37 research outputs found

    Decentralized prioritized planning in large multirobot teams

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    In this paper, we address the problem of distributed path planning for large teams of hundreds of robots in constrained environments. We introduce two distributed prioritized planning algorithms: an efficient, complete method which is shown to converge to the centralized prioritized planner solution, and a sparse method in which robots discover collisions probabilistically. Planning is divided into a number of iterations, during which every robot simultaneously and independently computes a planning solution based on other robots' path information from the previous iteration. Paths are exchanged in ways that exploit the cooperative nature of the team and a statistical phenomenon known as the "birthday paradox". Performance is measured in simulated 2D environments with teams of up to 240 robots. We find that in moderately constrained environments, these methods generate solutions of similar quality to a centralized prioritized planner, but display interesting communication and planning time characteristics

    A Token-Based Approach to Sharing Beliefs in a Large Multiagent Team

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    Abstract. The performance of a cooperative team depends on the views that individual team members build of the environment in which they are operating. Teams with many vehicles and sensors generate a large amount of information from which to create those views. However, bandwidth limitations typically prevent exhaustive sharing of this information. As team size and information diversity grows, it becomes even harder to provide agents with needed information within bandwidth constraints, and it is impractical for members to maintain any detailed information for every team mate. Building on previous token-based algorithms, this chapter presents an approach for efficiently sharing information in large teams. The key distinction from previous work is that this approach models differences in how agents in the team value knowledge and certainty about features. By allowing the tokens passed through the network to passively estimate the value of certain types of information to regions of the network, it is possible to improve token routing through the use of local decision-theoretic models. We show that intelligent routing and stopping can increase the amount of locally useful information received by team members while making more efficient use of agents’ communication resources.

    Distributed model shaping for scaling to decentralized POMDPs with hundreds of agents

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    The use of distributed POMDPs for cooperative teams has been severely limited by the incredibly large joint policyspace that results from combining the policy-spaces of the individual agents. However, much of the computational cost of exploring the entire joint policy space can be avoided by observing that in many domains important interactions between agents occur in a relatively small set of scenarios, previously defined as coordination locales (CLs) [11]. Moreover, even when numerous interactions might occur, given a set of individual policies there are relatively few actual interactions. Exploiting this observation and building on an existing model shaping algorithm, this paper presents D-TREMOR, an algorithm in which cooperative agents iteratively generate individual policies, identify and communicate possibl