatološkom analizom. Prikupljeni podaci otkrili su patološke promjene u tkivu jetre, uključujući nekrozu parenhimskih stanica povezanu s hemoragijom

    Helminthofauna of Ohrid gudgeon (Gobio ohridanus Karaman, 1924) from the Lake Ohrid, Macedonia

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    Total, 94 specimens of gudgeon (Gobio ohridanus Karaman, 1924) from the Macedonian part of the Lake Ohrid were examined and 61 fishes (64.89%) were infected with parasites. The presence of 4 parasite species was established: Dactylogyrus cryptomeres f. typica (Monogenea), Cystidicoloides tenuissima and Philometra ovata (Nematoda), and Pomphorhynchus laevis (Acanthocephala). The highest prevalence and intensity of infection was with Dactylogyrus cryptomeres f. typica (59.57%; mean intensity 6.07). The lowest one was with Cystidicoloides tenuissima and Philometra ovata (2.13%;1.0). Dactylogyrus cryptomeres f. typica is recorded for the first time in the ichthyoparasitofauna of Lake Ohrid and Macedonia