1,141 research outputs found

    Unlocking the hidden potentioal of electricity distribution grids

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    For the grid, electric vehicles can be seen as flexible loads since they stand still for at least 90% of the time. The coupling of these flexible loads to the grid can bring advantages for the power system. However, to connect electric cars enough capacity is needed. Already existing capacity might be made available for this extra load by using the flexibility of the electric vehicles and controlling them well. This paper describes an analysis of the existing capacity of the distribution grid of Enexis B.V. which might become available for flexible loads if they are coupled to the grid in an intelligent way. The available capacity of a part of the distribution grid owned and operated by Enexis B.V. is estimated, based on measured data. Further, it is described how this capacity can be used by flexible loads. It is also briefly discussed how this can be facilitated by the introduction of the so-called ā€˜Mobile Smart Gridā€™, which includes secondary systems to control the load

    The proof of the pudding is in the eating? Implementation of cooperative learning:Differences in teachersā€™ attitudes and beliefs

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    In the current study differences between primary school teachers classified as high-performing in their implementation of cooperative learning (CL) in their classrooms and teachers who were less successful in implementing cooperative learning were investigated. The levels of implementation of cooperative learning differed significantly between teachers, especially in teaching students the needed cooperative behaviours. Based on semi-structured interviews, it was found that low-performing CL teachers struggle more with student behaviour during cooperative learning, while high-performing CL teachers feel more able to regulate student behaviour. We concluded that teachers who differed in their teacher performance of implementation of cooperative learning also differed in their attitudes and beliefs about this approach. An integrated model on professional development and teacher change is proposed to interpret the results of differences between teachers. This model shows that positive attitudes and beliefs before implementation, but also experiencing positive student outcomes (incl. positive student behaviour) during implementation are important factors in making cooperative learning successful in practice. We suggest that teachers should be prevented from entering a negative spiral in which they experience student behaviour during cooperative learning only as difficult and, therefore, do not succeed in improving studentsā€™ cognitive and behavioural outcomes

    Promoting students' social behavior in primary education through Success for All lessons

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    Success for All (SfA) is a comprehensive school reform program with a strong emphasis on cooperative learning that aims to improve students' social emotional learning alongside students' cognitive learning. In the present study it was examined whether SfA led to improved students' social behavior in Grade 1-3 of primary education. Peer sociometric data was collected for 974 students aged 6-9. Using multivariate multilevel analysis we found no significant effect of SfA on students' proand antisocial behavior over time. However, a significant interaction effect was found showing that antisocial behavior of students from disadvantaged backgrounds decreased in the intervention condition in Grade 2. This is a promising finding given that the SfA program was especially developed for schools serving large numbers of disadvantaged students. Implications of the study are described

    Enhancing young students' high-level talk by using cooperative learning within Success for All lessons

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    This study examined whether students achieved high-level talk during group work because of involvement in cooperative learning within the Success for All (SfA) program. SfA is a comprehensive school program in which cooperative learning plays a key role, in addition to several other components such as parental involvement and tutoring. A quasi-experimental design with a treatment and a control group was used. At the end of the school year, grade-1 students (6- and 7-years-old children) executed a group task in small groups of four students. At that moment, SfA students had experienced cooperative learning within SfA lessons for a whole school year. In total, 160 students participated in this study. Using a coding scheme the quality of student's talk during group work was compared between treatment and control group. Compared to the control group, SfA students showed more high-level talk. SfA students expressed more extended elaborations of propositions and asked more open elaboration questions. Hence, the results of this study suggest that cooperative learning activities within SfA-lessons contributed to students' high-level talk.</p

    Young children working together:Cooperative learning effects on group work of children in Grade 1 of primary education

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    It was examined whether cooperative learning within the Success for All (SfA) program led to improved group work behaviour of Grade 1 pupils. 168 pupils of six SfA schools and 144 pupils of four control schools participated. Positive and negative group work behaviour was observed during a group task, taking into account socioemotional ethos, group participation, and type of dialogue. Longitudinal multilevel analysis was used for the sequence of observed 20-s time intervals. SfA groups showed more positive and less negative group work behaviour compared to control groups, whilst controlling for several group characteristics. Results suggest that negative group work behaviour increased gradually during the whole task in control groups, while in SfA groups it increased only towards the end of the task. The findings indicate that cooperative learning may lead to improved group work behaviour of young pupils (6ā€“7 years old)

    Triplet Exciton Generation in Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells based on Endohedral Fullerenes

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    Organic bulk-heterojunctions (BHJ) and solar cells containing the trimetallic nitride endohedral fullerene 1-[3-(2-ethyl)hexoxy carbonyl]propyl-1-phenyl-Lu3N@C80 (Lu3N@C80-PCBEH) show an open circuit voltage (VOC) 0.3 V higher than similar devices with [6,6]-phenyl-C[61]-butyric acid methyl ester (PC61BM). To fully exploit the potential of this acceptor molecule with respect to the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of solar cells, the short circuit current (JSC) should be improved to become competitive with the state of the art solar cells. Here, we address factors influencing the JSC in blends containing the high voltage absorber Lu3N@C80-PCBEH in view of both photogeneration but also transport and extraction of charge carriers. We apply optical, charge carrier extraction, morphology, and spin-sensitive techniques. In blends containing Lu3N@C80-PCBEH, we found 2 times weaker photoluminescence quenching, remainders of interchain excitons, and, most remarkably, triplet excitons formed on the polymer chain, which were absent in the reference P3HT:PC61BM blends. We show that electron back transfer to the triplet state along with the lower exciton dissociation yield due to intramolecular charge transfer in Lu3N@C80-PCBEH are responsible for the reduced photocurrent
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