421 research outputs found

    Psychometric properties of the influences on planning decision-making in physical education questionnaire (CIPEF)

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    The present study analyzes the psychometric properties of the Influences on the Planning Decision-Making in Physical Education Questionnaire (CIPEF). Literature had contributed instruments for measuring beliefs and value orientations toward Physical Education, but there are no instruments that measure the in"uence of speci$c factors on teachers’ decision-making when planning Physical Education. Method. The sample consisted of 335 Andalusian teachers (238 men and 97 women, average age= 29.85 ± 10.94 years). Exploratory and confirmatory analyses were conducted in order to analyze the factorial structure of the questionnaire. The results showed the viability and adequacy of an eight-factor structure (curriculum standards, preservice training, physical environment, teaching experiences, physical activities experiences, socialization by other teachers, material and equipment, and level of preparation in the subject matters) with adequate fit indices of reliability and validity, and showing strong evidences of stability of the obtained factorial structure. Discussion. This instrument could be used in the analysis of teachers’ planning decision-making, which has been studied mainly through qualitative approaches up till now. Further research is recommended in order to corroborate these findings


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    The present study analyses the psychometric properties of the Selfefficacy Scale in the Field of Teamwork and Leadership in men and women university students. The overall sample consisted of 2089 participants: 902 women and 1187 men, with a mean age of 18.53 years (SD= 1.52) and 18.99 years (SD= 1.80) respectively. Psychometric analysis showed that a twofactorial structure (Teamwork and Entrepreneurship) was viable and adequate for both populations (men and woman) according to the established psychometric requirements when the informers are the students themselves. In addition, the factor structure, factor loadings and intercepts are considered invariant in the two groups; however, there are differences between groups for the means of Teamwork factor

    Invarianza factorial de una escala de autoeficacia en deportistas y no deportistas

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    El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue examinar la invarianza factorial de la escala de autoeficacia en el cuidado de la alimentación y salud física (ECASF) en universitarios mexicanos deportistas y no deportistas. La muestra total fue de 1.305 universitarios mexicanos (707 mujeres, 598 hombres), con una edad media de 20.46 años (DT = 1.87). Los análisis factoriales confirmatorios mostraron que una estructura de cinco factores es viable y adecuada para ambas poblaciones. Atendiendo a criterios estadísticos y sustantivos la estructura de cinco factores (ejercicio físico, cuidado de la alimentación, afrontamiento de problemas, evitación del consumo de tabaco y evitación del consumo de alcohol), ha mostrado adecuados indicadores de ajuste de fiabilidad y validez. Además, la estructura factorial, las cargas factoriales y los interceptos se consideran invariantes en las dos poblaciones estudiadas; sin embargo, existen diferencias entre las poblaciones para las medias de los factores ejercicio físico, cuidado de la alimentación, afrontamiento de problemas y evitación del consumo de tabaco. Por último, el presente estudio también confirma la validez del modelo pentadimensional propuesto en estudios anteriores. Futuras investigaciones deberían replicar estos hallazgos en poblaciones con diferentes factores culturales y personales.The aim of this study was to examine factorial invariance of the Self-efficacy in Diet and Physical Wellness Scale (ECASF) in Mexican university sportsmen and non-sportsmen. The final sample comprised 1.305 Mexican university students (707 women, 598 men), whose average age was 20.46 years (SD=1.87). Confirmatory factorial analyses showed that a five-factor scale is feasible and adequate for both populations. In accordance with statistical and substantial criteria, the five factor structure (physical exercise, nutritional care, problems confrontation, avoiding tobacco, and avoiding alcohol) displayed good indexes of fit both in terms of reliability and validity. Moreover, factorial structure and loads, as well as intercepts, were found to be invariant in both populations; however, differences were found with regard to average values of physical exercise, nutritional care, problems confrontation, and avoiding tobacco. Finally, the present study confirms the validity of a Penta dimensional model proposed in previous studies. Future research should replicate these procedures in populations with different cultural and personal characteristics.O principal objetivo deste estudo foi examinar a invariância fatorial da escala de auto-eficácia no atendimento de alimentação e saúde física (ECASF) em atletas universitários mexicanos e não-atletas. A amostra total foi de 1.305 estudantes mexicanos universitários (707 mulheres, 598 homens), com idade média de 20,46 anos (DP = 1,87). A análise factorial confirmatória mostrou que uma estrutura de cinco fator é viável e adequado para ambas as populações. Em resposta a critérios estatísticos e estrutura substantiva de cinco factores (exercício físico, cuidados de nutrição, lidar problemas, evitando o consumo de tabaco e álcool), mostrou indicadores de ajuste adequados de fiabilidade e validade. Além disso, a estrutura fatorial, cargas fatoriais e Intercepções são considerados invariante nas duas populações estudadas; no entanto, existem diferenças entre as populações para as médias de factores de exercícios físicos, cuidado da alimentação, lidar com problemas e evitando o consumo de tabaco. Finalmente, este estudo também confirma a validade do modelo de cinco dimensões propostas em estudos anteriores. Pesquisas futuras devem replicar estes hallazgos em populações com diferentes fatores culturais e pessoais

    Composición factorial del cuestionario IMAGEN en universitarios mexicanos

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    El presente estudio pretende obtener datos psicométricos sobre el cuestionario para la evaluación de la insatisfacción con la imagen corporal (Solano-Pinto y Cano-Vindel, 2010). La muestra fue de 411 universitarios mexicanos, con una edad media de 20.65 años (DE=1.92). La estructura factorial del cuestionario se analizó a través de análisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios. Los análisis muestran que una estructura de cinco factores es viable y adecuada. La estructura de cinco factores (perceptivo, malestar emocional, comportamental, planteamiento de cambio y ansiedad), atendiendo a criterios estadísticos y sustantivos, ha mostrado adecuados indicadores de ajuste de fiabilidad y validez. Sin embargo el modelo obtenido no coincide totalmente con el planteado por los autores de la prueba, aunque continúa avalando el componente multifactorial de la insatisfacción corporal. Futuras investigaciones deberían replicar estos hallazgos en muestras más amplias.The aim of this study is to obtain psychometric data for the evaluation of dissatisfaction with body image Questionnaire (Solano-Pinto y Cano-Vindel, 2010). A total of 411 Mexican university students participated (average of age = 20.65 ± 1.92 years) in this study. The factor structure of the questionnaire was analyzed trough exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Results showed a feasible and adequate structure of five factors (perceptual, emotional distress, behavioral, approach change and anxiety), with adequate fit indices of reliability and validity, according to statistical and substantive criteria. However, the obtained model does not fully coincide with that propose by the authors of the test, but continues giving support to the multifactorial component of body dissatisfaction. Future research should replicate these findings in wider samples.O presente estudo pretende obter dados psicométricos sobre o questionário pala avaliação da insatisfação com a imagem corporal (SolanoPinto y Cano-Vindel, 2010). A amostra foi de 411 universitários mexicanos, com idade media de 20.65 anos (DE=1.92). A estrutura fatorial do questionário analisou-se através de análises fatoriais exploratórios e confirmatórios. As análises mostram que uma estrutura de cinco fatores é viável e adequada. A estrutura de cinco fatores (percetivo, mal-estar emocional, comportamental, enfoque de cambio e ansiedade), de acordo com critérios estadísticos e substantivos, mostrou indicadores adequados de ajuste de fiabilidade e validez. Não obstante, o modelo obtido não coincide totalmente com o proposto pelos autores do teste, ainda que continuasse avalizando o componente multifatorial da insatisfação corporal. Investigações futuras deveriam replicar estos achados em amostras mais amplias

    Academic self-efficacy in first year students college of health sciences

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    Self-efficacy learning is an important component of learning for college. Academic self-efficacy refers to the degree of confidence that health sciences students could successfully complete on college-task. The purpose of this research lies on the specific characteristics of health sciences students according to their academic self-efficacy by comparing their profiles with students that chose a different discipline. The Academic self-efficacy sample was done to 2089 subjects: 902 women and 1187 men, all of them freshmen students from the different careers at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua who responded to a survey questionnaire, with an average age of 18.23 years (SD = 0.74). This is a quantitative approach with a descriptive survey design type. The results obtained by comparing students of health sciences, with students from other disciplines show that perceived self-efficacy in academic behaviors is very similar each other

    Editor for creating and applying computerise surveys

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    The parallel development of the psychometric assessments and the computer technologies determined a big revolution regarding the construction and the application of psychological and educational tests. This report describes a computerized system that allows researchers to creating, applying, and tabulating surveys and paper instruments in an automatized way. Many studies describe the use of this tool, highlighting its main characteristics. This system can be considered a useful tool, since it permits to input data with higher precision and no need for previous codifications. Further, it allows researchers to know the latency period from the answer to each and every item. The prospects about new versions of the system stress on: extending the number of measured topics; creating automatic corrections systems; managing data via internet; and selecting the most valid items to measure each matter or specific groups of persons

    Self-efficacy perceived in academic behaviors in university students of ‘health’ and ‘social’ sciences

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    The aim of this present study consisted in comparing the profiles of the academic Self-efficacy perceived in ‘Social’ and ‘Health’ Sciences University students. The total sample was 1113 subjects; 524 from Health Sciences and 589 from Social Sciences, with an average age of 18.20 years (DS= 0.72) and 18.24 years (DS=0.74) respectively. The approach adopted in this research was framed into a quantitative approach with a descriptive design, survey type. The results show that the perceived self-efficacy profiles are very similar among ‘Social’ and ‘Health’ Sciences students. And behaviors related to ‘Communication’ factor, represent an opportunity area for University students in their first year. Future studies should replicate these findings with larger samples

    Impacto de competencias profesionales en la formación de estudiantes de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, México

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    Expertos en teoría curricular, proponen que un plan de estudios deberá atenderse con ejercicios de reforma curricular al menos cada cuatro años. La presente investigación, refiere resultados de un primer acercamiento al Modelo Educativo centrado en el aprendizaje y basado en competencias que se aprobó en el año 2005 para la Licenciatura en Educación Física de la Facultad de Educación Física y Ciencias del Deporte de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua. Con la participación de 279 sujetos, considero como variable predictiva a los estudiantes de la carrera según sus áreas de opción curricular: salud, deporte y educación, y como variable de resultados las competencias: cultura en salud; elementos conceptuales básicos; prestación de servicios en salud y la competencia de investigación en las áreas de salud y educación. Mediante la aplicación de una escala tipo likert se encontró que los estudiantes al finalizar su carrera, perciben que el desarrollo de sus competencias profesionales desde la perspectiva de resultados de aprendizaje lo califican en su gran mayoría como aceptables (2-3). Fueron menos los dominios que se calificaron en el rango de competentes (3-4), encontrando además diferencias significativas entre los valores de dominios por competencia y áreas curriculares en particular. El presente trabajo es parte de un proyecto que valora todas las competencias de la carrera (básica, profesional y específica). Se recomienda seguir realizando estudios que consideren la calidad del modelo educativo desde la perspectiva de intervención, así como su impacto relacionado con el rendimiento académico, la trayectoria escolar, aspectos sociales y emocionales del estudiante