6 research outputs found
Utilizing Multilingual Methods and Rapid Analysis for Global Qualitative Research During a Pandemic
Pediatric cancer; Rapid qualitative analysisCáncer pediátrico; Análisis cualitativo rápidoCàncer pediàtric; Anàlisi qualitativa ràpidaHistorically, qualitative research has complemented quantitative biologic and epidemiologic studies to provide a more complete understanding of pandemics. The COVID-19 pandemic has generated unique and novel challenges for qualitative researchers, who have embraced creative solutions including virtual focus groups and rapid analyses to continue their work. We present our experience conducting a multilingual global qualitative study of healthcare resilience among teams of pediatric oncology professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. We provide an in-depth description of our methodology and an analysis of factors we believe contributed to our study's success including our use of technology, engagement of a large multilingual team, global partnerships, and framework-based rapid analysis. We hope these techniques may be useful to qualitative researchers conducting studies during the current pandemic, as well as for all pediatric oncology studies including multiple languages or geographically disparate subjects
Haploidentical vs. HLA-matched donor hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation for pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in second remission: A collaborative retrospective study of the Spanish Group for Bone Marrow Transplantation in Children (GETMON/GETH) and the Spanish Childhood Relapsed ALL Board (ReALLNet)
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia; Children; Stem cell transplantationLeucemia linfoblástica aguda; Niños; Trasplante de células madreLeucèmia limfoblàstica aguda; Nens; Trasplantament de cèl·lules mareIntroduction: Studies addressing the role of haploidentical as alternative to HLA-matched donors for stem cell transplantation (SCT) often include patients with diverse hematological malignancies in different remission statuses.
Methods: We compared outcomes of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) undergoing SCT in second complete remission (CR2) from haploidentical (n = 25) versus HLA-matched donor (n = 51).
Results: Patients were equally distributed across both groups according to age, immunophenotype, time to and site of relapse, relapse risk-group allocation, and minimal residual disease (MRD) before SCT. Incidence of graft failure, acute graft versus host disease (GVHD), and other early complications did not differ between both groups. We found no differences in overall survival (58.7% versus 59.5%; p = .8), leukemia free survival (LFS) (48% versus 36.4%; p = .5), event free survival (40% versus 34.4%; p = .69), cumulative incidence (CI) of subsequent relapse (28% versus 40.9%; p = .69), treatment related mortality (24% versus 23.6%; p = .83), CI of cGVHD (4.5% versus 18.7%; p = .2), and chronic GVHD-free and leukemia-free survival (44% versus 26.3%; p = .3) after haploidentical donor SCT. Chronic GVHD (HR = 0.09; p=.02) had protective impact, and MRD ≥ 0.01% before SCT (HR = 2.59; p=.01) had unfavorable impact on LFS.
Discussion: These results support the role of haploidentical donor SCT in children with ALL in CR2
Determinacions del perfil genètic del càncer pediàtric
Oncologia; Perfil genètic; Càncer pediàtric; PrecisióOncología; Perfil genético; Cáncer pediátrico; PrecisiónOncology; Genetic profile; Pediatric cancer; AccuracyL'àmbit d'aquest grup de treball és la implementació de panels NGS per a diagnòstic / pronòstic / tractament de càncer en pacients menors de 18 anys (oncologia i hematologia). Els casos de predisposició genètica en pacients pediàtrics es tractaran en el grup de predisposició genètica. El càncer infantil comprèn més de 40 entitats entre leucèmies, limfomes, tumors cerebrals i sòlids extracranials; per la qual cosa no és possible tècnicament o operativament fer panels específics per a cada un d'aquests càncers. Serà necessari utilitzar panels comercials o acadèmics dissenyats específicament per a càncer infantil
Usefulness of NGS for Diagnosis of Dominant Beta-Thalassemia and Unstable Hemoglobinopathies in Five Clinical Cases
Seqüenciació de nova generació; Trastorns d’anèmia rars; Hemoglobinopaties inestablesNext generation sequencing; Rare anemia disorders; Unstable hemoglobinopathiesSecuenciación de nueva generación; Trastornos raros de la anemia; Hemoglobinopatías inestablesUnstable hemoglobinopathies (UHs) are rare anemia disorders (RADs) characterized by abnormal hemoglobin (Hb) variants with decreased stability. UHs are therefore easily precipitating, causing hemolysis and, in some cases, leading to dominant beta-thalassemia (dBTHAL). The clinical picture of UHs is highly heterogeneous, inheritance pattern is dominant, instead of recessive as in more prevalent major Hb syndromes, and may occur de novo. Most cases of UHs are not detected by conventional testing, therefore diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion of the treating physician. Here, we highlight the importance of next generation sequencing (NGS) methodologies for the diagnosis of patients with dBTHAL and other less severe UH variants. We present five unrelated clinical cases referred with chronic hemolytic anemia, three of them with severe blood transfusion dependent anemia. Targeted NGS analysis was performed in three cases while whole exome sequencing (WES) analysis was performed in two cases. Five different UH variants were identified correlating with patients’ clinical manifestations. Four variants were related to the beta-globin gene (Hb Bristol—Alesha, Hb Debrousse, Hb Zunyi, and the novel Hb Mokum) meanwhile one case was caused by a mutation in the alpha-globin gene leading to Hb Evans. Inclusion of alpha and beta-globin genes in routine NGS approaches for RADs has to be considered to improve diagnosis’ efficiency of RAD due to UHs. Reducing misdiagnoses and underdiagnoses of UH variants, especially of the severe forms leading to dBTHAL would also facilitate the early start of intensive or curative treatments for these patients.This study was supported by funding from the authors’ institutions and the European Commission H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019, Grant Agreement N860436, “EVIDENCE.
Determinacions del perfil genètic del càncer pediàtric
Oncologia; Perfil genètic; Càncer pediàtric; PrecisióOncología; Perfil genético; Cáncer pediátrico; PrecisiónOncology; Genetic profile; Pediatric cancer; AccuracyL'àmbit d'aquest grup de treball és la implementació de panels NGS per a diagnòstic / pronòstic / tractament de càncer en pacients menors de 18 anys (oncologia i hematologia). Els casos de predisposició genètica en pacients pediàtrics es tractaran en el grup de predisposició genètica. El càncer infantil comprèn més de 40 entitats entre leucèmies, limfomes, tumors cerebrals i sòlids extracranials; per la qual cosa no és possible tècnicament o operativament fer panels específics per a cada un d'aquests càncers. Serà necessari utilitzar panels comercials o acadèmics dissenyats específicament per a càncer infantil