5 research outputs found

    Enrichment of centromeric DNA from human cells

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    Centromeres are key elements for chromosome segregation. Canonical centromeres are built over long-stretches of tandem repetitive arrays. Despite being quite abundant compared to other loci, centromere sequences overall still represent only 2 to 5% of the human genome, therefore studying their genetic and epigenetic features is a major challenge. Furthermore, sequencing of centromeric regions requires high coverage to fully analyze length and sequence variations, and this can be extremely costly. To bypass these issues, we have developed a technique, named CenRICH, to enrich for centromeric DNA from human cells based on selective restriction digestion and size fractionation. Combining restriction enzymes cutting at high frequency throughout the genome, except within most human centromeres, with size-selection of fragments >20 kb, resulted in over 25-fold enrichment in centromeric DNA. High-throughput sequencing revealed that up to 60% of the DNA in the enriched samples is made of centromeric repeats. We show that this method can be used in combination with long-read sequencing to investigate the DNA methylation status of certain centromeres and, with a specific enzyme combination, also of their surrounding regions (mainly HSATII). Finally, we show that CenRICH facilitates single-molecule analysis of replicating centromeric fibers by DNA combing. This approach has great potential for making sequencing of centromeric DNA more affordable and efficient and for single DNA molecule studies. Author summary Centromeres are the portions of the chromosomes required for the correct partitioning of genetic material into the daughter cells. In humans, centromeric DNA is made of highly repetitive DNA sequences that hindered its precise molecular characterization until very recently with the development of pivotal technological advances. However, these approaches require the analysis of the whole human genome, while centromeres only represent less than 5%. For this reason, detailed characterization of human centromeres is still very expensive in terms of cost, timing and data analysis. We propose a method called CenRICH that allows to enrich and purify for human centromeric DNA. We prove that this method provides several advantages: 1) it drastically reduces the cost of centromere sequencing; 2) it can be used to study the epigenetic status of centromeres with high level of resolution; 3) it is suitable for single molecule visualization with advanced microscopy techniques. Therefore, CenRICH is a powerful tool to facilitate many future studies in the ever-expanding field of centromere biology, with potential application in study of genetic disease

    CENP-B-mediated DNA loops regulate activity and stability of human centromeres

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    Chromosome inheritance depends on centromeres, epigenetically specified regions of chromosomes. While conventional human centromeres are known to be built of long tandem DNA repeats, much of their architecture remains unknown. Using single-molecule techniques such as AFM, nanopores, and optical tweezers, we find that human centromeric DNA exhibits complex DNA folds such as local hairpins. Upon binding to a specific sequence within centromeric regions, the DNA-binding protein CENP-B compacts centromeres by forming pronounced DNA loops between the repeats, which favor inter-chromosomal centromere compaction and clustering. This DNA-loop-mediated organization of centromeric chromatin participates in maintaining centromere position and integrity upon microtubule pulling during mitosis. Our findings emphasize the importance of DNA topology in centromeric regulation and stability.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.BN/Cees Dekker La

    CENP-B-mediated DNA loops regulate activity and stability of human centromeres

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    Chromosome inheritance depends on centromeres, epigenetically specified regions of chromosomes. While conventional human centromeres are known to be built of long tandem DNA repeats, much of their architecture remains unknown. Using single-molecule techniques such as AFM, nanopores, and optical tweezers, we find that human centromeric DNA exhibits complex DNA folds such as local hairpins. Upon binding to a specific sequence within centromeric regions, the DNA-binding protein CENP-B compacts centromeres by forming pronounced DNA loops between the repeats, which favor inter-chromosomal centromere compaction and clustering. This DNA-loop-mediated organization of centromeric chromatin participates in maintaining centromere position and integrity upon microtubule pulling during mitosis. Our findings emphasize the importance of DNA topology in centromeric regulation and stability

    MiniBAR/KIAA0355 is a dual Rac and Rab effector required for ciliogenesis

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    Posted July 24, 2023 on bioRxiv.Cilia protrude from the cell surface and play critical roles in in-tracellular signaling, environmental sensing and development. Actin-dependent contractility and intracellular trafficking are both required for ciliogenesis, but little is known about how these processes are coordinated. Here, we identified a Rac1-and Rab35-binding protein with a truncated BAR domain that we named MiniBAR (aka KIAA0355/GARRE) which plays a key role in ciliogenesis. MiniBAR colocalizes with Rac1 and Rab35 at the plasma membrane and on intracellular vesicles traffick-ing to the ciliary base and exhibits remarkable fast pulses at the ciliary membrane. MiniBAR depletion leads to short cilia resulting from abnormal Rac-GTP/Rho-GTP levels, increased acto-myosin-II-dependent contractility together with defective trafficking of IFT88 and ARL13B into cilia. MiniBAR-depleted zebrafish embryos display dysfunctional short cilia and hall-marks of ciliopathies including left-right asymmetry defects. Thus, MiniBAR is a unique dual Rac and Rab effector that con-trols both actin cytoskeleton and membrane trafficking for cili-ogenesis

    MiniBAR/GARRE1 is a dual Rac and Rab effector required for ciliogenesis

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    International audienceCilia protrude from the cell surface and play critical roles in intracellular signaling, environmental sensing, and development. Reduced actin-dependent contractility and intracellular trafficking are both required for ciliogenesis, but little is known about how these processes are coordinated. Here, we identified a Rac1- and Rab35-binding protein with a truncated BAR (Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs) domain that we named MiniBAR (also known as KIAA0355/GARRE1), which plays a key role in ciliogenesis. MiniBAR colocalizes with Rac1 and Rab35 at the plasma membrane and on intracellular vesicles trafficking to the ciliary base and exhibits fast pulses at the ciliary membrane. MiniBAR depletion leads to short cilia, resulting from abnormal Rac-GTP/Rho-GTP levels and increased acto-myosin-II-dependent contractility together with defective trafficking of IFT88 and ARL13B into cilia. MiniBAR-depleted zebrafish embryos display dysfunctional short cilia and hallmarks of ciliopathies, including left-right asymmetry defects. Thus, MiniBAR is a dual Rac and Rab effector that controls both actin cytoskeleton and membrane trafficking for ciliogenesis